What if capitalist defeated commies? What would be outcomes for entire world? AND what if commies defeated capitalism? What would be outcome ?

I'm not sure exactly what our economic/political status is, but it sure as hell isn't a free market economy with a constitutionally restrained republican government.

It's more like the deformed offspring of fascism/corporatism/feudalism. We've got an aristocracy that pulls strings behind the scenes, filthy rich billionaires who own political whores, and an economy that is so regulated Mussolini himself would call us commies.

You can't explain this sort of shit to bed wetting bolshevik trolls though.

Fuck... I can't even understand how we got this fucked up myself.

you are capilatsists with the protectionism to protect your ass from getting fucked by anyone else.

and president may be changed but your national policies never gets changed. due to this protectionism.
than how come capitalists are eating all other nations economy ? resources ? iron mines ? gold mines ? etc all other natural resouces ?

in the name of terms and conditions when they give loans from imf and world bank ? and it is not something of there own as well. it was the damn money of its members. which they are giving to it in the name of development and helping others.

but such an ncie help is given that they are ending up.
they aren't...capitalist trade resources.

not sure what your issue is with having terms with a loan....why shouldn't there be? if you want someone else's money, they are allowed to have terms and conditions with lending it to you.
they aren't...capitalist trade resources.

not sure what your issue is with having terms with a loan....why shouldn't there be? if you want someone else's money, they are allowed to have terms and conditions with lending it to you.

because you said they are not capitalists it wont happen my dear.

and first of all you be sure so that we can discuss it to the reality and see what is what. and where world is going under the ruling of rich capitalism and would go under the poor commies as well.
and that is not someone else money. that money is given by its members. it is not coming from the sky or american printing press.

and by force they made members due to its being multiletral treaty. and now they are black mailing others with terms and conditions and giving everything free to european nations.

or else how germany and other destroyed nations in ww2 are walking so high in currency and advancement ? by exploitation of so called third world countries.
because you said they are not capitalists it wont happen my dear.

and first of all you be sure so that we can discuss it to the reality and see what is what. and where world is going under the ruling of rich capitalism and would go under the poor commies as well.
and that is not someone else money. that money is given by its members. it is not coming from the sky or american printing press.

and by force they made members due to its being multiletral treaty. and now they are black mailing others with terms and conditions and giving everything free to european nations.

or else how germany and other destroyed nations in ww2 are walking so high in currency and advancement ? by exploitation of so called third world countries.
who did i say wasn’t capitalist?

and i agree it didn’t come out of rhe air…it came from the members…ie other people’s money
who did i say wasn’t capitalist?

and i agree it didn’t come out of rhe air…it came from the members…ie other people’s money

so anyways, if one has to pay for taking loans than how germany, japan and other ruined nations rised up due to world bank and imf ? and why those who already had the money ( like least developed countries or say directly third world countries ) become poor when they were ahead from these destroyed nations ?

so if terms and conditions has to be applied than why it is not applied for everyone ? why they applied on least developing nations ? or say those members who gave there money continues even by taking loans for giving money when they did not had money at home or in there own country ?

by taking loans members has paid to imf and world bank due to being members of them. but when time of taking money came they applied terms and conditions on others than why not on there allies as well ? like germany and japan ?

why this partiality ? huh? what is that ? how germany and other ruined nations are rising up and those members are paying are going down ? what would you call this thing ? huh? what is this ? define it. exploiting there own members for there own benefit.
so that is the contribution of capitalism.
so anyways, if one has to pay for taking loans than how germany, japan and other ruined nations rised up due to world bank and imf ? and why those who already had the money ( like least developed countries or say directly third world countries ) become poor when they were ahead from these destroyed nations ?

so if terms and conditions has to be applied than why it is not applied for everyone ? why they applied on least developing nations ? or say those members who gave there money continues even by taking loans for giving money when they did not had money at home or in there own country ?

by taking loans members has paid to imf and world bank due to being members of them. but when time of taking money came they applied terms and conditions on others than why not on there allies as well ? like germany and japan ?

why this partiality ? huh? what is that ? how germany and other ruined nations are rising up and those members are paying are going down ? what would you call this thing ? huh? what is this ? define it. exploiting there own members for there own benefit.
so that is the contribution of capitalism.
what nations?

yes japan and germany are great examples of how capitalism freed those people from national socialism and tyranny.

terms and conditions are parts of every contract…obviously they can be different depending on the parties and what the contract is for.
what nations?

yes japan and germany are great examples of how capitalism freed those people from national socialism and tyranny.

