What if our ancestors treated the British as current Americans want Israel to treat Hamas?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I would hope most of you would know your history enough to see the similarities between the USA/Independence war
and Hamas/Israel... and also the distinctions!
There were supporters of the British in fact, Not everyone who opposed independence did so for economic reasons. Just like Revolutionaries, the ranks of Loyalists included farmers, shopkeepers, and artisans, but some of them were distrustful of the movement for independence. They felt that it was being led by wealthy gentry that they had little in common with.
Isn't that ironic? The universities, academia are against the wealthy, etc, just like the anti-Independence commoners...
Now the major difference. Most of the above supporters of Hamas though are not aware of this:
The smaller of the two Palestinian territories,[7] Gaza is separated from the West Bank by Israel. Both are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority,[8] however Gaza is governed by Hamas, a militant, Sunni Islamicorganization,[9] which has ruled the territory since an internal conflict between Palestinian factions in 2007 that followed their electoral victory in 2006.
Israel unilaterally withdrew its military forces and dismantled its Israeli settlements in Gaza in 2005, and does not consider the territory held under military occupation. The United Nations, International Committee of the Red Cross, and many human rights organization however continue to consider the occupying power as Israel controls Gaza's borders, with the exception of the Egyptian border, airspace and access to the sea and exercises what they consider to be effective military control over the territory.[21][22][23]
So in summary the truly uninformed supporters here in the USA of Hamas don't know the history! That simple.
Hamas is truly an evil group of terrorists managed by Hezbollah, Isis, and fundamentally Iran!
It's just sad how truly uninformed that these Hamas supporters are especially the academia!
I would hope most of you would know your history enough to see the similarities between the USA/Independence war
and Hamas/Israel... and also the distinctions!
There were supporters of the British in fact, Not everyone who opposed independence did so for economic reasons. Just like Revolutionaries, the ranks of Loyalists included farmers, shopkeepers, and artisans, but some of them were distrustful of the movement for independence. They felt that it was being led by wealthy gentry that they had little in common with.
Isn't that ironic? The universities, academia are against the wealthy, etc, just like the anti-Independence commoners...
Now the major difference. Most of the above supporters of Hamas though are not aware of this:
The smaller of the two Palestinian territories,[7] Gaza is separated from the West Bank by Israel. Both are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority,[8] however Gaza is governed by Hamas, a militant, Sunni Islamicorganization,[9] which has ruled the territory since an internal conflict between Palestinian factions in 2007 that followed their electoral victory in 2006.
Israel unilaterally withdrew its military forces and dismantled its Israeli settlements in Gaza in 2005, and does not consider the territory held under military occupation. The United Nations, International Committee of the Red Cross, and many human rights organization however continue to consider the occupying power as Israel controls Gaza's borders, with the exception of the Egyptian border, airspace and access to the sea and exercises what they consider to be effective military control over the territory.[21][22][23]
So in summary the truly uninformed supporters here in the USA of Hamas don't know the history! That simple.
Hamas is truly an evil group of terrorists managed by Hezbollah, Isis, and fundamentally Iran!
It's just sad how truly uninformed that these Hamas supporters are especially the academia!
Is this your way of supporting mass murder?

Doing evil to stop evil, means you’re evil.
I am still trying to understand your analogy of the American Revolution. Who were "our ancestors" and who were "the British?" And which represents Israel and Hamas?
Yeah, I don't get the comparison either.

Anyone that read Thomas Paine's "Common Sense," and DID NOT agree with it, either got tarred and feathered, or ran to Canada. That is just how things were.

We have a lot of these Common Wealth trolls on this board, still, trying to convince us, that the right to bear arms. . . should not be absolute, that the right to free speech and the right to petition our government, should be regulated by the elites who supposedly know better, and the list goes on and on. The Anglo-American elites, still believe that the ruling classes of the Anglo world should be one power bloc, and the plebes should have no sovereignty. Nothing has really changed since the revolution.

Hell, we even have someone from the monarchy that has taken up residence in our own nation. . To try and subvert the revolution.


