What if you woke up one morning and evil didn't exist any more?

Your OP suggested the absence of evil would further universal peace, love, brotherhood etc. Do you think we each would see such a world in the same way? Define those terms identically? Is the fact that we would not in itself also a kind of evil?
When evil is removed, then there is no deception, so everyone sees the truth as it is.
Your OP suggested the absence of evil would further universal peace, love, brotherhood etc. Do you think we each would see such a world in the same way? Define those terms identically? Is the fact that we would not in itself also a kind of evil?
When evil is removed, then there is no deception, so everyone sees the truth as it is.

How do you know that? You see, your vision of what an evil free world would look like might be totally different than what somebody else's vision of that would be. If we assume that good is possible without evil, how do you know that your definition of good is in fact an absence of evil?
Your OP suggested the absence of evil would further universal peace, love, brotherhood etc. Do you think we each would see such a world in the same way? Define those terms identically? Is the fact that we would not in itself also a kind of evil?
When evil is removed, then there is no deception, so everyone sees the truth as it is.

That's how some might describe heaven which is where a lot of people seem to want to go. I doubt evil exists there if heaven exists.
Evil is what it is, not what you want it to be.

Define it.
Name all that is evil.
Good luck.
Too easy, evil is all that goes against God.

The bible says that God created ALL things. That means there is NOTHING God did not create, including evil. It was created to give us the choice, freedom of choice between good and evil. The choice to be in heaven or hell. Every day everyone makes that choice. Choose evil, the consequences are hell. That's why Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand. If heaven is in the sky the birds are before you." You stand in the third level of heaven. God resides in the seventh level. Jesus also said, "In my fathers house there are many mansions."
In Revelations it says that there will come a point in time when evil will be done away with. The choices will all be made.
What are the seven realms of heaven
So what is that? Please tell me "all that goes against god" if it is so easy.
Define it.
Name all that is evil.
Good luck.
Too easy, evil is all that goes against God.

The bible says that God created ALL things. That means there is NOTHING God did not create, including evil. It was created to give us the choice, freedom of choice between good and evil. The choice to be in heaven or hell. Every day everyone makes that choice. Choose evil, the consequences are hell. That's why Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand. If heaven is in the sky the birds are before you." You stand in the third level of heaven. God resides in the seventh level. Jesus also said, "In my fathers house there are many mansions."
In Revelations it says that there will come a point in time when evil will be done away with. The choices will all be made.
What are the seven realms of heaven
So what is that? Please tell me "all that goes against god" if it is so easy.

That was not directed to me, but if somebody asked me for a definition of 'evil' it would be that which harms us and/or others and that which intends harm to us and/or others. To the believer such evil, whether we intentionally or unintentionally do it, is called 'sin'. And there are always consequences, either immediately or as the Bible metaphorically illustrated it: "the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children even unto the fourth and fifth generations. . . ." which was their way of saying that we not only spoil God's perfect creation for us but for others, maybe now, maybe way on down the road.

But Christians also believe in a spiritual world and many, if not most, believe that spiritual world also contains good--that which intends or wants good for us and/or others--and evil, that which intends evil for us and/or others. The Star Wars series defined that as the good and dark side of 'the Force'.
What if you woke up one morning and evil didn't exist any more?

Pretty sure that's called "the afterlife"

Nope, the afterlife is hell for some, because that's what they choose. Positive and negative are NOT interchangeable, like creation and destruction. Destruction is NOT possible without creation, but creation IS possible without destruction. Energy is never destroyed. Even black holes grow bigger whenever they absorb energy. Destruction always works for creation. Destruction is transmuted. Here's a thought....Satan repents and is converted.
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What if you woke up one morning and evil didn't exist any more?

Pretty sure that's called "the afterlife"

Nope, the afterlife is hell for some, because that's what they choose. Positive and negative are NOT interchangeable, like creation and destruction. Destruction is NOT possible without creation, but creation IS possible without destruction. Energy is never destroyed. Even black holes grow bigger whenever they absorb energy. Destruction always works for creation. Destruction is transmuted. Here's a thought....Satan repents and is converted.

Probably no one thought to brought this up to you before, but I'm fairly certain that where we're living right now is Hell and is ruled by Satan and no, I don't have an Obama joke to go with it this time
What if you woke up one morning and evil didn't exist any more?

Pretty sure that's called "the afterlife"

Nope, the afterlife is hell for some, because that's what they choose. Positive and negative are NOT interchangeable, like creation and destruction. Destruction is NOT possible without creation, but creation IS possible without destruction. Energy is never destroyed. Even black holes grow bigger whenever they absorb energy. Destruction always works for creation. Destruction is transmuted. Here's a thought....Satan repents and is converted.

Probably no one thought to brought this up to you before, but I'm fairly certain that where we're living right now is Hell and is ruled by Satan and no, I don't have an Obama joke to go with it this time

Yeah, that's why God gets blamed for all the bad things that happen, like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. God is bad, Satan is good, sure. That's why so many here think living without evil is impossible. Humans are so easily deceived.
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Yeah, that's why God gets blamed for all the bad things that happen, like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. God is bad, Satan is good, sure. That's why so many here think living without evil is impossible. Humans are so easily deceived.

