CDZ What Is the Downside to Christianity?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I have asked the question for years without a reasonable answer from non Christians.
Sure Christianity has been misused for power and control in history. But those events are lies unsupported by Scripture.

Non Christians believe the New Testament is a fabrication. But in order for there to be such an elaborate fabrication that ended up changing the course of human history there must be a motive for that fabrication.

Is the motive of Christianity to take your money? No.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Is the motive of Christianity to control your life? No.
One of the thieves crucified became a believer as he hung on the cross. He did not have to go to church or do anything except believe.

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Luke 23:42-43

Is the motive of Christianity to get you to do something? No.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9

I propose the lack of evidence of any alterer motive except that of simply believing combined with the detailing of significant personal flaws of each author and character of Scripture combined with the fulfillment of prophecies from the ages combined with the historical evidence validates the New Testament.

If I am missing something that brings the validity of the New Testament into question, state so.
weather----your post on christianty is childish. For a better perspective-----read the "divine" scriptural writings of other
religions and a bit more on history. In fact there are more followers of Hinduism and its offshoots (like Buddhism etc)
and of islam. I like Hindu scriptural writings----but the Koran is
is even more idiotic than is the new testament. Luke never met Jesus and did not speak his language. How does he get to "quote" him?.
Christianity did for Constantine, the Emperor of the FIRST REICH precisely what the Emperor of the third reich hoped that Nazism would do for him. Josef and Magda Goebbels were adherent catholics in a "STATE OF GRACE" --when they offed themselves and their kids
read the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration----(and the kama
sudtra just for fun)
weather----your post on christianty is childish. For a better perspective-----read the "divine" scriptural writings of other
religions and a bit more on history. In fact there are more followers of Hinduism and its offshoots (like Buddhism etc)
and of islam. I like Hindu scriptural writings----but the Koran is
is even more idiotic than is the new testament. Luke never met Jesus and did not speak his language. How does he get to "quote" him?.
Christianity did for Constantine, the Emperor of the FIRST REICH precisely what the Emperor of the third reich hoped that Nazism would do for him. Josef and Magda Goebbels were adherent catholics in a "STATE OF GRACE" --when they offed themselves and their kids
read the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration----(and the kama
sudtra just for fun)

I hadn't figured out what the OP's point was but this is a good guess --- apparently he wants to know why the NT is not "valid", whatever that means.

Whatever it does mean, the fact that decades went by before it was chronicled from distant memory, and that the Council of Nicea revised and edited it centuries later, probably in part address it.

And of course, what Jesus was executed for was treason. Rome didn't give a shit about religious hallucinations. What it cared about was threats to its own power.
weather----your post on christianty is childish. For a better perspective-----read the "divine" scriptural writings of other
religions and a bit more on history. In fact there are more followers of Hinduism and its offshoots (like Buddhism etc)
and of islam. I like Hindu scriptural writings----but the Koran is
is even more idiotic than is the new testament. Luke never met Jesus and did not speak his language. How does he get to "quote" him?.
Christianity did for Constantine, the Emperor of the FIRST REICH precisely what the Emperor of the third reich hoped that Nazism would do for him. Josef and Magda Goebbels were adherent catholics in a "STATE OF GRACE" --when they offed themselves and their kids
read the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration----(and the kama
sudtra just for fun)

I hadn't figured out what the OP's point was but this is a good guess --- apparently he wants to know why the NT is not "valid", whatever that means.

Whatever it does mean, the fact that decades went by before it was chronicled from distant memory, and that the Council of Nicea revised and edited it centuries later, probably in part address it.

And of course, what Jesus was executed for was treason. Rome didn't give a shit about religious hallucinations. What it cared about was threats to its own power.

