What has Liberalism done for humanity?

Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

Don't forget liberalism created love, gravity and toasters. You're a delusional psychopath, I'm just laughing at you

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