What is your breaking point?


Nov 20, 2011
What is your breaking point? Taking your guns? Taxing you more? Taking away your right to assemble? Freedom of speech? government corruption? I believe everyone has one and I am curious as to what the majority think. Personally mine is the freedom to bear arms as it is the last fail safe or line of defense in the event of a rogue government. Thank You for any input.
What is your breaking point?

Backwards it used to be at 25 degrees, now it's probably somewhere around 10 degrees........ the arms and legs have always been much less flexible......... except the left knee, but the surgeon fixed that after the skiing accident..........
What is your breaking point? Taking your guns? Taxing you more? Taking away your right to assemble? Freedom of speech? government corruption? I believe everyone has one and I am curious as to what the majority think. Personally mine is the freedom to bear arms as it is the last fail safe or line of defense in the event of a rogue government. Thank You for any input.

Most of the industrialized world is freer than we are and gun ownership is rare.

People who can only feel "free" if they own a gun have deep seated insecurities.

Guess what guy, the government will always have more guns, better guns and they will be better with them. And if the government ever feels the need to take you out, it will be to the cheers of your neighbors because you frighten the children.

What is your breaking point? Taking your guns? Taxing you more? Taking away your right to assemble? Freedom of speech? government corruption? I believe everyone has one and I am curious as to what the majority think. Personally mine is the freedom to bear arms as it is the last fail safe or line of defense in the event of a rogue government. Thank You for any input.

What does breaking point mean?

The point where you start to actually get involved in shaping your government?
The point where you stand in the street and hold a sign?
The point where you passively resist the system?
The point where you actively resist the system?
The point where criminal behavior becomes acceptable for the greater good?
The point where violence turns into the solution??
The whole owning a gun thing - I mean I really hope that noone has delusions of grandeur that you posess them for protection from the Government. That's ridiculous. What's a 9mm going to do against an unmanned bombing drone? aha

But I believe in gun ownership for protection of one's self/home and family from criminals. Anyhoo, noone should be close to their breaking point as all of this "freedom loss" talk is typically hyperbole and not anything real. We have historically low taxes, there's no alcohol prohibition, there's no real institutionalized discrimination, you can protest, you can mock the sitting President freely online and outdoors, and anyone in Congress, etc.

You can release youtube propoganda videos all you want.
You can be Alex Jones who pretends to expose how the Government is "out to get you!!" - meanwhile, he somehow continues to broadcast and get paid to do so.
We have highly rated dissenting talk radio, news channels, etc.

It's mostly hyperbole.

Am I mad that they can detain someone who declares war on the US in the form of Jihad, despite their nationality? No. They always could, they just got more specific with the new bill so that noone was confused.

Am I mad that the TSA searches me before a plane ride? Hell to the mother fuck no, lol, I'm askurred to fly enough as it is, and if I was really all that bent out of shape about it I'd drive or take a boat instead. These things are really no big fucking deal to me.

The Government "monitors" the internet>? So fucking what! So do you and I!~ And they're the ones fitted with the job to stop terror plots, etc. and have done so many times over.

People need to get a fucking grip and think about what you've "really" lost by way of freedoms.
The whole owning a gun thing - I mean I really hope that noone has delusions of grandeur that you posess them for protection from the Government. That's ridiculous. What's a 9mm going to do against an unmanned bombing drone? aha

So true. Most people who own guns for these reasons will do nothing but get themselves killed when government comes to collect them. If the military knocks on your door to collect your guns then just give them up. Resistance has already failed and you will be fighting for nothing.
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The whole owning a gun thing - I mean I really hope that noone has delusions of grandeur that you posess them for protection from the Government. That's ridiculous. What's a 9mm going to do against an unmanned bombing drone? aha

So true. Most people who own guns for these reasons will do is get themselves killed when government comes to collect them. If the military knocks on your door to collect your guns then just give them up. Resistance has already failed and you will be fighting for nothing.
Better dead than chained by a meathead.
The whole owning a gun thing - I mean I really hope that noone has delusions of grandeur that you posess them for protection from the Government. That's ridiculous. What's a 9mm going to do against an unmanned bombing drone? aha

So true. Most people who own guns for these reasons will do is get themselves killed when government comes to collect them. If the military knocks on your door to collect your guns then just give them up. Resistance has already failed and you will be fighting for nothing.
Better dead than chained by a meathead.

what s0n? You dont stay and fight you cut & run and then complain about what you left. There's a word for that. :eusa_angel:
What is your breaking point? Taking your guns? Taxing you more? Taking away your right to assemble? Freedom of speech? government corruption? I believe everyone has one and I am curious as to what the majority think. Personally mine is the freedom to bear arms as it is the last fail safe or line of defense in the event of a rogue government. Thank You for any input.

