What Has Israel Become?

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Let me introduce you to Joe Blow, yet another fuming, raving mad anti-Semitic lunatic that wants Israel destroyed. How fucking unusual. :cuckoo:
et al,

Whether Israel is secular or non-secular is irrelevant. It really is beyond discussion.

EXCERPT: International Bill of Human Rights said:
Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

SOURCE: General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 - International Bill of Human Rights


EXCERPT Chapter 1 --- Purposes & Principles said:
Article 1

2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;

3. To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion;

SOURCE: United Nations Charter

Both the people, and any nation state the people institute, has freedom to determine the religious context. I often see the discussion vary and vacillate over the religious aspect. But the fact of the matter is, it really doesn't matter what construct the people of Israel develop. It is their right to do so. Any argument over the matter is merely veiled stance of insolence opposed to Human Rights and the Charter.

Most Respectfully,
et al,
Whether Israel is secular or non-secular is irrelevant. It really is beyond discussion.
What an utterly odd thing to say.

Yes, I'm known for some odd insights.

Most Respectfully,

Not an odd insight. Just plainly odd. As in, no bearing on reality. Nonsense. A peculiar statement with no validity.
Interesting how you came up with this without even asking him about his interpretation of the phrase.
I think Israel will survive, and I do think that we should all support its right to survive.

All peoples deserve a homeland, be they Sikh, Kurd, Jew or Palestinian. To my mind if you support one of those peoples right to a homeland, you support them all. Anything else is a form of racism, picking and choosing rights based on skin colour or religion.

This does not mean that Israel should be able to opt out of international law, or to ignore civil rights.

Nor does it mean that Palestinians should be granted carte blanche to continue violence against ordinary civilians.
I think Israel will survive, and I do think that we should all support its right to survive.

All peoples deserve a homeland, be they Sikh, Kurd, Jew or Palestinian. To my mind if you support one of those peoples right to a homeland, you support them all. Anything else is a form of racism, picking and choosing rights based on skin colour or religion.

This does not mean that Israel should be able to opt out of international law, or to ignore civil rights.

Nor does it mean that Palestinians should be granted carte blanche to continue violence against ordinary civilians.

Thank you for that bunch of feel good nothing that has no bearing in reality that you just said. Now let me show you the door....
Beelzebub, et al,

I guess I'm slow witted.

et al,
Whether Israel is secular or non-secular is irrelevant. It really is beyond discussion.
What an utterly odd thing to say.

Yes, I'm known for some odd insights.

Most Respectfully,

Not an odd insight. Just plainly odd. As in, no bearing on reality. Nonsense. A peculiar statement with no validity.
  • Are you saying that Israel does not have the right of self-determination?
  • Are you saying that Israel may not have the right to establish Jewish State?
  • Are you saying that Israel does not have the freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private?
Help me understand what you are saying.

Most Respectfully,
Not by the will of God, but the will of man. Hebrew was also rebirthed or should I say retaught in the 1900, otherwise it was a dead language. Way to much bloodshed for God to any be a part of this Zionist movement.

More blood shed in one day in the cause of islam than has been shed in the last 1000 years in the cause of zionism
What has Israel become?

The only fully functioning parliamentary democracy in the region.

The only regime tolerant of diversity in the region.

The only Superpower in the region.

The only nation in the region to attempt to negotiate land for peace, even though they knew in advance it was likely to fail.

The most worthwhile, trustworthy and loyal ally of the United State in the region, and a good friend.

An example of what the Muslim-Palestinians could have been, had they not undertaken the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

The side that does not hide its military behind the skirts of its women and children.

The side with brains and balls.


Time for the Arab Squatters in Gaza and (what little is left of) the West Bank to pack up and head for Arab Palestine (a.k.a. Jordan)...

Time for the Arab Squatters to leave Eretz Yisrael.



The moral of the whole sorry performance by the Muslim-Palestinians?

