What have the poor done to deserve our support?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.
I can only speak for myself but the words and deeds of a much more respectable Rabbi demanded it.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.
And you consequently decided to exhibit your ignorance.
"What have the poor done to deserve our support?"

They built and maintain this Nation. Do rich people do anything besides go to "meetings"?

I think he was talking about those on welfare that choose to sit on there asses on welfare and do not even bother to look for work. Not the poor who look for work and are just having a hard time finding it.
I'll answer the question, those who choose to sit on their asses and not help themselves do not deserve the help of others. Those that at least try to find work and do better for themselves deserve our help to get them on their feet.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

Excellent point. You should definitely report immediately to the housing project nearest you, state your case, and demand answers from those sumbitch leeches.

Go on, report back and let us know how it goes.
"What have the poor done to deserve our support?"

They built and maintain this Nation. Do rich people do anything besides go to "meetings"?

I think he was talking about those on welfare that choose to sit on there asses on welfare and do not even bother to look for work. Not the poor who look for work and are just having a hard time finding it.
If you live in a state where people receiving TANF don't have to demonstrate that they are (A) working at least 20 hours per week or (B) applying for positions that meet that requirement, you should tell your state to start following the law.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

Fuck you bud, I am poor, and Conservative, and Work my ass off. I don't ask for hand outs. Other than the Retarded Amount of Money I get back in Tax Returns, Far more than I pay in, I don't Take welfare.

But to insinuate that everyone that is poor is undeserving because they don't do anything, Is pure horse shit.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

I am flabbergasted by the arrogance, ignorance, and elitism required to seriously pose this question.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

You would dare question their freedom to have lots of sex. The nerve!
No really unless your married lots of sex bad!

But any way,
Okay first there are plenty of people who can't find work because either the illegal immigrants have taken it or their fathers and grandfathers who long since should have been able to retire have to keep working for one reason or another.

People like You, would take away the only things that give those of us who can't find work a chance, you claim we should go out and find a job but you do nothing about the illegal immigrants constantly pouring into the U.S. taking those jobs away. Not to mention that it's a huge national security threat allowing people to come and go as they please.

You send all your factories over seas to china to work their people to death. Instead of building new ones hear. You use old decrepit refiners instead of investing in new ones. You insist on using oil and coal when their are cleaner more environmental friendly ways of doing things.

Yes Americans enjoy plenty more than the most of the other people of the world but thats because they didn't evolve the same way the U.S. has. Americans can take pride knowing that their ancestors died for Freedom and Equality. We can move forward and evolve beyond what we are now because "we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal." The Declaration of Independence says that Governments are created by people for the people not for the benefit of the Government. It is the governments job to protect us and our rights, to ensure that we can in fact attempt to achieve happiness. But it is hard to do that when college seems to be only for the rich. The only true way for a person like myself to get ahead in this world is to go to college, I just recently got Fin Aid and I may actually get this 2 year degree that's taken me almost 6 years to get as I've had to work minimum wage and save up money to take classes and eat. They recently took my link card away because they didn't think I was working enough, because I am going to college. While people born into wealth get to go get their degree and then rule the world with it.

I promise you some day I will be the first Socialist President of the United States, I will not run under the democrat party or republican party I might not even run under any party but make no mistake once I've work my way up to your play ground I will knock every last one of you OFF! Meaning I intend to get rich and prosper and so on and so on...........
When it comes to poor people, I think for Republicans, not enough of them have died.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

negged for being an asshole.

You fuck wads need to separate the poor from people on welfare.

The poor are not thriving in an EU party land. We work and get by. we aint chillin all day tippin back 40's.

My sore legs and tired back would like you to go fuck yourself.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

all the poor Rabbi or just some?.....are there any poor who are working their fucking asses off trying to get ahead?......or are they all just lazy good for nothings having babies?....
"What have the poor done to deserve our support?"

They built and maintain this Nation. Do rich people do anything besides go to "meetings"?

I think he was talking about those on welfare that choose to sit on there asses on welfare and do not even bother to look for work. Not the poor who look for work and are just having a hard time finding it.
I'll answer the question, those who choose to sit on their asses and not help themselves do not deserve the help of others. Those that at least try to find work and do better for themselves deserve our help to get them on their feet.

then he should have said that......but he did not......
so the left are poor people who have tons of babies in order to soak up other peoples money, but also abort anything they can because they are murders?


I thought the "poor" was President Obama's brother living in a hut.

I think Bam Bam did send him an autographed picture which he has not sold on e bay yet.

His aunt a person of interest of I think in the Baltimore area. I think she gets poverty relief locally and not from him. For years.

I can't remember why her deportation to Kenya was stalled.

And his other uncle that was just got a DUI charge.

He's on the dole too I beleive.

Obama's a champ. His vision instead of helping any members of his family (it takes a village) or to help anyone else is to have a Johnny Depp party at the WH when Obama and Michelle could have fed thousands who need food and water.

What a champ!! And you go Michelle. Those hungry in Haiti tonight will really care that you can do push ups and jumping jacks.
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