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I would hope most of you would know your history enough to see the similarities between the USA/Independence war
and Hamas/Israel... and also the distinctions!
There were supporters of the British in fact, Not everyone who opposed independence did so for economic reasons. Just like Revolutionaries, the ranks of Loyalists included farmers, shopkeepers, and artisans, but some of them were distrustful of the movement for independence. They felt that it was being led by wealthy gentry that they had little in common with.
Isn't that ironic? The universities, academia are against the wealthy, etc, just like the anti-Independence commoners...
Now the major difference. Most of the above supporters of Hamas though are not aware of this:
The smaller of the two Palestinian territories,[7] Gaza is separated from the West Bank by Israel. Both are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority,[8] however Gaza is governed by Hamas, a militant, Sunni Islamicorganization,[9] which has ruled the territory since an internal conflict between Palestinian factions in 2007 that followed their electoral victory in 2006.
Israel unilaterally withdrew its military forces and dismantled its Israeli settlements in Gaza in 2005, and does not consider the territory held under military occupation. The United Nations, International Committee of the Red Cross, and many human rights organization however continue to consider the occupying power as Israel controls Gaza's borders, with the exception of the Egyptian border, airspace and access to the sea and exercises what they consider to be effective military control over the territory.[21][22][23]
So in summary the truly uninformed supporters here in the USA of Hamas don't know the history! That simple.
Hamas is truly an evil group of terrorists managed by Hezbollah, Isis, and fundamentally Iran!
It's just sad how truly uninformed that these Hamas supporters are especially the academia!

Half of those marching idiot students probably couldn’t find Israel on the map if you asked them.
I am still trying to understand your analogy of the American Revolution.

You are not alone...

:confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:
For you and other simpletons...
Israel today is what the British were during our revolutionary war... i.e. Israel controlled all entries, utilities going into Gaza...
  • The Gaza Strip refers to a narrow strip of land wedged between Israel and Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea that is roughly the size of Washington, D.C.
    Occupied in turn by the Ottoman Empire and then the British Empire, it forms the smaller of the two Palestinian territories — the other being the West Bank.
  • After the creation of Israel in 1948, Egypt controlled Gaza for nearly two decades.
    After Israel's victory in the 1967 Six-Day War against its Arab neighbors, it gained control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
  • For the next 38 years, it controlled the strip and enabled the construction of 21 Jewish settlements.
  • In 2005, under international and domestic pressure, Israel withdrew around 9,000 Israeli settlers and its military forces from Gaza, leaving the enclave to be governed by the Palestinian Authority, which also controlled parts of the occupied West Bank.

Now the distinction is that the British like Israel left the USA to be independent, and Israel left Gaza to be governed by the Palestinian Authority ...
BUT the Palestinian Authority continued to oppose Israel.
The 1968 Palestinian National Charter, also known as the Palestinian National Covenant, is a revised version of the 1964 Palestinian National Charter. Both documents call repeatedly for the 'liberation' of all of Palestine, the destruction of the state of Israel, and the outlawing of Zionism.
But most of the ignorant Hamas supporting idiots here in the USA aren't aware of this.

An analogy would be if the state of California (Gaza) decided to bomb Phoenix, AZ in the process killing 1,400 Americans.
This is what Hamas did. They bombed Israel.
So Israel did what any country does protecting it's people... they attacked Hamas in Gaza.
FACTS... not fiction.

Any of you idiots supporting the Hamas are just grossly uninformed.
This is what Hamas did to FIRST to Israel:
Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 9.07.51 AM.png

The OP is a complete false equivalency logical fallacy.

I don’t really see the direct equivalency either

Israel controlled all entries, utilities going into Gaza...

Most folks see a better analogy with great powers colonizing indigenous peoples, I.E. the British vis-à-vis native Americans, the Spanish vis-à-vis native Americans, the British vis-à-vis Africans or Australians.

From some folks PoV, the Arabs are being corralled into reserved areas, "reservations," or subjected to apartheid type laws, which lock them into unequal access to resources and economic opportunities in the larger global society.

This is the true origin of the, "Israel boycott divest sanctions movement," & global protests, and the resistance in the Pali community.

This is why the common rhetoric of that side is calling them, settler-colonialists.