My all time fave bit of stupidity that emanates from Christian sources is the notion "DA JOOOS WANTED TO KILL JESUS"-------yeah? so WHY DA FLUCK didn't they?
The fact is that at that time DA JOOOS did engage in some
political assassination of their own (shhhhh don't tell anyone------we do try to cover that fact over------but it is hard
because there are actual fast days COMMEMORATING some of those MURDERS) My next fave bit of stupidity is -----DA PHARISEES WERE EXPLOITING DA POOR (???) Christians seem to have the following groups very CONFUSED-----1) da high priests, 2) da Pharisees
3) da tax collectors 4 ) something they call DA SCRIBES
and-----beyond that ----even DA SAMARITANS and DA
SADDUCEES. all of whom seem to have been in the business of TAXING THE PEOPLE TO DEATH----until Jesus and Saint Pontius Pilate told them not to---- fine roman advocates that they were
If I am missing something that brings the validity of the New Testament into question, state so.

That of course is a different question.

The New Testament exists- that is self evident.
The New Testament is claimed to be the primary document by most Christian sects- again self evident.

Is the New Testament 'valid' as teachings from 'god'? Is it valid that way?

No way to know- there is no evidence that supports the New Testament being anything other than the written word of men.

Is there wisdom in the New Testament- absolutely.

There are parts of the New Testament- especially the words of Jesus that I really, really wish more Christians paid attention to.
Saul (Paul) was a self-hating Jew, much in the same mold as the Reform "Jews" of today who wanted a religion with no obligations.
And yes, The Reform movement also manipulates the shit out of TJS.
If I am missing something that brings the validity of the New Testament into question, state so.

That of course is a different question.

The New Testament exists- that is self evident.
The New Testament is claimed to be the primary document by most Christian sects- again self evident.

Is the New Testament 'valid' as teachings from 'god'? Is it valid that way?

No way to know- there is no evidence that supports the New Testament being anything other than the written word of men.

Is there wisdom in the New Testament- absolutely.

There are parts of the New Testament- especially the words of Jesus that I really, really wish more Christians paid attention to.
<<<<< which ones are those?
Saul (Paul) was a self-hating Jew, much in the same mold as the Reform "Jews" of today who wanted a religion with no obligations.
And yes, The Reform movement also manipulates the shit out of TJS.

I do not believe that Paul was all that bad-----at the beginning. He seems AT FIRST to want to make a jewish religion------the Jewish ETHIC-----something acceptable to the entire roman empire (which at that time was soon to be all the whole world from the POV of Rome) ------he got bitter because is notion was rejected by HIS OWN PEOPLE-----poor kid
weather----your post on christianty is childish. For a better perspective-----read the "divine" scriptural writings of other
religions and a bit more on history. In fact there are more followers of Hinduism and its offshoots (like Buddhism etc)
and of islam. I like Hindu scriptural writings----but the Koran is
is even more idiotic than is the new testament. Luke never met Jesus and did not speak his language. How does he get to "quote" him?.
Christianity did for Constantine, the Emperor of the FIRST REICH precisely what the Emperor of the third reich hoped that Nazism would do for him. Josef and Magda Goebbels were adherent catholics in a "STATE OF GRACE" --when they offed themselves and their kids
read the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration----(and the kama
sudtra just for fun)
So you can't find a downside to Christianity so you make a childish personal attack.

One more to the long list.
weather----your post on christianty is childish. For a better perspective-----read the "divine" scriptural writings of other
religions and a bit more on history. In fact there are more followers of Hinduism and its offshoots (like Buddhism etc)
and of islam. I like Hindu scriptural writings----but the Koran is
is even more idiotic than is the new testament. Luke never met Jesus and did not speak his language. How does he get to "quote" him?.
Christianity did for Constantine, the Emperor of the FIRST REICH precisely what the Emperor of the third reich hoped that Nazism would do for him. Josef and Magda Goebbels were adherent catholics in a "STATE OF GRACE" --when they offed themselves and their kids
read the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration----(and the kama
sudtra just for fun)

I hadn't figured out what the OP's point was but this is a good guess --- apparently he wants to know why the NT is not "valid", whatever that means.

Whatever it does mean, the fact that decades went by before it was chronicled from distant memory, and that the Council of Nicea revised and edited it centuries later, probably in part address it.

