What is the Party of No Ideas (the Dims) proposing we should cut $$$

The liberal Democratics love to pretend that the GOP is the Party of No.

But the GOP has come up with a proposal to cut 2.5 TRILLION dollars of spending. If we accept the rough figure that we are slightly over 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, then 2.5 TRILLION in cuts is pretty substantial (even spread out over 10 years). http://rsc.jordan.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Spending_Reduction_Act--TWOPAGER.pdf

We can argue about the wisdom of WHICH programs, etc., would be cut. There will be claims that the GOP is seeking to kill off the poor and the aged. "Those heartless GOP bastards." Standard liberal Democrat Parody propaganda. (Of course, they will have to find a way to make those irresponsible claims in a civil fashion, now.)


Here's the question:

What budgetary items are the liberal Democratics telling us they would cut?

Are there some budget lines, items etc. upon which the GOP and the liberal Democratics already agree? (If so, let's get to it. Start trimming.) I'm sure there are items and lines, etc., upon which they will absolutely DISAGREE. Fair enough. That's what debates are for.

So, now, I want to hear from liberal Democratics. How much cutting are YOU guys proposing? In what specific areas? What lines of the budget? What programs?

In short, stop pointing your stubby little fingers at the GOP. Step up to the plate or to the mic. Take your hacks.

What kind of budget proposals are YOU guys coming up with to address the dire problems associated with our massive debt problem?

(Later, I'd also like to hear how the various states are going to deal with the retirement program shortfalls? Any proposals on that. Not that it matters all that much. But I believe the numbers in THAT realm make the Federal figures pale in comparison.... So, somebody sooner or later is going to have to admit the problem and we are all going to have to confront it. That should be a pretty harmonious, civil discussion. I'm sure.)

Let's start with subsidies for Red States.
SS, Defense, Medicaid, Medicare, other social programs, are the big ticket items that need to be significantly reduced.....like at least 20 percent to start. All of the other depts should looking at 10-15 percent cuts for starters.

You know what? We are approaching (not there yet, maybe, but approaching) something concrete there.

I suspect that it is an unworkable idea to say something as uniform and across the board as "cut 20%!" FOr example, I could certainly expect a full debate on how we have no damn business doing "education" on a Federal level, so that can be cut closer to 100%; but that we have a damn obvious duty and urgent need to engage in military defense, and that as a consequence, it would be reckless to cut that by even 10% at one fell swoop.

But why not compel each Federal Agency to JUSTIFY its existence and defend its budget allocations? Tell them, you are slated for a 20% cut unless and until you make the argument justifying a different approach. Education could SAY lots of shit, but none of it would square up with the FEDERAL Constitutional responsibilities. Goodbye Dept. of Ed.

The Pentagon could (I am guessing) make a pretty good argument that if they cannot get MORE, they certainly cannot afford a 20% slash of their budget and be expected to be prepared for lots of nasty potential consequences.
The liberal Democratics love to pretend that the GOP is the Party of No.

But the GOP has come up with a proposal to cut 2.5 TRILLION dollars of spending. If we accept the rough figure that we are slightly over 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, then 2.5 TRILLION in cuts is pretty substantial (even spread out over 10 years). http://rsc.jordan.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Spending_Reduction_Act--TWOPAGER.pdf

We can argue about the wisdom of WHICH programs, etc., would be cut. There will be claims that the GOP is seeking to kill off the poor and the aged. "Those heartless GOP bastards." Standard liberal Democrat Parody propaganda. (Of course, they will have to find a way to make those irresponsible claims in a civil fashion, now.)


Here's the question:

What budgetary items are the liberal Democratics telling us they would cut?

Are there some budget lines, items etc. upon which the GOP and the liberal Democratics already agree? (If so, let's get to it. Start trimming.) I'm sure there are items and lines, etc., upon which they will absolutely DISAGREE. Fair enough. That's what debates are for.

So, now, I want to hear from liberal Democratics. How much cutting are YOU guys proposing? In what specific areas? What lines of the budget? What programs?

In short, stop pointing your stubby little fingers at the GOP. Step up to the plate or to the mic. Take your hacks.