Yadda-Yadda-Yadda ... Blah-Blah-Blah ... Bullshit.

If evil didn't exist ... No one would be missing or have a hard time living without what never was.
You are the person suggesting the idea that a world without evil would be difficult for anyone.

The fact you want people chasing their preverbal tails around in circles trying to digest your bullshit is a humorous endeavor to watch.

If evil was "gone", everything would be good. Not "nothing would be good." Illogical.

Our references would change.

If the worse thing ever was an ingrown toenail, people that got them would cry that god had forsaken them.

If people didn't kill each other, a shoulder bump would become a grievous assault.

basically, you can't have an evil free life, human nature won't allow a vacuum

You are still trying to make evil continue to exist. Nature is not against God.

Evil always has existed and always will. Why? Because God has always existed and He is Good. If Good exists, evil must also.

Evil will always exist, the question is whether we will choose good over evil or let evil overcome us.
Then this forum would have significant less discussion.

On a more serious note, if evil ceased to exist, so would good. They define one another.

Just another devil's advocate that tries to fool people into believing God can't exist without the devil.

No, the devil can't exist without evil. Evil can very much exist without a devil.

Good on the other hand can't exist without God.
Sure is a bunch of posters here that will refuse to go to heaven, because they can't live without evil. You have made your choice. Poor you.

You mean an evil like judging the Eternal Destination of anothers soul?
Food for thought...

“If God were to remove all evil from our world (but somehow leave human beings on the planet), it would mean that the essence of 'humanness' would be destroyed. We would become robots.

Let me explain what I mean by this. If God eliminated evil by programming us to perform only good acts, we would lose this distinguishing mark - the ability to make choices. We would no longer be free moral agents. We would be reduced to the status of robots.

Let's take this a step further. Robots do not love. God created us with the capacity to love. Love is based upon one's right to choose to love. We cannot force others to love us. We can make them serve us or obey us. But true love is founded upon one's freedom to choose to respond.” (Billy Graham)

Amusing. That logic makes heaven a number of robots that can't even love God.

It's just simple logic. How can you have a loving relationship if you are unable to reject the other person in question?
What if you woke up one morning and evil didn't exist any more?

Pretty sure that's called "the afterlife"

Nope, the afterlife is hell for some, because that's what they choose. Positive and negative are NOT interchangeable, like creation and destruction. Destruction is NOT possible without creation, but creation IS possible without destruction. Energy is never destroyed. Even black holes grow bigger whenever they absorb energy. Destruction always works for creation. Destruction is transmuted. Here's a thought....Satan repents and is converted.

But your analysis is wrong, the second something is created it can be destroyed. That possibility exists the moment it's created.
Then this forum would have significant less discussion.

On a more serious note, if evil ceased to exist, so would good. They define one another.

Just another devil's advocate that tries to fool people into believing God can't exist without the devil.

No, the devil can't exist without evil. Evil can very much exist without a devil.

Good on the other hand can't exist without God.

Jesus already died on the cross for our sins, so no one is going to hell anyways, and no one has gone to hell since Jesus died for everyone's sin.

And if we took evil away, how would mormons get the underage children as their wives?
No more greed. No more crime. No more war. No more money. No more disease. No more death. No more hate. No more murder.
If evil didn't exist, then Adam and Eve would not have been deceived. If evil didn't exist, then nobody would do anything wrong. It would be peace, love and brotherhood. I wonder how many couldn't live in a world like that.
I'd miss some of My Democrat friends....some of them ain't half bad, and many of them have bodacious tata's!


YeaRh, the cons don't have nice tata's, they're all men.


My ideology brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like
It's better than yours,
Damn right it's better than yours,
It's been around since the Civil War
Who the hell you think it's for

I know you're jealous of
The thing that makes me
What the Cons go crazy for
That corporate free speech
That natural racial breach
That disdain for the union leech

La la-la la la,
Warm it up.
The boys are waiting

My ideology brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like
It's better than yours,
Damn right it's better than yours,
It's been around since the Civil War
Who the hell you think it's for

We learned to be the graven image
Of America's Christian religion
You want me to feed thee
A bigger piece of the pie chart
It can't be bought,
Just know, thieves get caught,
Watch if your smart,

La la-la la la,
Warm it up,
La la-la la la,
The boys are waiting,

My ideology brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like
It's better than yours,
Damn right it's better than yours,
It's been around since the Civil War
Who the hell you think it's for

Oh, once you get definitions blurred
Everyone will look this way-so,
You must recite your code words
Same time maintain your halo,
Just get the perfect blend,
Plus what you have within,
Then next his eyes are squint,
Then he's picked up your scent,

Warm it up,
The boys are waiting,

My ideology brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like
It's better than yours,
Damn right it's better than yours,
It's been around since the Civil War
Who the hell you think it's for

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