What in the hell is wrong with people?

Hey Boss, did you read that above response from your buddy SJ? It's like; WTF?
That is what passes for "intelligent" Republican response on this board. You good with that? Or do you want a "higher" level of discourse?

Oh.....without question. Boss wants a higher level of discourse. That's why he suggested that the Guatemalan kids have been given "Obama phones". Boss despises canned talking points and overblown rhetoric. He just wants to know what is wrong with liberals. That's all.

I am really starting to get upset that I didn't get my Obama phone. WTF? According to those repubs on here, EVERYBODY gets an Obama phone. But me. And them.

Did I whine good? Have you noticed the amount of whining, blaming and outright crying that goes on here by the Republicans? Everybody is out to get them. Everybody mis understands them, all the power's that be don't like them. Sometimes I think I am participating on a message board filled with a bunch of whiny 10 year olds that missed nappy time. Man up you Republicans. Grab your bootstraps and quit crying.

Then there are those who suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. They've got it much harder than anyone else. They not only have to do all the whining and crying but then they have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama. Takes a lot of mental gymnastics to do that.

Other than those points, I just can't figure out wtf is wrong with these Republicans.

I never received all of the free stuff I voted for either...:mad:
Aside from the idiotic diatribe, the OP is right about one thing.

I see nothing wrong with verifying a person's ID when they come to cast a ballot if we, as a society, make those ID's free of charge. Anything more is a poll tax.

If we are going to have voter registration as to where you register to vote, I see nothing wrong with verifying that registration when someone casts a ballot.

I've heard the arguments against it from my friends here on the left. I feel honored and privileged to often be included as a member of the left on this board. However I feel that the arguments against are far outweighed by the positives.

For those that say there is something sacred about the right to vote that ties back to the constitution and somehow proving who you are on election day is too great a burden to bear; I feel that the mustering of the civic duty to cast a vote is an unspoken truth that the founders took for granted; that those wanting to vote in biennial or quadrennial elections would not just show up on a cold November morning every two or four years but would have a presence in society as to which they would be cognizant of the issues and candidates come election time. Again, as long as said ID is provided free of charge, there is nothing wrong with requiring folks to show it to verify who they are when a ballot is cast.

As to the argument that it jeopardizes those who rather, lets say, limit their interactions with authorities; I would submit that if your political party and/or candidate is reliant upon those who are frightened by such interaction or who are driven by not wanting to reveal their identity when casting their vote; your party and/or candidate is not worthy of winning. Decisions are made by those who show up. If you're not willing to show up, you should have no bearing on decision-making. That is, after all, the question asked by every election...."Who do you want."

Finally, I often hear the argument that the Republicans/Conservatives wish to limit access to voting. I think this is true since minorities and the poor vote for the Democrats. However, a state like West Virginia or Texas has a bizarrely huge population of poor white folks. The dark red states are have the highest rates of poverty.


These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners

If requiring ID hurts poor folks, the GOP is shooting it'self in the foot in a way that is both efficient and grandiose when you consider their base is almost all of the red states in the graphic above.
The OP is hilarious because if you replace "liberal" with "conservative and "Bush" with "Obama" I think most Democrats would agree with his post.

yeah the OP sort of says it all. It's like Iraq and the real estate boom and credit meltdown never happened. Both sides have selective amnesia.
Aside from the idiotic diatribe, the OP is right about one thing.

I see nothing wrong with verifying a person's ID when they come to cast a ballot if we, as a society, make those ID's free of charge. Anything more is a poll tax.

If we are going to have voter registration as to where you register to vote, I see nothing wrong with verifying that registration when someone casts a ballot.

I've heard the arguments against it from my friends here on the left. I feel honored and privileged to often be included as a member of the left on this board. However I feel that the arguments against are far outweighed by the positives.

For those that say there is something sacred about the right to vote that ties back to the constitution and somehow proving who you are on election day is too great a burden to bear; I feel that the mustering of the civic duty to cast a vote is an unspoken truth that the founders took for granted; that those wanting to vote in biennial or quadrennial elections would not just show up on a cold November morning every two or four years but would have a presence in society as to which they would be cognizant of the issues and candidates come election time. Again, as long as said ID is provided free of charge, there is nothing wrong with requiring folks to show it to verify who they are when a ballot is cast.

