What has happened to the enviro movement? Want to know, read!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Remember when the enviro movement was all about clean air, clean water, Erin Brockovich? Remember when the pollution hung over Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Washington? The United States basically cleaned up that mess, insured clean water and air, so now the supposed enviros should be happy, and so should we. They proved their point, we collectively agreed, and we fixed it!

On the contrary, enviros have changed who they were, what they stood for, and decided that if they could use the same cards they had, they could get agreement again for a more radical agenda. Problem for them was...they had to make people believe that their agenda, was the same agenda it had always been.

Even today many look at these people and believe they are "harmless little greenies" who believe in trying to save the planet. They shall save the whales, save the polar bears, save mother nature. Many or most on political boards or in media, give them a pass because of the perception that they are only trying to make everything right. While what they say may be offensive, not to many people want to engage them because they are here to help. Correct?

But who/whom are these people really? Are they the ecological saints that they/we paint them to be; or rather are they just another tool being used to make you PC and keep your mouth shut? Are their "fearless leaders" out to save the whales, the dolphins, and mother earth; or is their agenda hidden so as you buy into their baloney, macaroni, and cheese?

If you look across the enviro boards, you will notice the number 1 or 2 thing written by these people is.......Europe is doing it, etc, etc, and so should we. HELLO, ALARM!!!!!!

All of the terrible movements of this and last century have come from Europe. (think Fabian socialism) America has consistently fought this idiocy, and because of it, have beaten any economic platform Europe has put forward. America did not live like it did because it mirrored Europe, for if it had, Europe would be the continent to beat economically instead of the Americas.

And so, and so, a NEW idea had to be hatched to bring you; The United States of America, back to the pack of socialistic Europe. Socialistic Europe could NOT change its stripes, for to do so, it would cause severe civil unrest. To compete in a free world with America in that mix, would cause some governments to collapse in Europe. Soooooooooooo, it was a better idea to convince you; the American people, that you had to change. Failure by them would mean status quo, no better, nor worse for them. But success would mean they had a level playing field, and their socio economic model could stand with them retaining power in it.

Enter a significant part of the left who are enviros, re-established for their new task. You see them as cuddly, helpful, loving nature, don't you. But who are they really? Here, check them out! Degrowth Manifesto - P2P Foundation

You are being duped by a bunch of socialist/communists who have taken control of what was once a proud organization. Put DEGROWTHERS into Google, and you will come up with more up to date links to them. The reason I put this EXACT link in, was I wanted you to read their manifesto. This is the NEW ENVIRO movement.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with what they say, or what you believe, it is all about SOCIALISM! They use climate change, whales, polar bears, cockroaches, or anything else to STOP you from having freedom.

The whole enviro movement is nothing more than screwing America. I personally have no problem if you understand EXACTLY what is going on and want to screw yourself, but at least admit that is what you are doing; instead of trying to convince the rest of America it is about "climate change."

No it isn't! It is about making Europe and every one else on par with us; or actually making us on par with everyone else. It is; as usual, making America change so as everyone else has an even chance. Sorry, I am for America and Americans. You enviros, AKA degrowthers, can go screw yourselves!
Description in vivid detail about what Rush calls "the low information voter".. People who are to stupid or have been duped into not thinking for themselves..

Take blacks in this country for instance. The Democrats have kept them poor, on the federal hand out list, and have intentionally destroyed their families and any want to excel. YET this demographic votes for them simply due to their "entitled" (because of some wrong) that they themselves NEVER were harmed by. The very people they vote for are keeping them where they are... Is it ignorance? fear of failure? or is it because they will not think for themselves?

The envirowacko movement is a facade to invoke "feelings" rather than facts into the argument. it is the only way these socialist fools win. When people dont look at the facts objectively and allow their feelings do the thinking for them, is when we loose our freedoms..
Where it came from is more than obvious my fellow Americans...........it came from the LIbs own arrogant sites..............which is always why I say to investigate. These people are phoney-baloneys.

They are pathetic my friends, and all we have to do is point out how pathetic they are. They haven't a leg to stand on, and they are avowed socialists to boot. Show the American people who they really are, and they can not be elected as dog catcher.
They have become radical assholes and everybody knows it too...........go look at any poll to see how far down the list "global warming" is amongst concerns of Americans. At the very bottom..........everything is more important. In the past 20 years, they went full on k00k and lost the country. Of course, Im happy as shit that these meatheads have been completely marginalized.
Do NOT let them off the hook! The left leaning enviros are no more than a socialist group trying to take from America. Always remember this! They are the group known as DEGROWTHERS. You can easily prove it, and that will shut them up faster than anything else.
How will building a renewable infrastructure that takes out a shit load of middle men to run it = degrowthers???

