What is wrong with the people of Austin, Texas? Why are they so damned unattractive?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
First of all, I understand that women have no obligation to look attractive for me. Not saying that they do. But I do enjoy admiring beautiful women, especially the gorgeous ladies of all kinds we have in Texas.

Except in Austin.

I couldn't help but notice by the end of the first day of a three day mini-cation that ended yesterday, that there were almost no women worth looking at. In fact, most were women that I actually turned my eyes away from. The men also. I don't watch men the same way I watch women, but I can be repelled by a particularly unattractive man, and that described almost all of them in that city. I didn't figure out why until the last day. More than one reason:

1. No one was trying to attractive. There were not as many dyed haired types wanting to look freaky as we have in Houston. I thought Austin would be full of them. But to die the hair multi-colors and to wear a nose ring, and chains for a belt requires effort, and the effort was missing. In Houston, even the freaks go for an asthetic apeal. Same in Dallas, San Antonio and Corpus.

2. Tall women with broad shoulders, wearing loose jeans. Outside Austin, I automatically think "trannie," but in Austin it took me a while to snap to that. Because in Houston, we have plenty of trannies. The first sign is that they are overly made up, like paradies of women. In Austin, the trannies don't gussy up, because they're not trying to be pretty girls, they just think they are really girls and wear the same frumpy clothes that other Austin girls do, but look even worse in them.

3. No one was smiling. In the Houston area, anywhere I go in public, people are smiling and happy. They make jokes, they laugh, they carry on happy conversations. Even if they are not smiling and laughing, they have blissful expressions on their faces, or determined expressions, or curious expressions. In Austin I would best describe the typical expression as funerial. Really grim. But not like a funeral for and old person who lived a long life and left them an inheritance. More like after a funeral for their only friend whose financial support they lived on and will now be gone. Everyone looks like that.

The architecture in Austin reminds me of the Soviet Union. Completely functional and really grim looking. I mentioned all this to my son and he said that it is Brutalism. I've heard of Brutalism as a form of archeticture, but he says it is also the new thing for hipsters to never look happy. It's worse than Goth. At least in Houston, the Goth kids were cynical nihilists, but they seem to at least enjoy their perceved superiority to the conformists.

I saw one good looking woman in Austin and that was in the poker room. The people there were more peppy than other Austinites, but not nearly as rowdy and fun-loving as Houston players.

I was starting to wonder if maybe dressing cute was out of style for women, until we hit the Buc-ee's halfway home. Like diving into a pool of cool drinking water after walking throught the desert.
Times I went to Austin, I thought the women were pretty hot.
The area around UT and 6th street has some attractive women

I found Austin to have more culture than Dallas or Houston.
Great nightlife, music, restaurants
First of all, I understand that women have no obligation to look attractive for me. Not saying that they do. But I do enjoy admiring beautiful women, especially the gorgeous ladies of all kinds we have in Texas.

Except in Austin.

I couldn't help but notice by the end of the first day of a three day mini-cation that ended yesterday, that there were almost no women worth looking at. In fact, most were women that I actually turned my eyes away from. The men also. I don't watch men the same way I watch women, but I can be repelled by a particularly unattractive man, and that described almost all of them in that city. I didn't figure out why until the last day. More than one reason:

1. No one was trying to attractive. There were not as many dyed haired types wanting to look freaky as we have in Houston. I thought Austin would be full of them. But to die the hair multi-colors and to wear a nose ring, and chains for a belt requires effort, and the effort was missing. In Houston, even the freaks go for an asthetic apeal. Same in Dallas, San Antonio and Corpus.

2. Tall women with broad shoulders, wearing loose jeans. Outside Austin, I automatically think "trannie," but in Austin it took me a while to snap to that. Because in Houston, we have plenty of trannies. The first sign is that they are overly made up, like paradies of women. In Austin, the trannies don't gussy up, because they're not trying to be pretty girls, they just think they are really girls and wear the same frumpy clothes that other Austin girls do, but look even worse in them.