As to the argument that it jeopardizes those who rather, lets say, limit their interactions with authorities; I would submit that if your political party and/or candidate is reliant upon those who are frightened by such interaction or who are driven by not wanting to reveal their identity when casting their vote; your party and/or candidate is not worthy of winning. Decisions are made by those who show up. If you're not willing to show up, you should have no bearing on decision-making. That is, after all, the question asked by every election...."Who do you want."

Finally, I often hear the argument that the Republicans/Conservatives wish to limit access to voting. I think this is true since minorities and the poor vote for the Democrats. However, a state like West Virginia or Texas has a bizarrely huge population of poor white folks. The dark red states are have the highest rates of poverty.


These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners

If requiring ID hurts poor folks, the GOP is shooting it'self in the foot in a way that is both efficient and grandiose when you consider their base is almost all of the red states in the graphic above.

What you should see wrong is that they have already verified their ID when they registered to vote, they don't need to keep doing it again every time they vote.

And the courts have determined it unconstitutional as well.
Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Maybe you can explain to me how the math works here. NO Republicans voted for ACA with or without single payer. Liberal Democrats passed ACA all by themselves. But you are claiming ACA didn't include single payer because of Republicans... none of whom voted for ACA. It's also a bit strange to think ACA was a Republican idea when no Republican voted for it. But please do tell me about these compromises made by liberals to ZERO Republicans?

Are you aware that some USMB cons are rooting for Vladimir Putin to win a battle of wills against president Obama? Do you think any liberals are doing that?

Of course not. Liberals are far too stupid to understand this isn't a battle of wills.

Do you know that the government shutdown cost us 24 billion dollars and was nothing but a conservative temper tantrum? Or...do you think it was a liberal strategy?

Yep. I think it was always a liberal strategy to force a government shutdown and then blame it on republicans.

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.

Can you name anything in the past decade that was a Republican initiative where liberals compromised?
Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Maybe you can explain to me how the math works here. NO Republicans voted for ACA with or without single payer. Liberal Democrats passed ACA all by themselves. But you are claiming ACA didn't include single payer because of Republicans... none of whom voted for ACA. It's also a bit strange to think ACA was a Republican idea when no Republican voted for it. But please do tell me about these compromises made by liberals to ZERO Republicans?

Are you aware that some USMB cons are rooting for Vladimir Putin to win a battle of wills against president Obama? Do you think any liberals are doing that?

Of course not. Liberals are far too stupid to understand this isn't a battle of wills.

Do you know that the government shutdown cost us 24 billion dollars and was nothing but a conservative temper tantrum? Or...do you think it was a liberal strategy?

Yep. I think it was always a liberal strategy to force a government shutdown and then blame it on republicans.

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.

Can you name anything in the past decade that was a Republican initiative where liberals compromised?

The ACA is based on a Republican initiative. It is modeled after Romney's signature plan for MA. This is an indisputable fact. Liberals compromised by abandoning single payer and the public option.

The fact that no Republicans voted for a bill that was such a great compromise is evidence of GOP intransigence. You are trying to use it as proof that liberals don't compromise. You are in backward land.

You want more, I assume. You want Republican initiatives where liberals compromised in the last decade. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I'm trying to think of a GOP initiative...................
Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Are you aware that some USMB cons are rooting for Vladimir Putin to win a battle of wills against president Obama? Do you think any liberals are doing that?

Do you know that the government shutdown cost us 24 billion dollars and was nothing but a conservative temper tantrum? Or...do you think it was a liberal strategy?

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.
Torn between two commies.

That's right.....show the OP how much conservatives are open to working with liberals. Good boy.
Working with liberals to do what, accelerate the demise of our country? Screw you, when is the last time Democrats worked with Republicans or even compromised one inch on anything? Maybe if Obama acted like a president and thought about what's best for the country instead of acting like a dictator and what's best for him, he would get some help, but when he says shit like "If Congress won't do what I tell them, I'll do it without them", wtf do you expect? Yeah, drink some more of that kool aid.
Torn between two commies.