What kind of budget proposals are YOU guys coming up with to address the dire problems associated with our massive debt problem?

(Later, I'd also like to hear how the various states are going to deal with the retirement program shortfalls? Any proposals on that. Not that it matters all that much. But I believe the numbers in THAT realm make the Federal figures pale in comparison.... So, somebody sooner or later is going to have to admit the problem and we are all going to have to confront it. That should be a pretty harmonious, civil discussion. I'm sure.)

Let's start with subsidies for Red States.

Let's go color blind and cut subsidies for the blue states.

I knew I wouldn't get a legitimate or serious answer from a hack like rdunce.
SS, Defense, Medicaid, Medicare, other social programs, are the big ticket items that need to be significantly reduced.....like at least 20 percent to start. All of the other depts should looking at 10-15 percent cuts for starters.

You know what? We are approaching (not there yet, maybe, but approaching) something concrete there.

I suspect that it is an unworkable idea to say something as uniform and across the board as "cut 20%!" FOr example, I could certainly expect a full debate on how we have no damn business doing "education" on a Federal level, so that can be cut closer to 100%; but that we have a damn obvious duty and urgent need to engage in military defense, and that as a consequence, it would be reckless to cut that by even 10% at one fell swoop.

But why not compel each Federal Agency to JUSTIFY its existence and defend its budget allocations? Tell them, you are slated for a 20% cut unless and until you make the argument justifying a different approach. Education could SAY lots of shit, but none of it would square up with the FEDERAL Constitutional responsibilities. Goodbye Dept. of Ed.

The Pentagon could (I am guessing) make a pretty good argument that if they cannot get MORE, they certainly cannot afford a 20% slash of their budget and be expected to be prepared for lots of nasty potential consequences.

Depts live off the taxpayer tit. They'd have a difficult time justifying anything legitimately. Our mandatory spending has to be scrutinized and cut. It SHOULD NOT be off limits to investigation. Then comes discretionary, all of the depts.
The liberal Democratics love to pretend that the GOP is the Party of No.

But the GOP has come up with a proposal to cut 2.5 TRILLION dollars of spending. If we accept the rough figure that we are slightly over 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, then 2.5 TRILLION in cuts is pretty substantial (even spread out over 10 years). http://rsc.jordan.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Spending_Reduction_Act--TWOPAGER.pdf

We can argue about the wisdom of WHICH programs, etc., would be cut. There will be claims that the GOP is seeking to kill off the poor and the aged. "Those heartless GOP bastards." Standard liberal Democrat Parody propaganda. (Of course, they will have to find a way to make those irresponsible claims in a civil fashion, now.)


Here's the question:

What budgetary items are the liberal Democratics telling us they would cut?

Are there some budget lines, items etc. upon which the GOP and the liberal Democratics already agree? (If so, let's get to it. Start trimming.) I'm sure there are items and lines, etc., upon which they will absolutely DISAGREE. Fair enough. That's what debates are for.

So, now, I want to hear from liberal Democratics. How much cutting are YOU guys proposing? In what specific areas? What lines of the budget? What programs?

In short, stop pointing your stubby little fingers at the GOP. Step up to the plate or to the mic. Take your hacks.

What kind of budget proposals are YOU guys coming up with to address the dire problems associated with our massive debt problem?

(Later, I'd also like to hear how the various states are going to deal with the retirement program shortfalls? Any proposals on that. Not that it matters all that much. But I believe the numbers in THAT realm make the Federal figures pale in comparison.... So, somebody sooner or later is going to have to admit the problem and we are all going to have to confront it. That should be a pretty harmonious, civil discussion. I'm sure.)

Let's start with subsidies for Red States.

Let's go color blind and cut subsidies for the blue states.

I knew I wouldn't get a legitimate or serious answer from a hack like rdunce.

TaxProf Blog: Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed

Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed

Monday, September 27, 2004
The Tax Foundation has released a fascinating report showing which states benefit from federal tax and spending policies, and which states foot the bill.



This is serious. It's been going on so long it's not like it's news. Cut the subsidies to Red States, stop penalizing the Blue States and you will see a remarkable turnaround in the Blue states.