Most of the industrialized world is freer than we are and gun ownership is rare.

People who can only feel "free" if they own a gun have deep seated insecurities.

Guess what guy, the government will always have more guns, better guns and they will be better with them. And if the government ever feels the need to take you out, it will be to the cheers of your neighbors because you frighten the children.


The second amendment was placed into the constitution by the founders for that sole purpose, so that the citizens have a means to protect themselves from government. It has nothing to do with insecurities, it has everything to do with liberty. If the second amendment fails, so does the rest of your rights. Do you honestly think that if we did not have the second amendment that this government would not have run rough shod over us years ago? They would have.
The whole owning a gun thing - I mean I really hope that noone has delusions of grandeur that you posess them for protection from the Government. That's ridiculous. What's a 9mm going to do against an unmanned bombing drone? aha

So true. Most people who own guns for these reasons will do nothing but get themselves killed when government comes to collect them. If the military knocks on your door to collect your guns then just give them up. Resistance has already failed and you will be fighting for nothing.

I would rather fight to my death for my constitutional rights than hand over my guns to a tyrannical government. If people are so willing to just hand them over then the people have failed the republic.
What is your breaking point? Taking your guns? Taxing you more? Taking away your right to assemble? Freedom of speech? government corruption? I believe everyone has one and I am curious as to what the majority think. Personally mine is the freedom to bear arms as it is the last fail safe or line of defense in the event of a rogue government. Thank You for any input.

Most of the industrialized world is freer than we are and gun ownership is rare.

People who can only feel "free" if they own a gun have deep seated insecurities.

Guess what guy, the government will always have more guns, better guns and they will be better with them. And if the government ever feels the need to take you out, it will be to the cheers of your neighbors because you frighten the children.


The second amendment was placed into the constitution by the founders for that sole purpose, so that the citizens have a means to protect themselves from government. It has nothing to do with insecurities, it has everything to do with liberty. If the second amendment fails, so does the rest of your rights. Do you honestly think that if we did not have the second amendment that this government would not have run rough shod over us years ago? They would have.

The Government has nukes. Your guns are irrelevant to them. They're not going to put us in "camps" and shit dude. It's 2012. The whole world is watching.
My breaking point has already been hit, I think it was the moment I realized that noone in the congress or senate is ever going to stand up for the constitution and impeach this clown for the many violations of his oath. And for this, they all need thrown out again and replaced with constitutionalists. But that wont happen either, too many citizens sucking the gubment Teet for that to happen.
My breaking point has already been hit, I think it was the moment I realized that noone in the congress or senate is ever going to stand up for the constitution and impeach this clown for the many violations of his oath. And for this, they all need thrown out again and replaced with constitutionalists. But that wont happen either, too many citizens sucking the gubment Teet for that to happen.

so what are you going to do about it then
So true. Most people who own guns for these reasons will do is get themselves killed when government comes to collect them. If the military knocks on your door to collect your guns then just give them up. Resistance has already failed and you will be fighting for nothing.
Better dead than chained by a meathead.

what s0n? You dont stay and fight you cut & run and then complain about what you left. There's a word for that. :eusa_angel:
I went to Walmart right before I left and asked for some help.
I was trampled and nearly killed by people trying to get to discounted shoes with red lights embedded in the heels.
What is your breaking point? Taking your guns? Taxing you more? Taking away your right to assemble? Freedom of speech? government corruption? I believe everyone has one and I am curious as to what the majority think. Personally mine is the freedom to bear arms as it is the last fail safe or line of defense in the event of a rogue government. Thank You for any input.

What does breaking point mean?

The point where you start to actually get involved in shaping your government?
The point where you stand in the street and hold a sign?
The point where you passively resist the system?
The point where you actively resist the system?
The point where criminal behavior becomes acceptable for the greater good?
The point where violence turns into the solution??
Thank you for the responses. In answer to what is the breaking point. My feelings are that my breaking point is the point of where everyone else and everything is insignificant. It is the point of viewing all the chatter about issues are ear numbing as it is business as usual and no matter what you say or do is of no consequence. It is the point of where I believe that all are for themselves and unity has limitations based on self interest. Point is where all you listed above in your comment are no longer options as I believe they are of not a means of achieving anything.
In summary it is where you I find myself neck deep in peoples bull shit about solutions while my rights are being stripped, my means of survival being erased and people insisting that political correctness and cordial and polite behavior must always be performed. I no longer hold to societies demands. If others offend me, I let them know. If others try and harm me in any way I react in the most viscous and precise manner I can legally. It is the point the legal no longer restrains my actions is THAT IS MY BREAKING POINT. Have a nice day.
Better dead than chained by a meathead.

what s0n? You dont stay and fight you cut & run and then complain about what you left. There's a word for that. :eusa_angel:
I went to Walmart right before I left and asked for some help.
I was trampled and nearly killed by people trying to get to discounted shoes with red lights embedded in the heels.

