What is wrong with being gay exactly?

Hateful because Christians tell you what is clearly an honest and correct assessment. Perhaps homosexuals are hateful because they sue bakeries, photographers and private schools & businesses?

"Honest and correct assessment" according to a sect of Christianity that for some strange reason has decided that their lives are somehow diminished and invalidated if people who are different than them have the same rights.

You know what nipper. I take it that you think you are going to heaven (good luck with that) but still, why don't YOU quit worrying about what people here on the earth are doing, especially when it doesn't harm you, and let God throw out all those people that God doesn't want in heaven with him.

Win win little nipper. Cause I assure you that you don't speak for God.
I believe I'm going to heaven because I'm a sinner SAVED BY GRACE, and not because I think I'm better that anyone else ---- like you seem to demonstrate. And a world which has no respect for the CREATOR GOD is not a world I would care to exist on or raise my children in.
What you seem to wish is for everyone who disagrees with you to remain silent.

Not true. What I want is for a reasonably intelligent right winger who hates the idea of gays being married to explain to me what harm a married gay couple is doing to my heterosexual marriage. Or what harm a gay married couple is doing to society in general.

I don't think you fill the bill of a reasonably intelligent right wing poster. I think you are a zealot. And they don't think straight.

But you can try if you want to.
I believe I'm going to heaven because I'm a sinner SAVED BY GRACE, and not because I think I'm better that anyone else --

Oh fucking bullshit. If you don't think you are better than others, why the fuck are you on here complaining and condemning gays who want to get married? It's really none of your business. You just want to make it your business cause your interpretation of your religion says you must judge and condemn.

Where does it (the Bible) tell you to judge others and condemn them?

If God don't want gays in heaven, he will throw them out.

Who made your kind the voice of God? Did God speak to you and tell you to condemn gays who want to get married? Are you off your meds and hearing voices again?
Okay, you've officially gone off the deep end. God has nothing to do with whether or not someone gets pregnant. It takes a sperm and an egg...and gays do have those.

You don't have an argument because there are millions of married heterosexual couples that are childless by choice or because of medical difficulties. No where in the United States has a couple been denied a marriage license because they didn't plan on having kids or are unable to. In fact, there are states in the US where certain couples must demonstrate an inability to procreate before they can civilly marry.
A child was never born that GOD didn't permit to exist. And the whole issue of "Civil" marriage in the US is certainly a rather new phenomenon that is now rearing its ugly head in the promotion of "Gay" marriage.

:lol: God must really love this lesbian...he let me have 5. :lol:
And where and how they end up is something GOD will hold you accountable for.
Can't wait to see what god says to you about you speaking for him.
What kind of speaking for GOD? I read His Word. I don't make up excuses such as "God made me this way, therefore I'm ok and you're ok..." Where exactly is that found in the Bible? "It's Constitutional! The Supreme Court Justices say it's OK" Let's face the simple fact, that if you don't go to heaven you will be waiting a very long time.
Let me get this straight. You are saying you read gods word, you are the way you are because you are following gods word, yet you say you don't make up excuses such as "God made you this way, therefore you're ok and I'm ok." Uhmm... please make up your mind either you believe in god, and you believe god made you this way.. or you don't.
What kind of speaking for GOD? I read His Word. I don't make up excuses such as "God made me this way

One thing for sure there little nipper. If heaven is filled with the hateful people that I see on here (such as yourself) using their faith in religion to hate others, I am staying home. You assholes can have your "heaven".

But it sure does seem like all you "Christians' should study that part of the Bible about loving your neighbors and not judging others.
Hateful because Christians tell you what is clearly an honest and correct assessment. Perhaps homosexuals are hateful because they sue bakeries, photographers and private schools & businesses? What you seem to wish is for everyone who disagrees with you to remain silent. Was Jonah hateful when he warned Nineveh of God's judgment, or was Jonah judged because he ran the other way ------ and had more pity for a gourd plant then a sinful city?

Read the book of Jonah that you maybe enlightened.
Irony ^
Hateful because Christians tell you what is clearly an honest and correct assessment. Perhaps homosexuals are hateful because they sue bakeries, photographers and private schools & businesses?

"Honest and correct assessment" according to a sect of Christianity that for some strange reason has decided that their lives are somehow diminished and invalidated if people who are different than them have the same rights.

You know what nipper. I take it that you think you are going to heaven (good luck with that) but still, why don't YOU quit worrying about what people here on the earth are doing, especially when it doesn't harm you, and let God throw out all those people that God doesn't want in heaven with him.