That's right.....show the OP how much conservatives are open to working with liberals. Good boy.
Working with liberals to do what, accelerate the demise of our country? Screw you, when is the last time Democrats worked with Republicans or even compromised one inch on anything? Maybe if Obama acted like a president and thought about what's best for the country instead of acting like a dictator and what's best for him, he would get some help, but when he says shit like "If Congress won't do what I tell them, I'll do it without them", wtf do you expect? Yeah, drink some more of that kool aid.

Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.
That's right.....show the OP how much conservatives are open to working with liberals. Good boy.
Working with liberals to do what, accelerate the demise of our country? Screw you, when is the last time Democrats worked with Republicans or even compromised one inch on anything? Maybe if Obama acted like a president and thought about what's best for the country instead of acting like a dictator and what's best for him, he would get some help, but when he says shit like "If Congress won't do what I tell them, I'll do it without them", wtf do you expect? Yeah, drink some more of that kool aid.

Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.
Obama's policies are not something the GOP should help with. They are something that need to be prevented and his communist philosophy is something that needs to be defeated. Look around the world and look at history. It won't be much longer before we'll all be standing in long lines for toilet paper. This is where we are headed. Don't count on any help.
Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Maybe you can explain to me how the math works here. NO Republicans voted for ACA with or without single payer. Liberal Democrats passed ACA all by themselves. But you are claiming ACA didn't include single payer because of Republicans... none of whom voted for ACA. It's also a bit strange to think ACA was a Republican idea when no Republican voted for it. But please do tell me about these compromises made by liberals to ZERO Republicans?

Of course not. Liberals are far too stupid to understand this isn't a battle of wills.

Yep. I think it was always a liberal strategy to force a government shutdown and then blame it on republicans.

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.

Can you name anything in the past decade that was a Republican initiative where liberals compromised?

The ACA is based on a Republican initiative. It is modeled after Romney's signature plan for MA. This is an indisputable fact. Liberals compromised by abandoning single payer and the public option.

The fact that no Republicans voted for a bill that was such a great compromise is evidence of GOP intransigence. You are trying to use it as proof that liberals don't compromise. You are in backward land.

You want more, I assume. You want Republican initiatives where liberals compromised in the last decade. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I'm trying to think of a GOP initiative...................

The ACA was NOT a Republican initiative, and I am disputing that because not a single Republican voted for it. It's a LIE that there was any compromise for Republicans because NO Republican voted for it. The TRUTH is, the compromise was in order to gain DEMOCRAT votes so ACA would pass. What a RINO governor did in the most liberal state in America, has nothing to with Republicans.

And you are right, there are no examples of Republican initiatives the Democrats have compromised on to pass. They don't exist. Everything passed by the Republicans in the House has been killed by Harry Reid in the Senate.
Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.

You have not cited a single example of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass a Republican initiative. The only example of a Democrat initiative where you claim they compromised is ACA, which garnered NO Republican votes.
Maybe you can explain to me how the math works here. NO Republicans voted for ACA with or without single payer. Liberal Democrats passed ACA all by themselves. But you are claiming ACA didn't include single payer because of Republicans... none of whom voted for ACA. It's also a bit strange to think ACA was a Republican idea when no Republican voted for it. But please do tell me about these compromises made by liberals to ZERO Republicans?

Of course not. Liberals are far too stupid to understand this isn't a battle of wills.

Yep. I think it was always a liberal strategy to force a government shutdown and then blame it on republicans.

Can you name anything in the past decade that was a Republican initiative where liberals compromised?

The ACA is based on a Republican initiative. It is modeled after Romney's signature plan for MA. This is an indisputable fact. Liberals compromised by abandoning single payer and the public option.

The fact that no Republicans voted for a bill that was such a great compromise is evidence of GOP intransigence. You are trying to use it as proof that liberals don't compromise. You are in backward land.

You want more, I assume. You want Republican initiatives where liberals compromised in the last decade. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I'm trying to think of a GOP initiative...................

The ACA was NOT a Republican initiative, and I am disputing that because not a single Republican voted for it. It's a LIE that there was any compromise for Republicans because NO Republican voted for it. The TRUTH is, the compromise was in order to gain DEMOCRAT votes so ACA would pass. What a RINO governor did in the most liberal state in America, has nothing to with Republicans.