The originals were called BK Lights, they were cool as hell. Then they got obnoxious. Still a cool idea at the beginning.
Most of the industrialized world is freer than we are and gun ownership is rare.

People who can only feel "free" if they own a gun have deep seated insecurities.

Guess what guy, the government will always have more guns, better guns and they will be better with them. And if the government ever feels the need to take you out, it will be to the cheers of your neighbors because you frighten the children.


The second amendment was placed into the constitution by the founders for that sole purpose, so that the citizens have a means to protect themselves from government. It has nothing to do with insecurities, it has everything to do with liberty. If the second amendment fails, so does the rest of your rights. Do you honestly think that if we did not have the second amendment that this government would not have run rough shod over us years ago? They would have.

The Government has nukes. Your guns are irrelevant to them. They're not going to put us in "camps" and shit dude. It's 2012. The whole world is watching.

The world doesn't give a rats ass about us, they are pissed off at us, mostly because of our own economic situation that has riffled to there own countries. I used to think the one world order crowd was crazy, but the more I learn about it the more it makes sense in the direction we and many other countries are headed. That and look at how many presidents in the past has mentioned "One world order". Nobody is coming to our rescue, noone.
FDR set precedent in encampments in the 40's after pearl harbor was bombed when he interned the japanese citizens, the fema camps where built for incarceration, not to help people in need after a hurricane. Everything these people have brought to the table in the last 100 years has been designed to transform this country from what it once was into a tyranny. It's all on schedule and there will be an endgame.
To be naive is to be willing to let it happen. Everybody always says it could never happen here, I say it is already happening.
My breaking point has already been hit, I think it was the moment I realized that noone in the congress or senate is ever going to stand up for the constitution and impeach this clown for the many violations of his oath. And for this, they all need thrown out again and replaced with constitutionalists. But that wont happen either, too many citizens sucking the gubment Teet for that to happen.

so what are you going to do about it then

Vote, but then again, there is so much voter fraud it's hard to tell if my vote even means anything anymore.
i think mine is when the economy collapses or when the US government debt is never addressed/reversed.

wow, i'm guess i'm close huh?
The second amendment was placed into the constitution by the founders for that sole purpose, so that the citizens have a means to protect themselves from government. It has nothing to do with insecurities, it has everything to do with liberty. If the second amendment fails, so does the rest of your rights. Do you honestly think that if we did not have the second amendment that this government would not have run rough shod over us years ago? They would have.

The Government has nukes. Your guns are irrelevant to them. They're not going to put us in "camps" and shit dude. It's 2012. The whole world is watching.

The world doesn't give a rats ass about us, they are pissed off at us, mostly because of our own economic situation that has riffled to there own countries. I used to think the one world order crowd was crazy, but the more I learn about it the more it makes sense in the direction we and many other countries are headed. That and look at how many presidents in the past has mentioned "One world order". Nobody is coming to our rescue, noone.
FDR set precedent in encampments in the 40's after pearl harbor was bombed when he interned the japanese citizens, the fema camps where built for incarceration, not to help people in need after a hurricane. Everything these people have brought to the table in the last 100 years has been designed to transform this country from what it once was into a tyranny. It's all on schedule and there will be an endgame.
To be naive is to be willing to let it happen. Everybody always says it could never happen here, I say it is already happening.

That's loony.

Half the dudes in Government TRULY hate each other, they're not all going around keeping a "big secret."

And lemme know the purpose of "starting" a shift towards a one world order conspiracy over 100 years ago that's "on schedule" when its supposed Founders/designers are too dead by now to reap any of its benefits anyways.


The only grandiose conspiracy in the world is the delegation of resources. But it's really not a conspiracy or hidden, it's being done right out in the open. & newsflash, (and i thought you were military?)...................the boys and girls who are all of our families are not going to encamp us. The Japanese were let go after WWII and it was frowned upon, what happened, and you didn't go seeing Muslim Americans across the country sent to camps, less the few terror suspects out of what is a VAST Muslim population in America.

There's noone under your bed, for real I checked.
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