What is love for Jesus, how can you love him, and why?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
You do not love him just because he is popular and doing so will show to other people that you are good, kind. If I would have never heard about Jesus I would have still loved men like him in our recent history. Such men are turned into evil just like they were 20014 years ago. Many Christians today no doubt HIDE behind Jesus, they are a complete fraud - a few such examples are Bush and Obama. As a working man who does not profit from politics I have the authority to say that Osama Bin Laden, Gadhafi and Saddam Hussein were like Jesus of the modern times, and the American Christians who think I am crazy are degenerate zombies who have no clue about what Jesus was about - Adolf Hitler was like Jesus of our time, and he has been turned into a monster.

I DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE CHRISTIAN FRIEND but I love Jesus and I know Jesus better than most Christians, because most Christians connect with Jesus through literature rather than through heart.

DEVIL controls the earth today, we are living under a dew world order, and devil will turn believers into non believers and good into evil and evil into good.

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