B-but but... that touchdown didn't count!! Waah! :eusa_boohoo:

Face it Boss. Mittens is a lifelong Republican who did the same thing to Massachusetts that O'bama did to the country. It was a stupid idea then and it's the same stupid idea now. So yes, what Governor Romney (R) did, regardless what state he was governor of, does indeed have to do with Republicans. By definition.

Drunken rambling rant in the wee hours of the morning: 17 minutes. Jumping to specious reasoning and wild generalizations as argument: 3.3 nanoseconds.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Working with liberals to do what, accelerate the demise of our country? Screw you, when is the last time Democrats worked with Republicans or even compromised one inch on anything? Maybe if Obama acted like a president and thought about what's best for the country instead of acting like a dictator and what's best for him, he would get some help, but when he says shit like "If Congress won't do what I tell them, I'll do it without them", wtf do you expect? Yeah, drink some more of that kool aid.

Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.
Obama's policies are not something the GOP should help with. They are something that need to be prevented and his communist philosophy is something that needs to be defeated. Look around the world and look at history. It won't be much longer before we'll all be standing in long lines for toilet paper. This is where we are headed. Don't count on any help.

Before you press "submit", do you ever stop and wonder if maybe you have gone too far? Said a little too much? Used language that might just be seen as a bit crazy? Does that ever happen to you?
Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.

You have not cited a single example of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass a Republican initiative. The only example of a Democrat initiative where you claim they compromised is ACA, which garnered NO Republican votes.

Give me 10 GOP initiatives that have passed and were signed by the POTUS in the past decade. Hurry.
The OP is hilarious because if you replace "liberal" with "conservative and "Bush" with "Obama" I think most Democrats would agree with his post.

The difference is the main stream media bias and you can scoff but please tell me if this is NOT illustrative of why you are wrong.

MSM job is to Bash the president per ........
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

..........But when it comes to Obama ... any bashing here???

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

I mean where is the equal bashing of Obama when the editor of NewsWeek sees Obama as sort of God?

Then we have THIS fact about the MSM bias and how they've protected Obama...

"1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Now seriously how would any of these "so called" objective journalists WRITE/SHOW anything that would be detrimental to their investment/donation
to Democrats? I mean how stupid of them to be honest when 85% of them donated to Obama/democrats!

Finally what President ever ever ever said that they wanted to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion taxes and lay off 400,000 people?
Yet where is the MSM on this fact?
What President EVER EVER said he wanted higher gas prices, skyrocketing utility rates and wanted utilities to go bankrupt?
And where is the MSM on these known positions of Obama in taking him to task for these very very harmful wishes by Obama?
NO where because the MSM is biased!

And you know what? NOT one person on this board that defends Obama as you obviously have CAN REFUTE THESE COMMENTS!
I can prove each and every one of them!
B-but but... that touchdown didn't count!! Waah! :eusa_boohoo:

Face it Boss. Mittens is a lifelong Republican who did the same thing to Massachusetts that O'bama did to the country. It was a stupid idea then and it's the same stupid idea now. So yes, what Governor Romney (R) did, regardless what state he was governor of, does indeed have to do with Republicans. By definition.

Drunken rambling rant in the wee hours of the morning: 17 minutes. Jumping to specious reasoning and wild generalizations as argument: 3.3 nanoseconds.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Face what? That Mittens is a lifelong Republican in the most Liberal state in America? That Romneycare is as an abysmal failure as Obamacare? That moderate establishment Republicans thought Romney was the ideal candidate? Hey, I have no problem facing those things. I can even accept Romney's rationale, that Romneycare was a state initiative at the state level, and not nationalized health care. But Mitt Romney hardly defines the GOP.

Now, I can't speak for all conservatives, but I don't think most of them have a problem with a state using it's own resources to shore up statewide health care, especially if the voters pass such initiatives at the ballot box. I actually think that should be encouraged more. My main problem is with a centralized federal bureaucracy in DC making determinations regarding the health and wellbeing of me and my family. Mandating that I must purchase products that I may not wish to own and punishing me punitively if I don't comply.