And of course, what Jesus was executed for was treason. Rome didn't give a shit about religious hallucinations. What it cared about was threats to its own power.
So you can't find a downside to Christianity either.

One more to add to the list.
what we know about Paul is in the New Testament-----weather called that IRRELEVENT
weather----your post on christianty is childish. For a better perspective-----read the "divine" scriptural writings of other
religions and a bit more on history. In fact there are more followers of Hinduism and its offshoots (like Buddhism etc)
and of islam. I like Hindu scriptural writings----but the Koran is
is even more idiotic than is the new testament. Luke never met Jesus and did not speak his language. How does he get to "quote" him?.
Christianity did for Constantine, the Emperor of the FIRST REICH precisely what the Emperor of the third reich hoped that Nazism would do for him. Josef and Magda Goebbels were adherent catholics in a "STATE OF GRACE" --when they offed themselves and their kids
read the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration----(and the kama
sudtra just for fun)
So you can't find a downside to Christianity so you make a childish personal attack.

One more to the long list.

there are endless downsides to Christianity------shall I begin with the disgusting rules that were imposed on NON-CHRISTIANS by the filth of the house of Constantine----those rules which ADOLF HITLER LOVED TO THE EXTENT THAT HE INCORPORATED THEM INTO THE NUREMBURG LAWS?-----ie the laws which laid the groundwork for the
INQUISITION and the genocide of jews in Spain and most of Europe?------how about the theft of native American children----a CHURCH PROJECT IN THE NAME OF SOME GENTILE CREATURE NAMED "Christ"?
what we know about Paul is in the New Testament-----weather called that IRRELEVENT
Paul did not create Christianity. Adding unsubstantiated editorials about personalities is IRRELEVENT.

you should re-read the book-----he laid the groundwork for the
"cult of jesus"------and the repudiation of JOOOOOS---according to that silly book (actually I doubt those parts are authentic)
weather----your post on christianty is childish. For a better perspective-----read the "divine" scriptural writings of other
religions and a bit more on history. In fact there are more followers of Hinduism and its offshoots (like Buddhism etc)
and of islam. I like Hindu scriptural writings----but the Koran is
is even more idiotic than is the new testament. Luke never met Jesus and did not speak his language. How does he get to "quote" him?.
Christianity did for Constantine, the Emperor of the FIRST REICH precisely what the Emperor of the third reich hoped that Nazism would do for him. Josef and Magda Goebbels were adherent catholics in a "STATE OF GRACE" --when they offed themselves and their kids
read the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration----(and the kama
sudtra just for fun)
So you can't find a downside to Christianity so you make a childish personal attack.

One more to the long list.

there are endless downsides to Christianity------shall I begin with the disgusting rules that were imposed on NON-CHRISTIANS by the filth of the house of Constantine----those rules which ADOLF HITLER LOVED TO THE EXTENT THAT HE INCORPORATED THEM INTO THE NUREMBURG LAWS?-----ie the laws which laid the groundwork for the
INQUISITION and the genocide of jews in Spain and most of Europe?------how about the theft of native American children----a CHURCH PROJECT IN THE NAME OF SOME GENTILE CREATURE NAMED "Christ"?
Non Biblical gibberish.

Off topic to what non Christians fabricate to the OP.
Saul (Paul) was a self-hating Jew, much in the same mold as the Reform "Jews" of today who wanted a religion with no obligations.
And yes, The Reform movement also manipulates the shit out of TJS.

I do not believe that Paul was all that bad-----at the beginning. He seems AT FIRST to want to make a jewish religion------the Jewish ETHIC-----something acceptable to the entire roman empire (which at that time was soon to be all the whole world from the POV of Rome) ------he got bitter because is notion was rejected by HIS OWN PEOPLE-----poor kid
I did not grow up observant, or even interested Judaism, but there was no way I was ever going to try and start my own flavor of Judaism to suit my own societal needs.
Paul was very needy.

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