Win win little nipper. Cause I assure you that you don't speak for God.
I believe I'm going to heaven because I'm a sinner SAVED BY GRACE, and not because I think I'm better that anyone else ---- like you seem to demonstrate. And a world which has no respect for the CREATOR GOD is not a world I would care to exist on or raise my children in.
So you are gonna what? Kill yourself and stop raising your children if gays get the right to marry in your world? Lord help you.
A child was never born that GOD didn't permit to exist. And the whole issue of "Civil" marriage in the US is certainly a rather new phenomenon that is now rearing its ugly head in the promotion of "Gay" marriage.

:lol: God must really love this lesbian...he let me have 5. :lol:
And where and how they end up is something GOD will hold you accountable for.
Can't wait to see what god says to you about you speaking for him.
What kind of speaking for GOD? I read His Word. I don't make up excuses such as "God made me this way, therefore I'm ok and you're ok..." Where exactly is that found in the Bible? "It's Constitutional! The Supreme Court Justices say it's OK" Let's face the simple fact, that if you don't go to heaven you will be waiting a very long time.
Let me get this straight. You are saying you read gods word, you are the way you are because you are following gods word, yet you say you don't make up excuses such as "God made you this way, therefore you're ok and I'm ok." Uhmm... please make up your mind either you believe in god, and you believe god made you this way.. or you don't.
It doesn't seem as though you can either read or write. Did God make you that way or are you lazy? Irony!
What you seem to wish is for everyone who disagrees with you to remain silent.

Not true. What I want is for a reasonably intelligent right winger who hates the idea of gays being married to explain to me what harm a married gay couple is doing to my heterosexual marriage. Or what harm a gay married couple is doing to society in general.

I don't think you fill the bill of a reasonably intelligent right wing poster. I think you are a zealot. And they don't think straight.

But you can try if you want to.
Homosexual influence on society is the danger. Homosexual influence on impressionable children is the danger. Homosexual disregard for thousands of years of marriage throughout the entire world is the danger. Homosexual misapplication of terms such as bias, bigot, marriage, trait, and hate is the danger. People may actually begin to believe lies instead of the truth ---- calling evil good and good evil. That is the danger. The corruption of an entire generation is the danger. Hedonism is the danger!
This idea that marriage is strictly about procreation is ridiculous. So those who are sterile shouldn't marry because they're not going to be parents.

I guess older couples shouldn't marry either since they can no longer have children and their marriage is about sex. No one wants to think about grannies having sex. That's just wrong. No marriage for them.

Marriage is about a lot more than sex and having children. Marriage is a partnership of love and sharing. It's having someone who cares for you and builds a life with you.

It doesn't matter if it's two men, two women, or one of each, the need to share that kind of love and commitment should not be withheld from same sex couples.
I know very few older couples capable of living together in marriage. In most cases only the wife survives and the husband is long gone. And the simple fact is that marriage was not designed for old people. Marriage was designed for the young couple. It could be argued that much of want we term marriage today was traditionalized by women for the woman. A young couple that lives long enough will become an old couple. My father is 90 and my mother is 85. They didn't get married just yesterday ----- and they have 3 children and 5 grandchildren to prove it.

People do not need sex to show love and commitment; however, one does need a man and a woman in order to produce a child. In order for a society to grow it needs healthy and happy children and NOT "happy" sexual deviants.

What state or locality prohibits marriage if the couple is unwilling or unable to procreate? Why would you expect a different standard for gays than you would apply to heterosexuals?

BTW, gays are not incapable of reproducing...

It's an acceptable reason to get a divorce.
:lol: God must really love this lesbian...he let me have 5. :lol:
And where and how they end up is something GOD will hold you accountable for.
Can't wait to see what god says to you about you speaking for him.
What kind of speaking for GOD? I read His Word. I don't make up excuses such as "God made me this way, therefore I'm ok and you're ok..." Where exactly is that found in the Bible? "It's Constitutional! The Supreme Court Justices say it's OK" Let's face the simple fact, that if you don't go to heaven you will be waiting a very long time.
Let me get this straight. You are saying you read gods word, you are the way you are because you are following gods word, yet you say you don't make up excuses such as "God made you this way, therefore you're ok and I'm ok." Uhmm... please make up your mind either you believe in god, and you believe god made you this way.. or you don't.
It doesn't seem as though you can either read or write. Did God make you that way or are you lazy? Irony!
Huh? What did I say that was incorrect? Are you now saying you don't read gods word? Are you saying you are not the way you are because you follow gods word? Are you saying god did not make you? Are you saying your not ok? Are you saying no one is ok? Are you now saying you don't believe in god?

Me lazy? I suppose a bit.
What you seem to wish is for everyone who disagrees with you to remain silent.

Not true. What I want is for a reasonably intelligent right winger who hates the idea of gays being married to explain to me what harm a married gay couple is doing to my heterosexual marriage. Or what harm a gay married couple is doing to society in general.

