CDZ What is a “Decent American?”


May 23, 2014
Asking the Board on this: “What is a decent American?” In my lifetime it requires six things.
A.) Love this Republic and support the Constitution that created it.
B.) Try to go to church on Sunday or Synagogue on Friday, or follow best you can.
C. ) Wear the uniform and defend this great experiment that happened in 1787 and continues today.
D. ) Love your family and be a good parent.
E.) Give back to your community.
F.) Defend against elements that would destroy these things.
Strong sensibility in judgement apart from popular narco driven psychomaniacal tides (what is popular).

Its my only standing prerequisite to 'decent'.
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Asking the Board on this: “What is a decent American?” In my lifetime it requires six things.
A.) Love this Republic and support the Constitution that created it.
B.) Try to go to church on Sunday or Synagogue on Friday, or follow best you can.
C. ) Wear the uniform and defend this great experiment that happened in 1787 and continues today.
D. ) Love your family and be a good parent.
E.) Give back to your community.
F.) Defend against elements that would destroy these things.
B is voluntary, and mostly a complete waste of time. The rest is pretty good.
Asking the Board on this: “What is a decent American?” In my lifetime it requires six things.
A.) Love this Republic and support the Constitution that created it.
B.) Try to go to church on Sunday or Synagogue on Friday, or follow best you can.
C. ) Wear the uniform and defend this great experiment that happened in 1787 and continues today.
D. ) Love your family and be a good parent.
E.) Give back to your community.
F.) Defend against elements that would destroy these things.
B is voluntary, and mostly a complete waste of time. The rest is pretty good.
i dont have to go to church every Sunday or believe in a god to be a "good" American....
I would agree with all but 'B' as well. And I would be cautious of what you call "defend" in 'F'. If they are physically destroying something, then defend it or them. If they are trying to make changes in our society, be careful whether we are defending something worth defending.
My own personal:

1. The Golden Rule
2. Good deeds
3. Empathy
Asking the Board on this: “What is a decent American?” In my lifetime it requires six things.
A.) Love this Republic and support the Constitution that created it.
B.) Try to go to church on Sunday or Synagogue on Friday, or follow best you can.
C. ) Wear the uniform and defend this great experiment that happened in 1787 and continues today.
D. ) Love your family and be a good parent.
E.) Give back to your community.
F.) Defend against elements that would destroy these things.
I would agree with D, E, and F. I agree with the sentiment of A, but not the wording. I do not believe one must love this country to be a "decent American". As for B, and C, you can have your opinion, but I respectfully disagree.
Carry a big ole honkin' gun!

Asking the Board on this: “What is a decent American?” In my lifetime it requires six things.
A.) Love this Republic and support the Constitution that created it.
B.) Try to go to church on Sunday or Synagogue on Friday, or follow best you can.
C. ) Wear the uniform and defend this great experiment that happened in 1787 and continues today.
D. ) Love your family and be a good parent.
E.) Give back to your community.
F.) Defend against elements that would destroy these things.

Those are all fine things, necessary and self-reinforcing as well; your family and children will turn out well grounded and able to face problems with a lot less difficulty as a result. We can see the results of what happened to the black communities that abandoned all of that after the 1950's over the last 40 odd years.

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