What is the real reason that our Government is making gun laws stricter and stricter?

ANd I see why you are playing that double standard. Because Illinois for example doesn't really have that big of a murder problem. Chicago does. And Illinois has pretty lax laws. While Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Chicago with tough gun laws. 510 deaths, 2.7 million people. 19 murders per 100k people in the toughest gun laws in the state
Rest of state without tough gun laws. 234 murders with 10.1 million people. 2.3 murders per 100k people.

So you have to pull out the "you need walls to separate and place's murder rates"... until the numbers say what you want. Then "no walls is just fine, look at the differences!"
I don't care what the numbers are. My issue is that people think that making the gun laws more strict will decrease gun violence in America. Everyone that has every committed a crime obviously didn't care what the law says or how strict it is. So to me the only people that will be effected are the innocent law abiding citizens that follow and obey the law and make them more vulnerable to becoming a victim to gun violence. The law does not faze criminals. There will always be gun violence as there will always be criminals.
Not following you. Chicago gets most it's guns from weak gun law indiana.

Sorry I thought you said Chicago gets them from weak gun law Illinois in my response. If you meant Indiana, what you are saying is that state gun laws are pointless, since there's no interdiction points at borders to enforce them. (which is why I used Island countries in some of my breakdowns).

And that still makes no sense. Indiana has a murder rate about 25% of what Chicago's is. If Chicago has the tougher gun laws, shouldn't it be somewhat lower than Indiana's murder rate? Unless you are saying that gun laws really have a very minimal effect and the socioeconomic differences in Chicago vs. Indiana are what truly create a difference. And that 400% increase is based on that.

Which is why I say, what the hell are we looking at gun laws and bans for when it has this negligible impact and socioeconomic differences can have a 400+% difference. I mean I know all the politicians like roiling us up on gun laws because that gets votes, but wouldn't it be better to throw out what gets votes and really look at what saves lives instead?

I'm open to looking at everything, but I think the evidence is clear gun control can help dramatically. Clearly we need work in many areas. Repubs always say it's mental health an then promptly do nothing.
Total waste of time and energy and resources.....

So called gun violence is a NON-FACTOR compared to all the deaths related to drunk driving, texting while driving and demented Reproducers.

I mean really....it would take almost a century for gun violence to kill enough people outside of suicide and GANGS to equate.

You pathetic gun grabbing hoplophobes aren't just on the Dumb Bus....you're the DRIVER
(God help your passengers)

ANd I see why you are playing that double standard. Because Illinois for example doesn't really have that big of a murder problem. Chicago does. And Illinois has pretty lax laws. While Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Chicago with tough gun laws. 510 deaths, 2.7 million people. 19 murders per 100k people in the toughest gun laws in the state
Rest of state without tough gun laws. 234 murders with 10.1 million people. 2.3 murders per 100k people.

So you have to pull out the "you need walls to separate and place's murder rates"... until the numbers say what you want. Then "no walls is just fine, look at the differences!"
I don't care what the numbers are. My issue is that people think that making the gun laws more strict will decrease gun violence in America. Everyone that has every committed a crime obviously didn't care what the law says or how strict it is. So to me the only people that will be effected are the innocent law abiding citizens that follow and obey the law and make them more vulnerable to becoming a victim to gun violence. The law does not faze criminals. There will always be gun violence as there will always be criminals.
Countries with strong gun control have much less gun violence that is a fact.
Countries with strong gun control have much less gun violence that is a fact.

You're no different from those loons claiming the Earth would be destroyed by some rogue planet this weekend.

Things that are really NON-ISSUE become your obsession while things that you COULD work on that would REALLY make a difference are completely out of your mind. You're NOT thinking...you're regurgitating what you have been brainwashed to believe.

I have given you specific examples......you are in denial....you are obsessed.

You are wasting your time and everyone elses
To answer your question if I may....
Government tends to get larger and larger by nature. Hence the main thrust of the Constitution to LIMIT the powers of government.
Yet tyrants in legislative sessions have slowly eroded the protections. It is the nature of government to be in a never ending cycle of self indulgence and power grabbing until it one day becomes a tool for a few power grabbers. We are witnessing this very thing today.

People in government are making gun laws stricter and stricter partially due to irrational fear, but also in a natural downward slide that tends to steal power from citizens and give it to government bureaucracy which benefits those in the state (meaning government establishment)

It's a dangerous spiral and all of us as Americans are caught up in just such a process. Some recognize this threat....others are not capable or willfully refuse to.