terms and conditions are parts of every contract…obviously they can be different depending on the parties and what the contract is for.

so that is thing which shows the favors of capitalists for there own cause. and now if they had favored germany and japan and so on many nations than it is also for there own cause.

and what tyranny you are talking about ? capitalists are tyranny themselves for others. for they are eating resources of others, raw mateirals, gold mines, iron mines, coal mines etc everything.

and they destroyed indonesia, korea, thailand etc many other nations as well and soviet union also went. but what other harmless countries done to them ?

for commies are also tyranny so i dont feel much for them. but than again people in general in russia are innocent and cant be blamed just as innocent americans cant be blamed.
so at the whole capitalists and commies are tyranny. from what point you call others tyanny and saints yourself ? huh?
so that is thing which shows the favors of capitalists for there own cause. and now if they had favored germany and japan and so on many nations than it is also for there own cause.

and what tyranny you are talking about ? capitalists are tyranny themselves for others. for they are eating resources of others, raw mateirals, gold mines, iron mines, coal mines etc everything.

and they destroyed indonesia, korea, thailand etc many other nations as well and soviet union also went. but what other harmless countries done to them ?

for commies are also tyranny so i dont feel much for them. but than again people in general in russia are innocent and cant be blamed just as innocent americans cant be blamed.
so at the whole capitalists and commies are tyranny. from what point you call others tyanny and saints yourself ? huh?
you don’t recall the tyranny of national socialism in germany? really?
I see socialism as governmental pathology, akin to theocracy. It took us hundreds of years to learn that giving government power over our religious practices was a very bad idea. Now we're learning the same lesson about giving government power over our economic activities. In both cases, too much power is vested in the hands of government.
I see socialism as governmental pathology, akin to theocracy. It took us hundreds of years to learn that giving government power over our religious practices was a very bad idea. Now we're learning the same lesson about giving government power over our economic activities. In both cases, too much power is vested in the hands of government.

but you both capitalists and commies are not religious but godless versions. and we are seeing effects of both of them.

and talk about present situation and there are only two faces which are known as capitalists and commies. nothing besides these two is there right now.
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but capitalist class of america is eager to kill russia and which is managing america. now you may be purely capalists or not that i do not care.

Pass that shit around, man.
Why do so many look for simple solutions to complex issues?? Just divide the population into Commies or Nazis & Thinking no longer is required.
Why do so many look for simple solutions to complex issues?? Just divide the population into Commies or Nazis & Thinking no longer is required.
so you meant to say that you took over nazis as an capitalists ?

Thor, Woden, Tyr, Loki, et al.....are gods.

I am not godless. I have plenty of gods. Probably way more than most people.

maybe that is how you have so many gods so long and big in size as germans were having.

since you are doing same things which nazi were doing.
right now anyone who is tyranny besides these poor commies than its capitalists.
how is capitalism tyranny? yes Communism, or leftist policies cause poverty....but they are free to be capitalist
how is capitalism tyranny? yes Communism, or leftist policies cause poverty....but they are free to be capitalist
after finishing entire story you are asking who is the villian. hahahah!

good if you understood and good as well if you dont now. and what can you or i or anyone else can do ? they are in power. no one can check them.

im done here. no longer interested in this.
after finishing entire story you are asking who is the villian. hahahah!

good if you understood and good as well if you dont now. and what can you or i or anyone else can do ? they are in power. no one can check them.

im done here. no longer interested in this.
so you can't answer my question? I was kind enough to answer all yours
so you can't answer my question? I was kind enough to answer all yours
we have talked here in written. so you can either reread or leave it here. but i wont repeat anything anymore.

besides that you didnt answered anything. its me who has answered your comments.

anyways you have nothing to give me. know it clearly. for whatever reasoning is there in this entire thread is mine. not yours. but its fun to see how you are making a show that you have answered my all questions. as if they would not get answered at there own without your help at all.
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we have talked here in written. so you can either reread or leave it here. but i wont repeat anything anymore.

besides that you didnt answered anything. its me who has answered your comments.

anyways you have nothing to give me. know it clearly. for whatever reasoning is there in this entire thread is mine. not yours. but its fun to see how you are making a show that you have answered my all questions. as if they would not get answered at there own without your help at all.
I suppose I didn't give you anything....because you asked questions....but didn't really want to learn...

meanwhile....you just whine because capitalist are rich...and your leftist tyrants have caused nothing but poverty....but you blame the capitalist...weird...maybe get a job.

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