What is Schummer & Pelosi's Plan to deal with Fentanyl, Heroin, and Illegal Immigration Epidemic?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006?

They have no plan to do anything other than play politics and try to score political victories in the run up to 2020.

Can anyone on The Left, detail The Left's plan to deal with these issues?

And why are all of these old establishment curmudgeons so incensed that Trump won the 2016 Election?

Perhaps Steve Hilton can explain:

Steve Hilton: Trump is daring to clean up the establishment's biggest messes – and they hate him for it

According to establishment politicians and the establishment media, President Trump is like some kind of demented bull in a china shop, barging into issues he doesn't understand with a dangerous combination of ignorance and bluster. But what if the real reason the Trump approach breaks so much china is that he's actually confronting problems that the "I.Y.I's" -- intellectual,yet idiots -- in the establishment have been running away from for years? And what if the real reason they hate him so much is that he's showing them up for their failures

In fact, some of the loudest voices on the left and the "Never Trump" right who scream abuse at President Trump literally helped create the mess he's now trying to clean up. Immigration is a perfect example.

"The Trump shutdown is a completely manufactured crisis -- manufactured by Donald Trump," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said.

"Manufactured” by President Trump? How about the result of policy failures which you, Chuck, were right at the heart of?

Border patrol apprehensions at the southern border -- that didn't start in 2016. Look at these numbers: Over 3 million arrests in the last 10 years alone. And look at the humanitarian crisis -- hundreds of deaths, every year, and that's just in the last decade.

Here's a little fact-check for you, Chuck. Donald Trump was not in office the last decade. But guess who was? You! You and all the geniuses who love to attack President Trump. What have you done to fix our broken immigration system? All these years, Pelosi and Schumer have been in Congress. All these years, whether it's Bush or Obama, it's just talking, talking, talking.

  • The Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - failed.
  • President Bush's southwest border enforcement initiative in the 2009 budget - failed.
  • The "Gang of Eight's" Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 – failed.
  • Four executive orders focused on immigration reform - failed
And now suddenly it's all Trump's fault? These establishment politicians are just not serious. They're not serious about policy. They're not serious about reform. They're not serious about anything except writing pompous, self-regarding, opinion pieces to impress each other at Washington dinner parties.

Full Article at the included "Title Link"
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Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006?

They have no plan to do anything other than play politics and try to score political victories in the run up to 2020.

Can anyone on The Left, detail The Left's plan to deal with these issues?

And why are all of these old establishment curmudgeons so incensed that Trump won the 2016 Election?

Perhaps Steve Hilton can explain:

Steve Hilton: Trump is daring to clean up the establishment's biggest messes – and they hate him for it

According to establishment politicians and the establishment media, President Trump is like some kind of demented bull in a china shop, barging into issues he doesn't understand with a dangerous combination of ignorance and bluster. But what if the real reason the Trump approach breaks so much china is that he's actually confronting problems that the "I.Y.I's" -- intellectual,yet idiots -- in the establishment have been running away from for years? And what if the real reason they hate him so much is that he's showing them up for their failures

In fact, some of the loudest voices on the left and the "Never Trump" right who scream abuse at President Trump literally helped create the mess he's now trying to clean up. Immigration is a perfect example.

"The Trump shutdown is a completely manufactured crisis -- manufactured by Donald Trump," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said.

"Manufactured” by President Trump? How about the result of policy failures which you, Chuck, were right at the heart of?

Border patrol apprehensions at the southern border -- that didn't start in 2016. Look at these numbers: Over 3 million arrests in the last 10 years alone. And look at the humanitarian crisis -- hundreds of deaths, every year, and that's just in the last decade.

Here's a little fact-check for you, Chuck. Donald Trump was not in office the last decade. But guess who was? You! You and all the geniuses who love to attack President Trump. What have you done to fix our broken immigration system? All these years, Pelosi and Schumer have been in Congress. All these years, whether it's Bush or Obama, it's just talking, talking, talking.