Guns are a sort of insurance policy that gives We The People a last line of defense against that dangerous power grabbing spiral. 100 million armed people is an army large enough to eventually overcome even the best equipped, technologically advanced government forces....albeit at great cost.

That's why the laws keep getting stricter and stricter. As one gets more restraint (our right to bear arms), the other gets more powerful (government). It's a direct correlation.

Our right to bear arms is not really about personal safety. Which is why the argument of gun grabbers such a Brain123 is moot and actually dangerous.
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ANd I see why you are playing that double standard. Because Illinois for example doesn't really have that big of a murder problem. Chicago does. And Illinois has pretty lax laws. While Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Chicago with tough gun laws. 510 deaths, 2.7 million people. 19 murders per 100k people in the toughest gun laws in the state
Rest of state without tough gun laws. 234 murders with 10.1 million people. 2.3 murders per 100k people.

So you have to pull out the "you need walls to separate and place's murder rates"... until the numbers say what you want. Then "no walls is just fine, look at the differences!"
I don't care what the numbers are. My issue is that people think that making the gun laws more strict will decrease gun violence in America. Everyone that has every committed a crime obviously didn't care what the law says or how strict it is. So to me the only people that will be effected are the innocent law abiding citizens that follow and obey the law and make them more vulnerable to becoming a victim to gun violence. The law does not faze criminals. There will always be gun violence as there will always be criminals.
Countries with strong gun control have much less gun violence that is a fact.
Other countries aren't America! Our culture is way, way different from any other culture. Citizens of other countries work together, some have higher minimum wages, America is a mix of different cultures, different races, different beliefs, different religions, when most countries have citizens who all share the same beliefs, same culture, same religion, most countries their citizens are all the same. Sharing same beliefs, religion and culture to get along better than a country that their citizens are vastly diverse.
America is infested with gangs of all races. Americans put themselves first and everything is a competition, everyone has to be better, know more, have more money than the next.

When 1 country is home to multiple different beliefs, culture, societies, civilizations, living conditions, religions, race, levels of education, traditions conflict is inevitable. We have a government worried about their image of being the most powerful and helpful, destroying and rebuilding a country, send millions of dollars in money, supplies, food, and medical to other countries in need, and cant even help all of their people. Our government is concerned about other countries that are suffering from poverty? What about Americas poverty problem?

O and the United States of America will never have equality, and will always have the issue of inequality.
ANd I see why you are playing that double standard. Because Illinois for example doesn't really have that big of a murder problem. Chicago does. And Illinois has pretty lax laws. While Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Chicago with tough gun laws. 510 deaths, 2.7 million people. 19 murders per 100k people in the toughest gun laws in the state
Rest of state without tough gun laws. 234 murders with 10.1 million people. 2.3 murders per 100k people.

So you have to pull out the "you need walls to separate and place's murder rates"... until the numbers say what you want. Then "no walls is just fine, look at the differences!"
I don't care what the numbers are. My issue is that people think that making the gun laws more strict will decrease gun violence in America. Everyone that has every committed a crime obviously didn't care what the law says or how strict it is. So to me the only people that will be effected are the innocent law abiding citizens that follow and obey the law and make them more vulnerable to becoming a victim to gun violence. The law does not faze criminals. There will always be gun violence as there will always be criminals.
Countries with strong gun control have much less gun violence that is a fact.
also other countries don't have the same type of government control. Some countries citizens have no say so. Some countries can be more controlled by their type of government then others. Some countries kill their own people.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

Maybe because the US has a murder rate 4 times higher than most other First World countries..... countries that don't recognize a right to shoot people dead.
ANd I see why you are playing that double standard. Because Illinois for example doesn't really have that big of a murder problem. Chicago does. And Illinois has pretty lax laws. While Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Chicago with tough gun laws. 510 deaths, 2.7 million people. 19 murders per 100k people in the toughest gun laws in the state
Rest of state without tough gun laws. 234 murders with 10.1 million people. 2.3 murders per 100k people.

