What I learned from the State of the Union Adress


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
1. Cancer will soon be cured.

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2. There was something incredibly gay about the whole event.

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3. Club Gitmo is too expensive to keep open. To give you an idea, it costs about as much to keep open in one year as it does for one round of Presidential golf in Hawaii.

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4. The GOP are all idiots who secretly take Obama aside and agree with him on everything but are afraid to say so. Well duh!!

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5. Conservatives are unfairly full of doom and gloom when the future is bright, aside from carbon emissions destroying the planet as we know it because carbon taxes are not high enough, but I think that is only common sense.

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Well that is a full hour of my life I'll never get back, but at least it was good for a laugh or two.

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