  • The Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - failed.
  • President Bush's southwest border enforcement initiative in the 2009 budget - failed.
  • The "Gang of Eight's" Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 – failed.
  • Four executive orders focused on immigration reform - failed
And now suddenly it's all Trump's fault? These establishment politicians are just not serious. They're not serious about policy. They're not serious about reform. They're not serious about anything except writing pompous, self-regarding, opinion pieces to impress each other at Washington dinner parties.

Full Article at the included "Title Link"
Make it legal and tax it.
Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006?

They have no plan to do anything other than play politics and try to score political victories in the run up to 2020.

Can anyone on The Left, detail The Left's plan to deal with these issues?

And why are all of these old establishment curmudgeons so incensed that Trump won the 2016 Election?

Perhaps Steve Hilton can explain:

Steve Hilton: Trump is daring to clean up the establishment's biggest messes – and they hate him for it

According to establishment politicians and the establishment media, President Trump is like some kind of demented bull in a china shop, barging into issues he doesn't understand with a dangerous combination of ignorance and bluster. But what if the real reason the Trump approach breaks so much china is that he's actually confronting problems that the "I.Y.I's" -- intellectual,yet idiots -- in the establishment have been running away from for years? And what if the real reason they hate him so much is that he's showing them up for their failures

In fact, some of the loudest voices on the left and the "Never Trump" right who scream abuse at President Trump literally helped create the mess he's now trying to clean up. Immigration is a perfect example.

"The Trump shutdown is a completely manufactured crisis -- manufactured by Donald Trump," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said.

"Manufactured” by President Trump? How about the result of policy failures which you, Chuck, were right at the heart of?

Border patrol apprehensions at the southern border -- that didn't start in 2016. Look at these numbers: Over 3 million arrests in the last 10 years alone. And look at the humanitarian crisis -- hundreds of deaths, every year, and that's just in the last decade.

Here's a little fact-check for you, Chuck. Donald Trump was not in office the last decade. But guess who was? You! You and all the geniuses who love to attack President Trump. What have you done to fix our broken immigration system? All these years, Pelosi and Schumer have been in Congress. All these years, whether it's Bush or Obama, it's just talking, talking, talking.

  • The Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - failed.
  • President Bush's southwest border enforcement initiative in the 2009 budget - failed.
  • The "Gang of Eight's" Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 – failed.
  • Four executive orders focused on immigration reform - failed
And now suddenly it's all Trump's fault? These establishment politicians are just not serious. They're not serious about policy. They're not serious about reform. They're not serious about anything except writing pompous, self-regarding, opinion pieces to impress each other at Washington dinner parties.

Full Article at the included "Title Link"
Make it legal and tax it.

The only way that works is if you have a pretty hefty wall across the Southern Border.

You can't legalize something like illegal immigration or drugs unless you can control the flow of it into your country.
Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006?

They have no plan to do anything other than play politics and try to score political victories in the run up to 2020.

Can anyone on The Left, detail The Left's plan to deal with these issues?

And why are all of these old establishment curmudgeons so incensed that Trump won the 2016 Election?

Perhaps Steve Hilton can explain:

Steve Hilton: Trump is daring to clean up the establishment's biggest messes – and they hate him for it

According to establishment politicians and the establishment media, President Trump is like some kind of demented bull in a china shop, barging into issues he doesn't understand with a dangerous combination of ignorance and bluster. But what if the real reason the Trump approach breaks so much china is that he's actually confronting problems that the "I.Y.I's" -- intellectual,yet idiots -- in the establishment have been running away from for years? And what if the real reason they hate him so much is that he's showing them up for their failures

In fact, some of the loudest voices on the left and the "Never Trump" right who scream abuse at President Trump literally helped create the mess he's now trying to clean up. Immigration is a perfect example.

"The Trump shutdown is a completely manufactured crisis -- manufactured by Donald Trump," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said.

"Manufactured” by President Trump? How about the result of policy failures which you, Chuck, were right at the heart of?

