What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.
Gee, who allowed banks that were "too big to fail"?
Yup. Government. The anti capitalist part. If gov't werent meddling in banks they bad actors would have been self regulated out of existence.
Dont you get that part?
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.
China and India are communist/socialist countries, doofus.
yes, they are yet we still buy inferior and dangerous goods from China and both countries suck up industrial jobs like a mop from more capitalist nations.

If capitalism was self regulating, why are the communist/socialists countries being rewarded by it?
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
China is a communist state, doofus.


Yet, the past 30 years they have allowed unfetted capitalism to fuck their workers and environment inn the ass. No that sounds like pure capitalism being allowed to do as it wants by the state. China is not socialist.
There has never been a monopoly in the history of capitalism that wasn't legally enforced. Unsafe working conditions have been resolved by lawsuits. The record shows that the creation of OSHA has zero affect on the reduction in workplace accidents and illnesses. Pollution issues can be resolved through the tort process.
It's easy to complain that torts can fix the system, but the real truth is that unfettered capitalism will control everything including the courts. Who can sue, if you don't have the money and the cards are stacked against you?
How can "capitalism" control the courts? Be specific here.


Oh'yess, you'll say that we need to get rid of politicians that will do anything but you see that will just make the problem so much worse. Why? Because do nothing assholes will just let them have the damn store.
There has never been a monopoly in the history of capitalism that wasn't legally enforced. Unsafe working conditions have been resolved by lawsuits. The record shows that the creation of OSHA has zero affect on the reduction in workplace accidents and illnesses. Pollution issues can be resolved through the tort process.
It's easy to complain that torts can fix the system, but the real truth is that unfettered capitalism will control everything including the courts. Who can sue, if you don't have the money and the cards are stacked against you?
How can "capitalism" control the courts? Be specific here.
They pay off the judges.
Isnt that illegal? PLease post examples of judges getting paid off by "capitalism."
This is simjply fantasy you have concocted.
China and India are communist/socialist countries, doofus.
yes, they are yet we still buy inferior and dangerous goods from China and both countries suck up industrial jobs like a mop from more capitalist nations.

If capitalism was self regulating, why are the communist/socialists countries being rewarded by it?
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
China is a communist state, doofus.


Yet, the past 30 years they have allowed unfetted capitalism to fuck their workers and environment inn the ass. No that sounds like pure capitalism being allowed to do as it wants by the state. China is not socialist.
There is no unfettered capitalism in China, moron. T he state runs most aspects of the economy.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.

Repealing Glass-Steagall, allowing Citizens United...
You hate freedom. We get it.

Words TheErsatzRabbi doesn't understand: "monopoly", "unfettered", "freedom"...

The only freedom in that deal is for the one monopoly ruling the field. Everyone else can get fucked. Including of course the workers.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.

Repealing Glass-Steagall, allowing Citizens United...
You hate freedom. We get it.

Words TheErsatzRabbi doesn't understand: "monopoly", "unfettered", "freedom"...
You've already demonstrated you dont understand any of those things.
Please cite a monopoly in this country not created and enforced by gov't edict.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.

Repealing Glass-Steagall, allowing Citizens United...
You hate freedom. We get it.

You call sweat shops and shit water flowing down the street freedom? lol.

Sorry, but a civilization needs standards and pure freedom is abusive to other people.
Those things dont exist in a market economy. Dumbshit.
yes, they are yet we still buy inferior and dangerous goods from China and both countries suck up industrial jobs like a mop from more capitalist nations.

If capitalism was self regulating, why are the communist/socialists countries being rewarded by it?
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
China is a communist state, doofus.


Yet, the past 30 years they have allowed unfetted capitalism to fuck their workers and environment inn the ass. No that sounds like pure capitalism being allowed to do as it wants by the state. China is not socialist.
There is no unfettered capitalism in China, moron. T he state runs most aspects of the economy.

Then why does it appear like 19th century europe or the US? Unfettered capitalism is evil. You're a fucking evil piece of dog shit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.

Repealing Glass-Steagall, allowing Citizens United...
You hate freedom. We get it.

Words TheErsatzRabbi doesn't understand: "monopoly", "unfettered", "freedom"...

The only freedom in that deal is for the one monopoly ruling the field. Everyone else can get fucked. Including of course the workers.
Please cite a monopoly in AMerica that was not created by the gov't.
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
China is a communist state, doofus.


Yet, the past 30 years they have allowed unfetted capitalism to fuck their workers and environment inn the ass. No that sounds like pure capitalism being allowed to do as it wants by the state. China is not socialist.
There is no unfettered capitalism in China, moron. T he state runs most aspects of the economy.