I don't think you fill the bill of a reasonably intelligent right wing poster. I think you are a zealot. And they don't think straight.

But you can try if you want to.
Homosexual influence on society is the danger. Homosexual influence on impressionable children is the danger. Homosexual disregard for thousands of years of marriage throughout the entire world is the danger. Homosexual misapplication of terms such as bias, bigot, marriage, trait, and hate is the danger. People may actually begin to believe lies instead of the truth ---- calling evil good and good evil. That is the danger. The corruption of an entire generation is the danger. Hedonism is the danger!
Yeah cause heteros are incapable of hedonistic acts. That stuff is all about the gays. Rolls eyes...
A "gay" man can likely have a child if he marries a person of the opposite sex. No one is stopping that. A sexually deviant person will never be truly happy no matter what some in a society choose to label such activity. And it isn't productive for society to promote deviant sexuality for the sake of being deviant. The only solidly rational for encouraging marriage is to foster well adjusted children. And as you say IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR 2 GAY MEN TO BE ADAM & EVE.

Gay men can adopt or use a surrogate. I gave birth to three babies for a gay male couple. Lesbians can also adopt or go to a sperm bank. No god, no sex with a member of the opposite gender needed.

The rest of your post is religious claptrap that has nothing to do with civil marriage.
You're their mother. No matter what perverted "family" scheme you Leftists come up with, every baby has just one mother and one father.

Even if you do a swirl.
1. You fuck boys or men you are gay. 2. The stats clearly shows that there are more homos as a percentage of homos molesting boys than straights as a percentage of straights molesting girls.

You try to label homosexuals as child molesters- you either are hoping children will be harmed or you just want to harm homosexuals.

Or in your case- perhaps both.
Based on what? Do you know what the term "rate" means? Or are you just saying 98% commit more nominal incidents than 2% so you're fine?

I'm not arguing a side on this one, it just seems you're arguing the latter sans support

I'm basing my claim on facts...unlike St Mike who based his (which you did not challenge) claim on homophobia.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked Southern Poverty Law Center

I read until I got bored, then I kept reading a while after that and still it hadn't addressed the question.

1) The question is not, are there more gay or straight molesters? Gays are 2% of the population according to CDC researching your disease, just counting is stupid. Obviously there are more straight molesters by straight count, but it's ridiculous to do that since there are 49 times more straights than gays.

2) The question is not, are most gays child molesters? Obviously most are not

The question is are child molestation rates among gays higher than straights? I have no idea, and no one seems to have any data for that in this conversation
arguing in another thread about this I ran across a link showing that the percentage of gay pedophiles to gays was higher than the percentage of hetero pedophiles to hetero's.

Significant numbers of victims are males: Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys (as opposed to girls).

The 10 percent fallacy: Studies indicate that, contrary to the inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, homosexuals comprise between 1 to 3 percent of the population.

Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.


Yeah-the so called 'Family Research Council" pumps out that propaganda pretty often.

Like I have said in this very thread- the vast majority of child molestation is by men to girls- girls are the victims 68% to 91% of the time.

Men commit a disproportionate number of child sex abuse cases- by a 10:1 ratio over women.

Yet time after time- the Family Research Council, you, and others want to point the finger at homosexuals and say "they are the problem"

So two questions:

a) Why is there never this concern about who is responsible for attacking the vast majority of child molestation victims?
b) Why doesn't any of you ever address undisputed fact that men are the attackers in almost cases- regardless of the gender of the victim? Statistically any child is 10 times more in danger from any randomly chosen man, than any child is in danger from any woman.

Yet over and over what we get are the same people who in general oppose homosexuals on general issues- if they discuss child molestation at all- it is only to make the claim that homosexuals are guilty.

Is it because you just don't care about girls? Or is it just because you want to harm homosexuals?

Yeah-the so called 'Family Research Council" pumps out that propaganda pretty often.

Like I have said in this very thread- the vast majority of child molestation is by men to girls- girls are the victims 68% to 91% of the time.

Men commit a disproportionate number of child sex abuse cases- by a 10:1 ratio over women.

Yet time after time- the Family Research Council, you, and others want to point the finger at homosexuals and say "they are the problem"

So two questions:

a) Why is there never this concern about who is responsible for attacking the vast majority of child molestation victims?
b) Why doesn't any of you ever address undisputed fact that men are the attackers in almost cases- regardless of the gender of the victim? Statistically any child is 10 times more in danger from any randomly chosen man, than any child is in danger from any woman.

Yet over and over what we get are the same people who in general oppose homosexuals on general issues- if they discuss child molestation at all- it is only to make the claim that homosexuals are guilty.

Is it because you just don't care about girls? Or is it just because you want to harm homosexuals?