Border patrol apprehensions at the southern border -- that didn't start in 2016. Look at these numbers: Over 3 million arrests in the last 10 years alone. And look at the humanitarian crisis -- hundreds of deaths, every year, and that's just in the last decade.

Here's a little fact-check for you, Chuck. Donald Trump was not in office the last decade. But guess who was? You! You and all the geniuses who love to attack President Trump. What have you done to fix our broken immigration system? All these years, Pelosi and Schumer have been in Congress. All these years, whether it's Bush or Obama, it's just talking, talking, talking.

  • The Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - failed.
  • President Bush's southwest border enforcement initiative in the 2009 budget - failed.
  • The "Gang of Eight's" Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 – failed.
  • Four executive orders focused on immigration reform - failed
And now suddenly it's all Trump's fault? These establishment politicians are just not serious. They're not serious about policy. They're not serious about reform. They're not serious about anything except writing pompous, self-regarding, opinion pieces to impress each other at Washington dinner parties.

Full Article at the included "Title Link"
At this point, they're just trying to get rhe funding for the bills already passed and those on the table.
Considering a huge majority of drugs coming through on the southern border are brought through entry ports, it's obvious that added technology and training of border agents is the answer.
A minority of drugs come into the US via tunnels under the wall, so maybe planting the the wall twenty plus feet deeper would help? :2up:
Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006?

They have no plan to do anything other than play politics and try to score political victories in the run up to 2020.

Can anyone on The Left, detail The Left's plan to deal with these issues?

And why are all of these old establishment curmudgeons so incensed that Trump won the 2016 Election?

Perhaps Steve Hilton can explain:

Steve Hilton: Trump is daring to clean up the establishment's biggest messes – and they hate him for it

According to establishment politicians and the establishment media, President Trump is like some kind of demented bull in a china shop, barging into issues he doesn't understand with a dangerous combination of ignorance and bluster. But what if the real reason the Trump approach breaks so much china is that he's actually confronting problems that the "I.Y.I's" -- intellectual,yet idiots -- in the establishment have been running away from for years? And what if the real reason they hate him so much is that he's showing them up for their failures

In fact, some of the loudest voices on the left and the "Never Trump" right who scream abuse at President Trump literally helped create the mess he's now trying to clean up. Immigration is a perfect example.

"The Trump shutdown is a completely manufactured crisis -- manufactured by Donald Trump," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said.

"Manufactured” by President Trump? How about the result of policy failures which you, Chuck, were right at the heart of?

Border patrol apprehensions at the southern border -- that didn't start in 2016. Look at these numbers: Over 3 million arrests in the last 10 years alone. And look at the humanitarian crisis -- hundreds of deaths, every year, and that's just in the last decade.

Here's a little fact-check for you, Chuck. Donald Trump was not in office the last decade. But guess who was? You! You and all the geniuses who love to attack President Trump. What have you done to fix our broken immigration system? All these years, Pelosi and Schumer have been in Congress. All these years, whether it's Bush or Obama, it's just talking, talking, talking.

  • The Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - failed.
  • President Bush's southwest border enforcement initiative in the 2009 budget - failed.
  • The "Gang of Eight's" Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 – failed.
  • Four executive orders focused on immigration reform - failed
And now suddenly it's all Trump's fault? These establishment politicians are just not serious. They're not serious about policy. They're not serious about reform. They're not serious about anything except writing pompous, self-regarding, opinion pieces to impress each other at Washington dinner parties.

Full Article at the included "Title Link"
Wow, you point out GOP failure and then you insist something going through the GOP congress is somehow Obama's fault.

Even after they told us this:


They did everything they could to hurt Obama's presidency and then they get mad at Obama. Why? Because the evil they did worked. Republicans hurt the country trying to hurt Obama. The ended up hurting the country, but not Obama.

As one Trump supporter said:

“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”

That's the problem with the GOP tactics of hate. There is collateral damage.