Then why does it appear like 19th century europe or the US? Unfettered capitalism is evil. You're a fucking evil piece of dog shit.
You ignorant buffoon. You know nothing about China, capitalism, research, science, education or anything else.
I am sick of your ignorant bullshit. Bye Bye, asshole.
We see how self regulating it is by looking at China, India or 19th century America. Anyone that thinks it is self regulating knows nothing of what they're talking about.

Government and unions are needed for capitalism to be fair to the worker. One of the big reasons we did so good as a nation in the 40's into the 60's was because of this fact. Today? The rich have taken it all and moved operations to china.
China and India are communist/socialist countries, doofus.
yes, they are yet we still buy inferior and dangerous goods from China and both countries suck up industrial jobs like a mop from more capitalist nations.

If capitalism was self regulating, why are the communist/socialists countries being rewarded by it?
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
China is a communist state, doofus.

A communist state that competes in the open market. Their performance and how the free market influence their behavior is the focus.

So far, the free market has rewarded this communist states questionable practice.

By the way, China communism is a form of State Capitalism

State capitalism is usually described as an economic system in which commercial (i.e. for-profit) economic activity is undertaken by the state, where the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned business enterprises (including the processes of capital accumulation, wage labor, and centralized management), or where there is otherwise a dominance of publicly listed corporations of which the state has controlling shares.[1] Marxist literature defines state capitalism as a social system combining capitalism—the wage system of producing and appropriating surplus value—with ownership or control by a state; by this definition, a state capitalist country is one where the government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation, extracting the surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.[2] This designation applies regardless of the political aims of the state (even if the state is nominally socialist),[3] and many people argue that the modern People's Republic of China constitutes a form of state capitalism[4][5][6][7] and/or that the Soviet Union failed in its goal to establish socialism, but rather established state capitalism.[8][9][3]

So, they are essentially capitalist--if you look at the collective/government as one entity.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
There are no monopolies not enforced by the government. There are no shoddy goods or unsafe goods in the marketplace for long.
You are simply dead wrong.
I believe you are in error and if you check into it you will see that you are if you are honest about it. I consider twenty years and thirty years a long time when you consider that is a fourth or at least a third of an average lifetime. FDA has continually failed the American public by allowing certain companies free reign to put whatever they wanted on the market based on lies and deception. Chemical companies bought and paid for regulation to be 'unfettered' as they set their own bogus studies in place. You have a drugged ignorant population due to the standards being set by the companies who desire nothing more than profits.

Banks were committing fraud through their paper work and that was allowed for a long while too.
China and India are communist/socialist countries, doofus.
yes, they are yet we still buy inferior and dangerous goods from China and both countries suck up industrial jobs like a mop from more capitalist nations.

If capitalism was self regulating, why are the communist/socialists countries being rewarded by it?
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
China is a communist state, doofus.

A communist state that competes in the open market. Their performance and how the free market influence their behavior is the focus.

So far, the free market has rewarded this communist states questionable practice.

By the way, China communism is a form of State Capitalism

State capitalism is usually described as an economic system in which commercial (i.e. for-profit) economic activity is undertaken by the state, where the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned business enterprises (including the processes of capital accumulation, wage labor, and centralized management), or where there is otherwise a dominance of publicly listed corporations of which the state has controlling shares.[1] Marxist literature defines state capitalism as a social system combining capitalism—the wage system of producing and appropriating surplus value—with ownership or control by a state; by this definition, a state capitalist country is one where the government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation, extracting the surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.[2] This designation applies regardless of the political aims of the state (even if the state is nominally socialist),[3] and many people argue that the modern People's Republic of China constitutes a form of state capitalism[4][5][6][7] and/or that the Soviet Union failed in its goal to establish socialism, but rather established state capitalism.[8][9][3]

So, they are essentially capitalist--if you look at the collective/government as one entity.
They are not essentially capitalist. They are an example of state capitalism. You cited this yourself. This is also known as crony capitalism, and the source for all the ills you describe in regards to China.
What about this do you not get?
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
There are no monopolies not enforced by the government. There are no shoddy goods or unsafe goods in the marketplace for long.
You are simply dead wrong.
I believe you are in error and if you check into it you will see that you are if you are honest about it. I consider twenty years and thirty years a long time when you consider that is a fourth or at least a third of an average lifetime. FDA has continually failed the American public by allowing certain companies free reign to put whatever they wanted on the market based on lies and deception. Chemical companies bought and paid for regulation to be 'unfettered' as they set their own bogus studies in place. You have a drugged ignorant population due to the standards being set by the companies who desire nothing more than profits.

Banks were committing fraud through their paper work and that was allowed for a long while too.
Please cite examples of the FDA giving companies "free reign." The opposite is the case. The FDA wont approve drugs that every other civilized country approves.

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