What is religion?

Yea but Catholicism came into play like what 1900 years ago so and a tremendus following since then so there is a lot of time in between then and now that people tried to stick to the ways as much as possible.
We are all Job. We all have "Free Will" and we are part of God's bigger picture. God let Satan have his power to do at will but can not physically kill us. Those are Gods rules in simple explaination. Satan wants to prove God wrong so how Satan is proving it with the rules set by God is by altering his words and having humanity be self destructive.

Think to yourself....
Crime, Alcohol, Cigarettes, War, High Content Food, High in Sugar Food, War, Abuse, Racism, Segregation, Drugs, Broken down Families, Rape, Material Objects, Greed and the need to have Money to live when all the things in this world were made with out money 1st?

Why do we charge for food, water, shelter and health care? If there are things in this world that should be free it is those. Crime and Poverty number 1 cause is because they can not afford the essentials.

--- Islam was made to stir up the middle east, but the bigger picture is that the religions were made up to hide the Truth about God and Jesus ---

Islam was created by a pedophile to bring the Arabs together. Not to stir it up.

But hey, I also think they started public education so they can use the teachers to create a one world govt.

ANd they started blacks on crack to eliminate them

And they wont tell us about the aliens landing daily, and how many of us so called humans are actually aliens in humans bodies.


ANd I think WIlliam the joke Joyce is heading it all u p
do you have sources or shall I go ahead and file you in the "full of shit" wastebasket now?


My welcome to the party gift to you.
<object width="425" heighname="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/NiNGK3y5Ypg&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/NiNGK3y5Ypg&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

That basket must be overflowing with your own shit.
nobody is 'born' catholic, muslim etc. they are taught it and in some cases indoctrinated, brainwashed and totally fucked up by it.
thats not what my lord satan says is true.

I think I'll listen to him since he is offering a a life of sin and a Red Light Saber.

Go ahead joke all you want. In the end you will be judged even if you do not believe. The difference for you is you won't be able to claim you were not taught.
The Truth is a scary thing because you have been lied to for so long.

To me the scary thing is that you will see in the next few years the One- World Government come in to play with tighter security more freedoms being taken away even the microchips being implanted.

I am scared of this because we are letting this happen. We can stop it but we do not have people working to stop it. We just let them do what they do while we sheep go to the slaughter.

Wow, I thought Taoman was nuts.................
Personally I think several religions could have been inspired by God. However, when man gets involved and starts changing it to his own needs (as every religion has done) it goes bad. I tend to avoid organized religion and just talk to the Man on my own.
Go ahead joke all you want. In the end you will be judged even if you do not believe. The difference for you is you won't be able to claim you were not taught.


yea dude. you believe that.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xPXmgXDJ3vQ&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xPXmgXDJ3vQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

yea dude. you believe that.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xPXmgXDJ3vQ&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xPXmgXDJ3vQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

That video helps you develope your world point of view? Pathetically sad, really.
If you mean realizing that dogma junkies are not impervious to being human like he rest of us then yes, this kind of thing illustrates that quite well. And Im sure you know how to beat your way from sad to happy.

Answer: Religion is the myth you decide to believe.

My 11 year old son is studying Greek mythology in school. It is interesting that since no one still believes in the Greek gods we have no problem in calling the Ancient Greek 'religion' exactly what it is; myth.

Religion is that thing that exists to drive Shogun nuts.:cool:
Swamp Fox: Personally I think several religions could have been inspired by God. However, when man gets involved and starts changing it to his own needs (as every religion has done) it goes bad. I tend to avoid organized religion and just talk to the Man on my own.

Good at least you see most the big picture and looking out side the box.

Nuts doesn't even begin to explain it. It's called awake and being aware. You have already been aware with your above comment. I am just putting out other information that has not been thought about as a big concern which it is. We need to help each other and take the power out of the world leaders hands and put the power back in the hands of the people for real not just the illusion.

RetiredGySgt: Go ahead joke all you want. In the end you will be judged even if you do not believe. The difference for you is you won't be able to claim you were not taught.