3. No one was smiling. In the Houston area, anywhere I go in public, people are smiling and happy. They make jokes, they laugh, they carry on happy conversations. Even if they are not smiling and laughing, they have blissful expressions on their faces, or determined expressions, or curious expressions. In Austin I would best describe the typical expression as funerial. Really grim. But not like a funeral for and old person who lived a long life and left them an inheritance. More like after a funeral for their only friend whose financial support they lived on and will now be gone. Everyone looks like that.

The architecture in Austin reminds me of the Soviet Union. Completely functional and really grim looking. I mentioned all this to my son and he said that it is Brutalism. I've heard of Brutalism as a form of archeticture, but he says it is also the new thing for hipsters to never look happy. It's worse than Goth. At least in Houston, the Goth kids were cynical nihilists, but they seem to at least enjoy their perceved superiority to the conformists.

I saw one good looking woman in Austin and that was in the poker room. The people there were more peppy than other Austinites, but not nearly as rowdy and fun-loving as Houston players.

I was starting to wonder if maybe dressing cute was out of style for women, until we hit the Buc-ee's halfway home. Like diving into a pool of cool drinking water after walking throught the desert.
Texas does have beautiful women, maybe close to California. I’ve not been to Austin, so I can’t say. Houston and Dallas seem to have their share of attractive women. San Antonio too.
I've been to Austin a couple of times for music show. The women I saw were seriously hot.

The worst place, as far as a lack of attractive women, was a decent sized town in Indiana. My (then) wife and daughter and I were out to eat and then do a little shopping.

If what we saw was put in a beauty pageant, my wife would place 1st, and my daughter would have come in 2nd. And I would have placed in the top 10.
First of all, I understand that women have no obligation to look attractive for me. Not saying that they do. But I do enjoy admiring beautiful women, especially the gorgeous ladies of all kinds we have in Texas.

Except in Austin.

I couldn't help but notice by the end of the first day of a three day mini-cation that ended yesterday, that there were almost no women worth looking at. In fact, most were women that I actually turned my eyes away from. The men also. I don't watch men the same way I watch women, but I can be repelled by a particularly unattractive man, and that described almost all of them in that city. I didn't figure out why until the last day. More than one reason:

1. No one was trying to attractive. There were not as many dyed haired types wanting to look freaky as we have in Houston. I thought Austin would be full of them. But to die the hair multi-colors and to wear a nose ring, and chains for a belt requires effort, and the effort was missing. In Houston, even the freaks go for an asthetic apeal. Same in Dallas, San Antonio and Corpus.

2. Tall women with broad shoulders, wearing loose jeans. Outside Austin, I automatically think "trannie," but in Austin it took me a while to snap to that. Because in Houston, we have plenty of trannies. The first sign is that they are overly made up, like paradies of women. In Austin, the trannies don't gussy up, because they're not trying to be pretty girls, they just think they are really girls and wear the same frumpy clothes that other Austin girls do, but look even worse in them.

3. No one was smiling. In the Houston area, anywhere I go in public, people are smiling and happy. They make jokes, they laugh, they carry on happy conversations. Even if they are not smiling and laughing, they have blissful expressions on their faces, or determined expressions, or curious expressions. In Austin I would best describe the typical expression as funerial. Really grim. But not like a funeral for and old person who lived a long life and left them an inheritance. More like after a funeral for their only friend whose financial support they lived on and will now be gone. Everyone looks like that.

The architecture in Austin reminds me of the Soviet Union. Completely functional and really grim looking. I mentioned all this to my son and he said that it is Brutalism. I've heard of Brutalism as a form of archeticture, but he says it is also the new thing for hipsters to never look happy. It's worse than Goth. At least in Houston, the Goth kids were cynical nihilists, but they seem to at least enjoy their perceved superiority to the conformists.