So you have to pull out the "you need walls to separate and place's murder rates"... until the numbers say what you want. Then "no walls is just fine, look at the differences!"
I don't care what the numbers are. My issue is that people think that making the gun laws more strict will decrease gun violence in America. Everyone that has every committed a crime obviously didn't care what the law says or how strict it is. So to me the only people that will be effected are the innocent law abiding citizens that follow and obey the law and make them more vulnerable to becoming a victim to gun violence. The law does not faze criminals. There will always be gun violence as there will always be criminals.
Countries with strong gun control have much less gun violence that is a fact.
Other countries aren't America! Our culture is way, way different from any other culture. Citizens of other countries work together, some have higher minimum wages, America is a mix of different cultures, different races, different beliefs, different religions, when most countries have citizens who all share the same beliefs, same culture, same religion, most countries their citizens are all the same. Sharing same beliefs, religion and culture to get along better than a country that their citizens are vastly diverse.
America is infested with gangs of all races. Americans put themselves first and everything is a competition, everyone has to be better, know more, have more money than the next.

When 1 country is home to multiple different beliefs, culture, societies, civilizations, living conditions, religions, race, levels of education, traditions conflict is inevitable. We have a government worried about their image of being the most powerful and helpful, destroying and rebuilding a country, send millions of dollars in money, supplies, food, and medical to other countries in need, and cant even help all of their people. Our government is concerned about other countries that are suffering from poverty? What about Americas poverty problem?

O and the United States of America will never have equality, and will always have the issue of inequality.

Ah, the old "it's our culture" argument.

Er... no, not culture, but attitude. Attitude of "do nothing, we don't care as long as it's not affecting me".
The REAL reason? Mass shootings. I like guns, but not so much to delude myself into ignoring them as a problem. Mass shooting would be solved by mass shooters NOT having guns. I am good with strict laws like that.

You should go hang out in Gun Free Zones...you know...theaters etc

Have fun!

Did you know that the VAST majority of gun violence is committed by demented Leftists?
Perhaps all leftists need mental evaluations. That would stop 99.999% of the mass killings right there.
I should hang out in those gun free zones, but they don't exist anywhere. And besides, you are contradicting yourself 100% of all shootings are committed by guns. Statistics prove it.
Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.
God given right? Oh no. You are dangerously close to what muslims do in their relogion. The right is not God given. It's given by the constitution.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.
Why are we killing each other more than every other country? We're worse than Russians.
Do you think the government has already made our gun laws stricter?
Every state has different gun laws. One state may deny you purchase and the neighboring state may let you purchase as many as you want.
You've turned it into a hobby and toys. Gun culture is disgusting what it has turned into. We just want reasonable laws. 2a doe snt guarantee you can do what ever you want with as many guns as you want. Not at all. We definitely don't want to live in the wild west fantasy that the "good guy with a gun v bad guy with a gun" creates. That doesn't even prevent mass shootings.
I should hang out in those gun free zones, but they don't exist anywhere. And besides, you are contradicting yourself 100% of all shootings are committed by guns. Statistics prove it.

EVERYONE....LOOK at what Mary just said.....

QUOTE: "100% of all shootings are committed by guns. Statistics prove it"

PEOPLE commit crimes.......sorry to have to break it to you. Guns are OBJECTS!!

You see the mentality? Brainwashed beyond comprehension to regurgitate lies.

If anyone ever sees a gun get up all by itself and go shoot someone....PLEASE let me know....

6:00 News......
Ar15 enters local bank and gets away with 20,000 cash. Witnesses say the Assault Rifle acted alone. More on this developing story but first a look at your weekend weather.....

Freaking Hoplophobes!!!
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You've turned it into a hobby and toys. Gun culture is disgusting what it has turned into. We just want reasonable laws. 2a doe snt guarantee you can do what ever you want with as many guns as you want. Not at all. We definitely don't want to live in the wild west fantasy that the "good guy with a gun v bad guy with a gun" creates. That doesn't even prevent mass shootings.

Some people have. Reasonable is not a term the gun grabbers know. We already HAVE "reasonable" laws. Last time I checked, murder WAS illegal. Am I wrong?

Did you not get the notice that vehicles are becoming the new "Mass Murder weapon" ?

Oh, and show me the specific part of the 2nd that specifically says what weapons citizens can own.
I should hang out in those gun free zones, but they don't exist anywhere. And besides, you are contradicting yourself 100% of all shootings are committed by guns. Statistics prove it.

PEOPLE commit crimes.......sorry to have to break it to you.

If anyone ever sees a gun get up all by itself and go shoot someone....PLEASE let me know....
Nope. We are clear on that, people don't need guns then?
Why are we killing each other more than every other country? We're worse than Russians.

Are we? Last time I checked we still have real elections.
Maybe if all Russian citizens were armed your boy Putin wouldn't be a dictator now. (And yes, for all intents and purposes he is)
Do we have fair elections? And what would you do to Putin with your gun?

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