Who cares about Red States? They keep saying they don't like government anyway. Stop helping them. Don't Republican leaders say things like, "Feed the poor and they'll breed, so stop feeding them"? Don't remember hearing something like that from Democrats.
The "calculation" of how much a red state gets back from the taxes sent per state to the Feds is a silly exercise. Stop the massive taxation and the bullshit programs, and we'd all have to send FAR less to the Feds in the first fucking place. And if the numbers were genuine, it would be a more or less zero sum game. But it's not.

We aren't going so deeply into this massive black hole of debt and deficit because outlays approximately equal intake.

So, don't divide by red state vs. blue state. That's just more liberal "divide and conquer" bullshit.

What PROGRAMS and DEPARTMENTS do you believe should be cut and by how much and over what time frame?

If you cut the spending, the issue of whether the Red States are net takers and the blue states are net givers will go away of its own accord.
I think their position is that we will have to spend more money on massive new entitlements that will save the taxpayers a gazillion spillion $$ in order to reduce the deficit.
let's start with subsidies for red states.

let's go color blind and cut subsidies for the blue states.

I knew i wouldn't get a legitimate or serious answer from a hack like rdunce.

taxprof blog: Red states feed at federal trough, blue states supply the feed

red states feed at federal trough, blue states supply the feed

monday, september 27, 2004
the tax foundation has released a fascinating report showing which states benefit from federal tax and spending policies, and which states foot the bill.



this is serious. It's been going on so long it's not like it's news. Cut the subsidies to red states, stop penalizing the blue states and you will see a remarkable turnaround in the blue states.

Who cares about red states? They keep saying they don't like government anyway. Stop helping them. Don't republican leaders say things like, "feed the poor and they'll breed, so stop feeding them"? Don't remember hearing something like that from democrats.

i d i o t p o s t a l e r t ! ! ! !
The liberal Democratics love to pretend that the GOP is the Party of No.

But the GOP has come up with a proposal to cut 2.5 TRILLION dollars of spending. If we accept the rough figure that we are slightly over 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, then 2.5 TRILLION in cuts is pretty substantial (even spread out over 10 years). http://rsc.jordan.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Spending_Reduction_Act--TWOPAGER.pdf

We can argue about the wisdom of WHICH programs, etc., would be cut. There will be claims that the GOP is seeking to kill off the poor and the aged. "Those heartless GOP bastards." Standard liberal Democrat Parody propaganda. (Of course, they will have to find a way to make those irresponsible claims in a civil fashion, now.)


Here's the question:

What budgetary items are the liberal Democratics telling us they would cut?

Are there some budget lines, items etc. upon which the GOP and the liberal Democratics already agree? (If so, let's get to it. Start trimming.) I'm sure there are items and lines, etc., upon which they will absolutely DISAGREE. Fair enough. That's what debates are for.

So, now, I want to hear from liberal Democratics. How much cutting are YOU guys proposing? In what specific areas? What lines of the budget? What programs?

In short, stop pointing your stubby little fingers at the GOP. Step up to the plate or to the mic. Take your hacks.

What kind of budget proposals are YOU guys coming up with to address the dire problems associated with our massive debt problem?

(Later, I'd also like to hear how the various states are going to deal with the retirement program shortfalls? Any proposals on that. Not that it matters all that much. But I believe the numbers in THAT realm make the Federal figures pale in comparison.... So, somebody sooner or later is going to have to admit the problem and we are all going to have to confront it. That should be a pretty harmonious, civil discussion. I'm sure.)

I'll take your $2.5 trillion in cuts and raise you another $2.5 trillion by getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan NOW

To top it off.......I'll knock another $2.5 trillion off the debt by repealing all the Bush Tax cuts and his unfunded prescription plan
The liberal Democratics love to pretend that the GOP is the Party of No.