So true. If you know the Truth and choose to ignore it then that's your choice. When Judgement day come's He might ask you about it. Lying doesn't work then.

roomy: nobody is 'born' catholic, muslim etc. they are taught it and in some cases indoctrinated, brainwashed and totally fucked up by it.

Everyone is born the Son or Daughter of God. The religions were used as a control system to alter the Words and over all confuse you about how to speak with Him. You can just ask Him anything you want, He is always listening, He is always Talking but noone is Listening.

Jehovah or Yahweh call him either that is His name. Ask him if what I am saying is right or wrong. You will get confirmation someway or another.

LuvRPgrl: Islam was created by a pedophile to bring the Arabs together. Not to stir it up.

But hey, I also think they started public education so they can use the teachers to create a one world govt.

ANd they started blacks on crack to eliminate them

And they wont tell us about the aliens landing daily, and how many of us so called humans are actually aliens in humans bodies.


ANd I think WIlliam the joke Joyce is heading it all u p

Roman Catholic Church is the creator of Islam. It did this while altering the Words of the Bible and by always altering and translating they were able to see how to make there own book of a religion to feed false information and quiet the Word of Jesus and what he did while he was was walking the Earth.

Education is great. The public school systems are a joke though. They are here to keep the kids distracted and train them that going to work and doing what is asked by a supervisor is the right way. It basically is training them not to think for themselves but be told what to do. If your kids can not focus then they have a learning disability and then they are put on Ritalin which spurs drug abuse later in life.

Aids, Drugs were created for population control on the African descent people because the rulers of the soon to be one-world gov't are racist and do not believe that they should there gene pool effected by what they hate.

These people are dumb and they are wrong. They have never been for the people only about themselves. We need to unite and stop this from happening. It all starts with us. There will be a revolution against the world leaders, it is forming now and it will be so big they will have to hear us. We are going to offer an alternative to the old ways of doing what the man wants. Instead we will do what we want! The only we can do that is for everyone to know what is really going on in the world. Once we get that then we can teach everyone to be responisble, do what is right, to love and respect all people, to help and provide protection for all. No more BS laws and Amendments like the 1st Amendment. The right for freedom of speech?? HAHA that makes me laugh so much. I can talk with or with out that admentment. It is my gift.

A little true about the UFO's or Aliens that land here daily. Not everyone can see them. To tell you really you do not want to see them. If you do that means you are aware and they will get you can make you forget with pain and brain washing. Those Aliens are Satans minons. This is something not known. The more that know who they are the better. If you ever see an UFO do not focus on it, they are slightly telepathic and they will find you and you won't like what happens next. This is a bizarre fact and needs to be rconized. The Alien attack on Earth happened long ago to control us. The Bible was written to make us aware. Jesus came to help us rid them. We are left with the choice. Continue going on with the false life and being slaves with the illusion of being free or really be free.

The Alien's look like us. We are created in the image of God and so were they. They have a slight and noticable difference....
Take a look at Rockefeller and Lincoln... Eye's are a clue.


the eyes, eh?


do you happen to know a cat named Revenant?
your first link is pretty fucking disturbing, dude.

I mean, outside of all the "lincoln was an alien" silliness.

Again, are you trying to recreate the legend of Revenant?
I am not here to make friends but to give information. This is something different. It is disturbing but how is it suppost to come out any other way? A childrens book would that make you feel better?

I do not know what legend of Revenant and I do not need to know.

I am not opposing anyone, I am not interest in debate. I am opening your mind to what they do not want you to know. They are the one- world gov't leaders and Satan and his minons.

Just like Noah built and Arc because God told him to, he offered to take his friends and family everyone he came across to go with him. They didn't believe him...

They didn't survive. End of Story.

Have Faith that there is a higher power that is the Creator that wants you to know the Truth. He want's you to read the Words to set you Free...

Red pill or the Blue pill.....
I'm still trying to figure out the whole alien thing. I was sort of in your corner until then.
yeaa.. see.. i'm calling shenannigans.

1. you tried with the uber religous banter but moved to David Icke territory once that didn't get much of a response.

2. Your sig is taken from a secular gorillaz song

3. In fact, you make more secular referances than you do theist arguements. Im not sure I even recall you citing dogma passages in the first place.

3. Your name is a hint.

I think you are a fake account.

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