I saw one good looking woman in Austin and that was in the poker room. The people there were more peppy than other Austinites, but not nearly as rowdy and fun-loving as Houston players.

I was starting to wonder if maybe dressing cute was out of style for women, until we hit the Buc-ee's halfway home. Like diving into a pool of cool drinking water after walking throught the desert.
First of all, I understand that women have no obligation to look attractive for me.

Doesn't seem like you DO understand that.
Times I went to Austin, I thought the women were pretty hot.
The area around UT and 6th street has some attractive women
I'm sure UT has its share of attractive girls. I don't want to be the creepy sixty year old checking out 18 year olds. I'm sure in that Democrat city, they girls are used to it. Or not. I don't know if the men of Austin have any interest in women at all. I saw couple, but none of them seemed happy to be in each other's company.

I'm not talking just about white emo kids, I mean people of all races, Indian (dot), Asian, black, Hispanic, and all ages, just looking miserable all the time.
I found Austin to have more culture than Dallas or Houston.
Great nightlife, music, restaurants
Probably. They have at least one great poker room. So great that I didn't both to check out the others that trip. Best players I've played with, except on room in Houston By best, I mean easiest fish to clean.

I was going to spend some of their money at Eddie V's, which is one of the few high-end restaurants with a lot of menu options, including crab cakes which are my wife's favorite. But I didn't really want to pay top dollar to be served by people with that Austin attitude.
If what we saw was put in a beauty pageant, my wife would place 1st, and my daughter would have come in 2nd. And I would have placed in the top 10.

You totally nailed it in the swimsuit competition.

That thing you did for the talent competition was very inventive, too. I didn't know a person could be that flexible.
First of all, I understand that women have no obligation to look attractive for me.

Doesn't seem like you DO understand that.
No, I DO understand that. I gave that disclaimer so as to avoid melting any feminist* snowflakes. Apparently, in vain.

My point is that in non-Austin Texas, women do look attractive, not for me, but they don't hide from me either, so I benefit from and appreciate their efforts.

But, some on here are swearing that Austin women are hot, so maybe I didn't look in the right places. In Houston, all the places are right, though.

*I din't know there were any feminists left. I thought they had surrendered to the trannies, so if you have not, kudos.
First of all, I understand that women have no obligation to look attractive for me. Not saying that they do. But I do enjoy admiring beautiful women, especially the gorgeous ladies of all kinds we have in Texas.

Except in Austin.

I couldn't help but notice by the end of the first day of a three day mini-cation that ended yesterday, that there were almost no women worth looking at. In fact, most were women that I actually turned my eyes away from. The men also. I don't watch men nothe same way I watch women, but I can be repelled by a particularly unattractive man, and that described almost all of them in that city. I didn't figure out why until the last day. More than one reason:

1. No one was trying to attractive. There were not as many dyed haired types wanting to look freaky as we have in Houston. I thought Austin would be full of them. But to die the hair multi-colors and to wear a nose ring, and chains for a belt requires effort, and the effort was missing. In Houston, even the freaks go for an asthetic apeal. Same in Dallas, San Antonio and Corpus.

2. Tall women with broad shoulders, wearing loose jeans. Outside Austin, I automatically think "trannie," but in Austin it took me a while to snap to that. Because in Houston, we have plenty of trannies. The first sign is that they are overly made up, like paradies of women. In Austin, the trannies don't gussy up, because they're not trying to be pretty girls, they just think they are really girls and wear the same frumpy clothes that other Austin girls do, but look even worse in them.

3. No one was smiling. In the Houston area, anywhere I go in public, people are smiling and happy. They make jokes, they laugh, they carry on happy conversations. Even if they are not smiling and laughing, they have blissful expressions on their faces, or determined expressions, or curious expressions. In Austin I would best describe the typical expression as funerial. Really grim. But not like a funeral for and old person who lived a long life and left them an inheritance. More like after a funeral for their only friend whose financial support they lived on and will now be gone. Everyone looks like that.