But the GOP has come up with a proposal to cut 2.5 TRILLION dollars of spending. If we accept the rough figure that we are slightly over 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, then 2.5 TRILLION in cuts is pretty substantial (even spread out over 10 years). http://rsc.jordan.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Spending_Reduction_Act--TWOPAGER.pdf

We can argue about the wisdom of WHICH programs, etc., would be cut. There will be claims that the GOP is seeking to kill off the poor and the aged. "Those heartless GOP bastards." Standard liberal Democrat Parody propaganda. (Of course, they will have to find a way to make those irresponsible claims in a civil fashion, now.)


Here's the question:

What budgetary items are the liberal Democratics telling us they would cut?

Are there some budget lines, items etc. upon which the GOP and the liberal Democratics already agree? (If so, let's get to it. Start trimming.) I'm sure there are items and lines, etc., upon which they will absolutely DISAGREE. Fair enough. That's what debates are for.

So, now, I want to hear from liberal Democratics. How much cutting are YOU guys proposing? In what specific areas? What lines of the budget? What programs?

In short, stop pointing your stubby little fingers at the GOP. Step up to the plate or to the mic. Take your hacks.

What kind of budget proposals are YOU guys coming up with to address the dire problems associated with our massive debt problem?

(Later, I'd also like to hear how the various states are going to deal with the retirement program shortfalls? Any proposals on that. Not that it matters all that much. But I believe the numbers in THAT realm make the Federal figures pale in comparison.... So, somebody sooner or later is going to have to admit the problem and we are all going to have to confront it. That should be a pretty harmonious, civil discussion. I'm sure.)

I'll take your $2.5 trillion in cuts and raise you another $2.5 trillion by getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan NOW

To top it off.......I'll knock another $2.5 trillion off the debt by repealing all the Bush Tax cuts and his unfunded prescription plan

Well, that's a surprise. Imagine a liberal suggesting the unilateral withdrawal from Iraq. Imagine a liberal suggesting a flat out withdrawal from Afghanistan.

And in other shocking developments, a liberal thinks that increasing taxes will help the debt problem.

I say we can attack the debt by scraping Obamacare in its entirety and doing it immediately.

The key is to cut spending and these irrational new entitlement programs.

The cure to our debt problem is NOT to tax us any more. The cure is to be found by living within our means.
you can't cut everything that matters and not touch the things that are really the problem.

no matter how much repugs want to starve government until the loons can drown it in a bathtub.
The liberal Democratics love to pretend that the GOP is the Party of No.

But the GOP has come up with a proposal to cut 2.5 TRILLION dollars of spending. If we accept the rough figure that we are slightly over 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, then 2.5 TRILLION in cuts is pretty substantial (even spread out over 10 years). http://rsc.jordan.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Spending_Reduction_Act--TWOPAGER.pdf

We can argue about the wisdom of WHICH programs, etc., would be cut. There will be claims that the GOP is seeking to kill off the poor and the aged. "Those heartless GOP bastards." Standard liberal Democrat Parody propaganda. (Of course, they will have to find a way to make those irresponsible claims in a civil fashion, now.)


Here's the question:

What budgetary items are the liberal Democratics telling us they would cut?

Are there some budget lines, items etc. upon which the GOP and the liberal Democratics already agree? (If so, let's get to it. Start trimming.) I'm sure there are items and lines, etc., upon which they will absolutely DISAGREE. Fair enough. That's what debates are for.

So, now, I want to hear from liberal Democratics. How much cutting are YOU guys proposing? In what specific areas? What lines of the budget? What programs?

In short, stop pointing your stubby little fingers at the GOP. Step up to the plate or to the mic. Take your hacks.

What kind of budget proposals are YOU guys coming up with to address the dire problems associated with our massive debt problem?

(Later, I'd also like to hear how the various states are going to deal with the retirement program shortfalls? Any proposals on that. Not that it matters all that much. But I believe the numbers in THAT realm make the Federal figures pale in comparison.... So, somebody sooner or later is going to have to admit the problem and we are all going to have to confront it. That should be a pretty harmonious, civil discussion. I'm sure.)

I'll take your $2.5 trillion in cuts and raise you another $2.5 trillion by getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan NOW

To top it off.......I'll knock another $2.5 trillion off the debt by repealing all the Bush Tax cuts and his unfunded prescription plan

Well, that's a surprise. Imagine a liberal suggesting the unilateral withdrawal from Iraq. Imagine a liberal suggesting a flat out withdrawal from Afghanistan.