The CDC says gay is a disease. Maybe we should quarantine them until SlyHunter comes up with the "zap gays in the womb" shot

No the CDC doesn't- just you lying again.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

I don't think gay people are getting special perks, but I gave you a thumbs up anyway, because I agree with the rest of your OP.

Good job! :D

The courts have been saying if they don't like marriage the way the legislature defined it, that's not fair, the courts will cut through the rest of government, ignore balance of power and decree it for them so they don't have to convince anyone like everyone else would have to do.

Special perk? Damn right it is

No- just you lying again.

The Supreme Court has overturned marriage bans three times before on Constitutional grounds- you just object because this time its about gay marriage, and you want states to be able to discriminate against gays.

That is what you call a 'special perk'.....
1. You fuck boys or men you are gay. 2. The stats clearly shows that there are more homos as a percentage of homos molesting boys than straights as a percentage of straights molesting girls.

Actually that is incorrect. Most often, the men who molest boys are not gay, they are pedophiles and pederasts. They aren't attracted to men, but to prepubescent children. It's often not even the gender...just the prepubescence.

Myths & Facts

Myth 4 – The myth that most sexual abuse of boys is committed by homosexual males.
People who sexually abuse or exploit boys are not expressing homosexuality – any more than people who sexually abuse or exploit girls are engaging in heterosexual behavior. They are deeply confused individuals who, for various reasons, desire to sexually use or abuse children, and have acted on that desire. (See Why Do People Sexually Use or Abuse Children?)
Just because a fag fucks women doesn't make him not a fag. If he fucks a gay, regardless of age, he's a fag. I'll compromise, he's bi-sexual, but that means he's still part fag.

Homphobic bigots like you are so consumed with your fear and hatred of homosexuals

Basically you argue if:
Man has sex with woman his entire life, except one time he has sex with a man= f*g
Man has sex with men his entire life, except one time he as sex with a woman= f*g

And of course you think child molesters are just having sex- not raping anyone.
A "gay" man can likely have a child if he marries a person of the opposite sex. No one is stopping that. A sexually deviant person will never be truly happy no matter what some in a society choose to label such activity. And it isn't productive for society to promote deviant sexuality for the sake of being deviant. The only solidly rational for encouraging marriage is to foster well adjusted children. And as you say IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR 2 GAY MEN TO BE ADAM & EVE.

Gay men can adopt or use a surrogate. I gave birth to three babies for a gay male couple. Lesbians can also adopt or go to a sperm bank. No god, no sex with a member of the opposite gender needed.

The rest of your post is religious claptrap that has nothing to do with civil marriage.
You're their mother. No matter what perverted "family" scheme you Leftists come up with, every baby has just one mother and one father.

Even if you do a swirl.

Heterosexuals came up with surrogacy.

Who is the mother when it comes to surrogacy- the woman who raises the child and calls him her own- or the woman who birthed the child to help out a childless couple?

You anti-family Conservatives want to argue that families who adopt or use surrogacy are somehow not as good as families that birth the babies.......as someone who is contemplating adoption- how do you rationalize that?
The CDC says gay is a disease. Maybe we should quarantine them until SlyHunter comes up with the "zap gays in the womb" shot

No the CDC doesn't- just you lying again.

Clearly they do. The CDC so you know stands for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Their job is diseases, and they track gays, so they are saying gay is a disease. It wasn't my call.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

I don't think gay people are getting special perks, but I gave you a thumbs up anyway, because I agree with the rest of your OP.

Good job! :D

The courts have been saying if they don't like marriage the way the legislature defined it, that's not fair, the courts will cut through the rest of government, ignore balance of power and decree it for them so they don't have to convince anyone like everyone else would have to do.

Special perk? Damn right it is

No- just you lying again.

The Supreme Court has overturned marriage bans three times before on Constitutional grounds- you just object because this time its about gay marriage, and you want states to be able to discriminate against gays.

That is what you call a 'special perk'.....

Oh stop lying. We are a "Federal" Republic. Look up what that means
A question might be asked is, "Why would any married couple deserve a perk of any kind?" The only real reason I can imagine to give a married couple a perk or gift is to encourage them to be model parents and benefit any children they have or may beget. Homosexuals get married to have sex. Friends don't need to have sex, and can be just as friendly towards each other without sex. However, a man and woman have the strong possibility to have children that will need good parents with good character. I feel that society benefits from that promotion and not the promotion of ones sexual prowess infatuations.

Well then you would want the law to promote that concept- which it doesn't.

States don't care whether couples want to have children, can have children and can even require couples to prove that they are unable to have children. No linkage at all.

And seriously- homosexuals do not get married to have sex. No more than 90% of heterosexuals do- certainly I didn't marry my wife to have sex.

Marriage is about a partnership- and most of the 'perks' are consistent with encouraging a life long supportive partnership.

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