What is wrong with the Democratic Party?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Is this an accurate observation of the Democratic Party?

Democrats = crime, poverty, corruption, high taxes, bad schools, ghettos, racism, sexism, bankrupt government, deranged men in the women’s restrooms and locker rooms, Jihadist appeasers, far left wing extremist, anti-American bigots, open borders, global warming insanity, abolish ICE, abolish the electoral college, no voter ID, 16 year old voters, dangerous brainwashed fanatics, Obamcare boondoggle, infanticide, Green Deal no cars or planes, perennial traitors, anti-Christian bigots, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, BLM, Antifa, Muslim Brotherhood, Press/Hollywood Propaganda Machine……

What did I leave out?
What part is wrong?
Obamasshole is what happened to the Democratic party; he incorporated so much self-loathing-American, victim-mentality, PC-crazed, identity-politics, shit-stirring, blame-Americans-for-everything hatred and paranoia into society's zeitgeist, that treasonous pig is the pivot point at which the Democratic party cancerized into raging, self-hating, white-male-loathing mindless, animal malice against this country. That's why, as a fair-minded American white male, I want the Democratic Party destroyed exactly as much as they want me destroyed.

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