And in other shocking developments, a liberal thinks that increasing taxes will help the debt problem.

I say we can attack the debt by scraping Obamacare in its entirety and doing it immediately.

The key is to cut spending and these irrational new entitlement programs.

The cure to our debt problem is NOT to tax us any more. The cure is to be found by living within our means.

This liberal says before we start cutting programs that help AMERICANS lets end foreign entanglements that help nations that hate us

Debt is the result of too much money out and not enough money in. The Bush tax cuts have already added $2.5 trillion to our debt. Time to tighten our belts and stop the bleeding
Once our debt has been paid off, the rich can have back their tax cuts....I promise
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you can't cut everything that matters and not touch the things that are really the problem.

no matter how much repugs want to starve government until the loons can drown it in a bathtub.

Thanks. That was --


You are not usually prone to posting unintelligible blithering tripe. So, why not take a deep breath and, literally, try again?

If (and you really were unclear, so I can't be sure) you are somehow claiming that there should be no sacred cows, I will so stipulate.

If EVERYTHING should be up for discussion (although we are likely to end up not agreeing in any event) that's ok, too. I'll put up our so-called sacred cows for consideration on the merits and you guys do the same with your sacred cows.

Libs obviously look at the massive budget and the first fat target they tend to see is the military. Ok. Let's put it on the table and let's talk.

I see the Department of Education and I see Welfare. Up on the table they go. Let's talk.

I BET you that although there would be GREAT angst and disagreement along the way, if we agreed to do that and then SERIOUSLY went about the task of debating which programs had to go -- and which parts of which previously untouchable programs and institutions could now be shrunk -- we could eventually DO IT.

The lobbyists for industries would have a baby. The lobbyists for "social program" recipients would similarly have a baby. Too bad.

Our government "officials" need to grow up and get serious. We need to cut and pare down. We have to face up to the very real future problems which WILL cripple us unless we tackle these problems forcefully RIGHT NOW.
you can't cut everything that matters and not touch the things that are really the problem.

no matter how much repugs want to starve government until the loons can drown it in a bathtub.

Troubling but they actually think they're smart enough to accomplish that.
The liberal Democratics love to pretend that the GOP is the Party of No.

But the GOP has come up with a proposal to cut 2.5 TRILLION dollars of spending. If we accept the rough figure that we are slightly over 14 TRILLION dollars in debt, then 2.5 TRILLION in cuts is pretty substantial (even spread out over 10 years). http://rsc.jordan.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Spending_Reduction_Act--TWOPAGER.pdf

We can argue about the wisdom of WHICH programs, etc., would be cut. There will be claims that the GOP is seeking to kill off the poor and the aged. "Those heartless GOP bastards." Standard liberal Democrat Parody propaganda. (Of course, they will have to find a way to make those irresponsible claims in a civil fashion, now.)


Here's the question:

What budgetary items are the liberal Democratics telling us they would cut?

Are there some budget lines, items etc. upon which the GOP and the liberal Democratics already agree? (If so, let's get to it. Start trimming.) I'm sure there are items and lines, etc., upon which they will absolutely DISAGREE. Fair enough. That's what debates are for.

So, now, I want to hear from liberal Democratics. How much cutting are YOU guys proposing? In what specific areas? What lines of the budget? What programs?

In short, stop pointing your stubby little fingers at the GOP. Step up to the plate or to the mic. Take your hacks.

What kind of budget proposals are YOU guys coming up with to address the dire problems associated with our massive debt problem?

(Later, I'd also like to hear how the various states are going to deal with the retirement program shortfalls? Any proposals on that. Not that it matters all that much. But I believe the numbers in THAT realm make the Federal figures pale in comparison.... So, somebody sooner or later is going to have to admit the problem and we are all going to have to confront it. That should be a pretty harmonious, civil discussion. I'm sure.)

Democrats don't cut spending. They spend like drunken sailors with filthy mouths.. yawannaknowwhy? cause it's not they money.

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