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."

There is one thing Israel is not and that is a democracy.

....yah, what's the "democracy" scenario in the following 3rd world HELL holes:


people (jew and non-jew alike) book vacations to go to israel AND not to any of the above-mentioned evil-islamic crap-holes.

There's ALWAYS travel warnings..........

..........issued to these barbaric places because of the sick mentality of all the cave-like-people living there.

Israel is no better, actually worst, they want to go back in time, as the other places if allowed will advance, Is that a picture of a Jew with their mask off, why yes it appears so.

Care to translate that into English from team Palestine drivel
Funny how Nazi Joe thinks everyone has the same desire as he does to see Israel destroyed.
Whenever someone talk about Israel being destroyed like Joe has so many times, it's usually a sign of frustration

I want to see Israel destroyed because it's a monument to Religious Stupidity.
Translation..... "I want to see millions of Jews dead, because it's their fault i'm so miserable"... Who else could be responsible?:cuckoo:

Obviously, you have basic reading comprehension problems.

Frankly, you always strike me as one of these Jewish guys with a chip on his shoulder because the Goyim are in the majority.
But it's you Moooooslems that are slaughtering and beheading the infidels by the hundreds of thousands because their Mohammad sky pixie told them to. Keep up, and stay off the crack.

Really? Hundreds of Thousands? When did this happen. I'm reasonably sure hundreds of thousands of beheadings would have made the papers.
Beelzebub, et al,

I guess I'm slow witted.

et al,
Whether Israel is secular or non-secular is irrelevant. It really is beyond discussion.
What an utterly odd thing to say.

Yes, I'm known for some odd insights.

Most Respectfully,

Not an odd insight. Just plainly odd. As in, no bearing on reality. Nonsense. A peculiar statement with no validity.
  • Are you saying that Israel does not have the right of self-determination?
  • Are you saying that Israel may not have the right to establish Jewish State?
  • Are you saying that Israel does not have the freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private?
Help me understand what you are saying.

Most Respectfully,

You are very slow witted Ricco,

You stated that whether Israel is secular or not is irrelevant. When they clearly have made every effort to be the Jewish state. Now, unless you are going to tell all that being Jewish is possible when you are Muslim, Christian, Atheist or any other belief system, then you are making a very odd claim.

That is what I am saying.

Why you think I am covering other points from other discussions is about as slow witted (or dishonest) as someone can be.
But it's you Moooooslems that are slaughtering and beheading the infidels by the hundreds of thousands because their Mohammad sky pixie told them to. Keep up, and stay off the crack.

Really? Hundreds of Thousands? When did this happen. I'm reasonably sure hundreds of thousands of beheadings would have made the papers.

They have and they culminated in outrage when it was an American that was beheaded. But as is usual the reports are ignored by neo Marxists and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS in favour of Israeli attacks on terrorists.
Funny how Nazi Joe thinks everyone has the same desire as he does to see Israel destroyed.
Whenever someone talk about Israel being destroyed like Joe has so many times, it's usually a sign of frustration

I want to see Israel destroyed because it's a monument to Religious Stupidity.
Translation..... "I want to see millions of Jews dead, because it's their fault i'm so miserable"... Who else could be responsible?:cuckoo:

Obviously, you have basic reading comprehension problems.

Frankly, you always strike me as one of these Jewish guys with a chip on his shoulder because the Goyim are in the majority.
Yes i do have a "Chip on my shoulder" Don't much care for crazy people who wish for dead Jews....Ok i realize you're a miserable person but that's nobody's fault but your own. You choose to be that. Psychological counseling my help you.
Yes i do have a "Chip on my shoulder" Don't much care for crazy people who wish for dead Jews....Ok i realize you're a miserable person that's nobody's fault but your own. You choose to be that. Psychological counseling my help you.

Honestly, guy, you're the only one here I see who is "losing it" and making threats.

I think you need the help.
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