The architecture in Austin reminds me of the Soviet Union. Completely functional and really grim looking. I mentioned all this to my son and he said that it is Brutalism. I've heard of Brutalism as a form of archeticture, but he says it is also the new thing for hipsters to never look happy. It's worse than Goth. At least in Houston, the Goth kids were cynical nihilists, but they seem to at least enjoy their perceved superiority to the conformists.

I saw one good looking woman in Austin and that was in the poker room. The people there were more peppy than other Austinites, but not nearly as rowdy and fun-loving as Houston players.

I was starting to wonder if maybe dressing cute was out of style for women, until we hit the Buc-ee's halfway home. Like diving into a pool of cool drinking water after walking throught the desert.

Times I went to Austin, I thought the women were pretty hot.
The area around UT and 6th street has some attractive women

I found Austin to have more culture than Dallas or Houston.
Great nightlife, music, restaurants

Yes a truly terrible skyline.
Last time I was in Texas was wondering if there's any brunettes from there at all.

Then somebody told me to look at their eyebrows. "The ones with the dark eyebrows are really brunettes."
First of all, I understand that women have no obligation to look attractive for me. Not saying that they do. But I do enjoy admiring beautiful women, especially the gorgeous ladies of all kinds we have in Texas.

Except in Austin.

I couldn't help but notice by the end of the first day of a three day mini-cation that ended yesterday, that there were almost no women worth looking at. In fact, most were women that I actually turned my eyes away from. The men also. I don't watch men the same way I watch women, but I can be repelled by a particularly unattractive man, and that described almost all of them in that city. I didn't figure out why until the last day. More than one reason:

1. No one was trying to attractive. There were not as many dyed haired types wanting to look freaky as we have in Houston. I thought Austin would be full of them. But to die the hair multi-colors and to wear a nose ring, and chains for a belt requires effort, and the effort was missing. In Houston, even the freaks go for an asthetic apeal. Same in Dallas, San Antonio and Corpus.

2. Tall women with broad shoulders, wearing loose jeans. Outside Austin, I automatically think "trannie," but in Austin it took me a while to snap to that. Because in Houston, we have plenty of trannies. The first sign is that they are overly made up, like paradies of women. In Austin, the trannies don't gussy up, because they're not trying to be pretty girls, they just think they are really girls and wear the same frumpy clothes that other Austin girls do, but look even worse in them.

3. No one was smiling. In the Houston area, anywhere I go in public, people are smiling and happy. They make jokes, they laugh, they carry on happy conversations. Even if they are not smiling and laughing, they have blissful expressions on their faces, or determined expressions, or curious expressions. In Austin I would best describe the typical expression as funerial. Really grim. But not like a funeral for and old person who lived a long life and left them an inheritance. More like after a funeral for their only friend whose financial support they lived on and will now be gone. Everyone looks like that.

The architecture in Austin reminds me of the Soviet Union. Completely functional and really grim looking. I mentioned all this to my son and he said that it is Brutalism. I've heard of Brutalism as a form of archeticture, but he says it is also the new thing for hipsters to never look happy. It's worse than Goth. At least in Houston, the Goth kids were cynical nihilists, but they seem to at least enjoy their perceved superiority to the conformists.

I saw one good looking woman in Austin and that was in the poker room. The people there were more peppy than other Austinites, but not nearly as rowdy and fun-loving as Houston players.

I was starting to wonder if maybe dressing cute was out of style for women, until we hit the Buc-ee's halfway home. Like diving into a pool of cool drinking water after walking throught the desert.

Never been there. I wish someone would post some examples of these kennel club denizens.

If I may pick up on one of the points being made.

Men who are preoccupied with the physical appearance of other men , is suspicious. Those who post pictures of the most physically attractive men, know who they are.

Watch for it! It happened a few times every day on this forum.

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