THIS NARRATIVE? All over the place. Your narrative? Bizarre as hell.

Opinion |

Is Israel Really a Settler Colonial State?​

Israel and Palestine: a story of modern colonialism​

How “Settler Colonialism” Can Help us Understand Israel—and the U.S.​

How “Settler Colonialism” Can Help us Understand Israel—and the U.S.

Opinion Why race and colonialism matter in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict​

Is Israel a settler colonial state?​

Israel is a settler colony, annexing native land is what it does​

Since its early days of colonising Palestine, the Zionist movement has always aimed to establish a Greater Israel.

Israel is a settler colony, annexing native land is what it does

Most folks see a better analogy with great powers colonizing indigenous peoples, I.E. the British vis-à-vis native Americans, the Spanish vis-à-vis native Americans, the British vis-à-vis Africans or Australians.

From some folks PoV, the Arabs are being corralled into reserved areas, "reservations," or subjected to apartheid type laws, which lock them into unequal access to resources and economic opportunities in the larger global society.

This is the true origin of the, "Israel boycott divest sanctions movement," & global protests, and the resistance in the Pali community.

This is why the common rhetoric of that side is calling them, settler-colonialists.

THIS NARRATIVE? All over the place. Your narrative? Bizarre as hell.

Opinion |

Is Israel Really a Settler Colonial State?​

Israel and Palestine: a story of modern colonialism​

How “Settler Colonialism” Can Help us Understand Israel—and the U.S.​

How “Settler Colonialism” Can Help us Understand Israel—and the U.S.

Opinion Why race and colonialism matter in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict​

Is Israel a settler colonial state?​

Israel is a settler colony, annexing native land is what it does​

Since its early days of colonising Palestine, the Zionist movement has always aimed to establish a Greater Israel.

Israel is a settler colony, annexing native land is what it does

Egypt controlled Gaza until the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel seized the strip, along with several other important areas of land.

The 1993 and 1995 Oslo Peace Accords between Palestinian and Israeli leaders negotiated for Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and other key areas, which happened in 2005 under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Hamas Takes Control in 2006, Leading to More Conflict with Israel

I would hope most of you would know your history enough to see the similarities between the USA/Independence war
and Hamas/Israel... and also the distinctions!
There were supporters of the British in fact, Not everyone who opposed independence did so for economic reasons. Just like Revolutionaries, the ranks of Loyalists included farmers, shopkeepers, and artisans, but some of them were distrustful of the movement for independence. They felt that it was being led by wealthy gentry that they had little in common with.
Isn't that ironic? The universities, academia are against the wealthy, etc, just like the anti-Independence commoners...
Now the major difference. Most of the above supporters of Hamas though are not aware of this:
The smaller of the two Palestinian territories,[7] Gaza is separated from the West Bank by Israel. Both are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority,[8] however Gaza is governed by Hamas, a militant, Sunni Islamicorganization,[9] which has ruled the territory since an internal conflict between Palestinian factions in 2007 that followed their electoral victory in 2006.
Israel unilaterally withdrew its military forces and dismantled its Israeli settlements in Gaza in 2005, and does not consider the territory held under military occupation. The United Nations, International Committee of the Red Cross, and many human rights organization however continue to consider the occupying power as Israel controls Gaza's borders, with the exception of the Egyptian border, airspace and access to the sea and exercises what they consider to be effective military control over the territory.[21][22][23]
So in summary the truly uninformed supporters here in the USA of Hamas don't know the history! That simple.
Hamas is truly an evil group of terrorists managed by Hezbollah, Isis, and fundamentally Iran!
It's just sad how truly uninformed that these Hamas supporters are especially the academia!

Hamas was encouraged and funded by Israel. They serve Israeli ambitions.
For you and other simpletons...
Israel today is what the British were during our revolutionary war... i.e. Israel controlled all entries, utilities going into Gaza...
  • The Gaza Strip refers to a narrow strip of land wedged between Israel and Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea that is roughly the size of Washington, D.C.
So Gaza was like a colony of Israel before the Palestinian revolution established independence? And now Israel is attacking Gaza like the British attacked Washington, D.C. in 1812? Interesting analogy!

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