And under Trump, we are seeing the collateral damage...........his base. Unintended consequences.
Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006?

They have no plan to do anything other than play politics and try to score political victories in the run up to 2020.

Can anyone on The Left, detail The Left's plan to deal with these issues?

And why are all of these old establishment curmudgeons so incensed that Trump won the 2016 Election?

Perhaps Steve Hilton can explain:

Steve Hilton: Trump is daring to clean up the establishment's biggest messes – and they hate him for it

According to establishment politicians and the establishment media, President Trump is like some kind of demented bull in a china shop, barging into issues he doesn't understand with a dangerous combination of ignorance and bluster. But what if the real reason the Trump approach breaks so much china is that he's actually confronting problems that the "I.Y.I's" -- intellectual,yet idiots -- in the establishment have been running away from for years? And what if the real reason they hate him so much is that he's showing them up for their failures

In fact, some of the loudest voices on the left and the "Never Trump" right who scream abuse at President Trump literally helped create the mess he's now trying to clean up. Immigration is a perfect example.

"The Trump shutdown is a completely manufactured crisis -- manufactured by Donald Trump," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said.

"Manufactured” by President Trump? How about the result of policy failures which you, Chuck, were right at the heart of?

Border patrol apprehensions at the southern border -- that didn't start in 2016. Look at these numbers: Over 3 million arrests in the last 10 years alone. And look at the humanitarian crisis -- hundreds of deaths, every year, and that's just in the last decade.

Here's a little fact-check for you, Chuck. Donald Trump was not in office the last decade. But guess who was? You! You and all the geniuses who love to attack President Trump. What have you done to fix our broken immigration system? All these years, Pelosi and Schumer have been in Congress. All these years, whether it's Bush or Obama, it's just talking, talking, talking.

  • The Border Protection, Anti-terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 - failed.
  • The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - failed.
  • President Bush's southwest border enforcement initiative in the 2009 budget - failed.
  • The "Gang of Eight's" Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 – failed.
  • Four executive orders focused on immigration reform - failed
And now suddenly it's all Trump's fault? These establishment politicians are just not serious. They're not serious about policy. They're not serious about reform. They're not serious about anything except writing pompous, self-regarding, opinion pieces to impress each other at Washington dinner parties.

Full Article at the included "Title Link"
Border security that works. The vast majority of the thing you listed come to the US through the regular ports of entry, humans including sex slaves and heroin from.the southern border and fentanyl through the mail from China.

A wall does nothing about these problems.
This is why we are arresting 1,000 people a day crossing the border in places where there isn’t a wall.
As long as drugs are killing Americans, Democrats are happy. If drugs also kill invaders, that's collateral damage and there are plenty more where those came from.
As long as drugs are killing Americans, Democrats are happy. If drugs also kill invaders, that's collateral damage and there are plenty more where those came from.
And yet it is the republicans in the senate denying funding to the bills meant to address this problem. Gee, it's almost as if your moronic rants are baseless and completely madeup and stupid. Actually, it's just like that.
As long as drugs are killing Americans, Democrats are happy. If drugs also kill invaders, that's collateral damage and there are plenty more where those came from.
And yet it is the republicans in the senate denying funding to the bills meant to address this problem. Gee, it's almost as if your moronic rants are baseless and completely madeup and stupid. Actually, it's just like that.
Secretary Price Announces HHS Strategy for Fighting Opioid Crisis
U.S. government will spend $4.6 billion fighting opioid crisis. Advocates say that's not nearly enough
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This is why we are arresting 1,000 people a day crossing the border in places where there isn’t a wall.
And we are arresting thousands a month in San Diego, where there is a wall. So that kind of takes the shine off your talking point.
This is what CNN tried to say, that a wall doesn't work. Sad for the left to hear, when CNN contacted the mayor of San Diego he said the wall was working very well. You never heard of this because CNN scrapped it.

San Diego TV station: CNN declined our 'local view' because of reports on wall effectiveness

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