What is worse?

In the mean time we're 33, going on 34 trillion dollars in debt, with no end in sight to the campaign to destroy American prosperity...
No one is trying to teach that the earth is only 6000 years old
Apparently you have not heard of Answers in Genesis who advocates for YEC in public education and creates the most used homeschooling YEC materials in the nation. Or any of the other dozen + institutions advocating for such.

Or lawsuits trying to force YEC content in schools to oppose 'evolution.'

Or CURRENT declaimers placed on biology books to try and discredit evolution in order to leave an opening for YEC.

That you think no one is trying to teach this in schools reveals you are either completely unaware of the reality here OR you agree with the sentiment. Either way, your statement is just false.

The only saving grace here is not that people are not actively trying to teach YEC, it is that they are rare enough and have so little to base their case on that they have epically lost. That does not change that they are there, actively trying to get school curricula changed and gain traction by having a high ranking governmental official that agrees with them.
Yes, both can be harmful.

Keeping men out of womens' bathrooms is a good thing.

Men having babies is a medical and physiological issue.
Not sure why either are a threat, but both show a total lack of any basic intelligence.

Gender affirmation care destroys children. The fact you don’t understand that makes you even stupider than the morons who think the Earth is 6000 years old.

So, congrats, you ARE a sub moron.
Gender affirmation care destroys children.

The OP did not mention gender affirmation, they mentioned men getting pregnant.

Pregnancy is tied to sex, not gender.

How do you not know these things

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