Yeah, we had problems with our healthcare system, Obamacare didn't fix any of them.
Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Maybe you can explain to me how the math works here. NO Republicans voted for ACA with or without single payer. Liberal Democrats passed ACA all by themselves. But you are claiming ACA didn't include single payer because of Republicans... none of whom voted for ACA. It's also a bit strange to think ACA was a Republican idea when no Republican voted for it. But please do tell me about these compromises made by liberals to ZERO Republicans?

Are you aware that some USMB cons are rooting for Vladimir Putin to win a battle of wills against president Obama? Do you think any liberals are doing that?

Of course not. Liberals are far too stupid to understand this isn't a battle of wills.

Do you know that the government shutdown cost us 24 billion dollars and was nothing but a conservative temper tantrum? Or...do you think it was a liberal strategy?

Yep. I think it was always a liberal strategy to force a government shutdown and then blame it on republicans.

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.

Can you name anything in the past decade that was a Republican initiative where liberals compromised?

Democrats worked hand in glove with the Republican president on the No Child Left Behind Act, provided crucial votes in the Senate for his tax cuts, joined with Republicans for all the steps taken after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and supplied the key votes for the Bush administration’s financial bailout at the height of the economic crisis in 2008. They have continued Bush policies wrt the Patriot Act, the Iraq withdrawal timetable, etc...

Can't think of any examples where Republicans were willing to work across the aisle. Can you provide any examples?
B-but but... that touchdown didn't count!! Waah! :eusa_boohoo:

Face it Boss. Mittens is a lifelong Republican who did the same thing to Massachusetts that O'bama did to the country. It was a stupid idea then and it's the same stupid idea now. So yes, what Governor Romney (R) did, regardless what state he was governor of, does indeed have to do with Republicans. By definition.

Drunken rambling rant in the wee hours of the morning: 17 minutes. Jumping to specious reasoning and wild generalizations as argument: 3.3 nanoseconds.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Face what? That Mittens is a lifelong Republican in the most Liberal state in America? That Romneycare is as an abysmal failure as Obamacare? That moderate establishment Republicans thought Romney was the ideal candidate? Hey, I have no problem facing those things. I can even accept Romney's rationale, that Romneycare was a state initiative at the state level, and not nationalized health care. But Mitt Romney hardly defines the GOP.

Now, I can't speak for all conservatives, but I don't think most of them have a problem with a state using it's own resources to shore up statewide health care, especially if the voters pass such initiatives at the ballot box. I actually think that should be encouraged more. My main problem is with a centralized federal bureaucracy in DC making determinations regarding the health and wellbeing of me and my family. Mandating that I must purchase products that I may not wish to own and punishing me punitively if I don't comply.

Yeah, we had problems with our healthcare system, Obamacare didn't fix any of them.

My goodness....you use a lot of words to say nothing.

The mandate is a conservative ideal......loaded with personal responsibility. Ever since a Democratic POTUS adopted it....it became big bad government overreach. You are transparent.
Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Maybe you can explain to me how the math works here. NO Republicans voted for ACA with or without single payer. Liberal Democrats passed ACA all by themselves. But you are claiming ACA didn't include single payer because of Republicans... none of whom voted for ACA. It's also a bit strange to think ACA was a Republican idea when no Republican voted for it. But please do tell me about these compromises made by liberals to ZERO Republicans?

Of course not. Liberals are far too stupid to understand this isn't a battle of wills.

Yep. I think it was always a liberal strategy to force a government shutdown and then blame it on republicans.

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.

Can you name anything in the past decade that was a Republican initiative where liberals compromised?

Democrats worked hand in glove with the Republican president on the No Child Left Behind Act, provided crucial votes in the Senate for his tax cuts, joined with Republicans for all the steps taken after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and supplied the key votes for the Bush administration’s financial bailout at the height of the economic crisis in 2008. They have continued Bush policies wrt the Patriot Act, the Iraq withdrawal timetable, etc...

Can't think of any examples where Republicans were willing to work across the aisle. Can you provide any examples?

Not to mention, as they constantly harp on, all together now -- Iraq (the invasion).

I mean, helllllooooo....?

Life in the Bubble.... :rolleyes:

Hey, here's an idea -- let's continue to pretend we have two parties that stand for different things. You know, just to entertain the superficially involved.
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