Building infrastructure
Funding science
educating our youth

None of this is about destroying a damn thing.

You, obviously did NOT read their manifesto. Nobody ever said that the rank and file of the movement actually believe what they say. The point is.......what you want, and what they want are 2 totally different animals.

Always remember that communism was created to put everyone in it on an equal level. Sounds good doesn't it! How did that work out? Should we all defend that idea too?

Same type of people in charge,(socialists) same type of game, same outcome wanted, screw the Americas.

Here, let me help you! Just read number 8, right out of their manifesto.

8. If we do not respond to this situation by bringing global economic activity into line with the capacity of our ecosystems, and redistributing wealth and income globally so that they meet our societal needs, the result will be a process of involuntary and uncontrolled economic decline or collapse, with potentially serious social impacts, especially for the most disadvantaged.

We therefore call for a paradigm shift from the general and unlimited pursuit of economic growth to a concept of “right-sizing” the global and national economies.

This is THE ENVIRO movement folks, right there!!!!!!! Redistribution, right on their manifesto. Now tell me again how it is all about whales, and dolphins, and polar bears!!!!!!
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The Valley of Smoke was never this bad when I was growing up there. Viva la aire limpia grupo!

Remember when the enviro movement was all about clean air, clean water, Erin Brockovich? Remember when the pollution hung over Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Washington? The United States basically cleaned up that mess, insured clean water and air, so now the supposed enviros should be happy, and so should we. They proved their point, we collectively agreed, and we fixed it!

On the contrary, enviros have changed who they were, what they stood for, and decided that if they could use the same cards they had, they could get agreement again for a more radical agenda. Problem for them was...they had to make people believe that their agenda, was the same agenda it had always been.

Even today many look at these people and believe they are "harmless little greenies" who believe in trying to save the planet. They shall save the whales, save the polar bears, save mother nature. Many or most on political boards or in media, give them a pass because of the perception that they are only trying to make everything right. While what they say may be offensive, not to many people want to engage them because they are here to help. Correct?

But who/whom are these people really? Are they the ecological saints that they/we paint them to be; or rather are they just another tool being used to make you PC and keep your mouth shut? Are their "fearless leaders" out to save the whales, the dolphins, and mother earth; or is their agenda hidden so as you buy into their baloney, macaroni, and cheese?

If you look across the enviro boards, you will notice the number 1 or 2 thing written by these people is.......Europe is doing it, etc, etc, and so should we. HELLO, ALARM!!!!!!

All of the terrible movements of this and last century have come from Europe. (think Fabian socialism) America has consistently fought this idiocy, and because of it, have beaten any economic platform Europe has put forward. America did not live like it did because it mirrored Europe, for if it had, Europe would be the continent to beat economically instead of the Americas.

And so, and so, a NEW idea had to be hatched to bring you; The United States of America, back to the pack of socialistic Europe. Socialistic Europe could NOT change its stripes, for to do so, it would cause severe civil unrest. To compete in a free world with America in that mix, would cause some governments to collapse in Europe. Soooooooooooo, it was a better idea to convince you; the American people, that you had to change. Failure by them would mean status quo, no better, nor worse for them. But success would mean they had a level playing field, and their socio economic model could stand with them retaining power in it.

Enter a significant part of the left who are enviros, re-established for their new task. You see them as cuddly, helpful, loving nature, don't you. But who are they really? Here, check them out! Degrowth Manifesto - P2P Foundation

You are being duped by a bunch of socialist/communists who have taken control of what was once a proud organization. Put DEGROWTHERS into Google, and you will come up with more up to date links to them. The reason I put this EXACT link in, was I wanted you to read their manifesto. This is the NEW ENVIRO movement.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with what they say, or what you believe, it is all about SOCIALISM! They use climate change, whales, polar bears, cockroaches, or anything else to STOP you from having freedom.

The whole enviro movement is nothing more than screwing America. I personally have no problem if you understand EXACTLY what is going on and want to screw yourself, but at least admit that is what you are doing; instead of trying to convince the rest of America it is about "climate change."

No it isn't! It is about making Europe and every one else on par with us; or actually making us on par with everyone else. It is; as usual, making America change so as everyone else has an even chance. Sorry, I am for America and Americans. You enviros, AKA degrowthers, can go screw yourselves!

"Earth Day" will be 'celebrated' on April 22. Curiously, it is also the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov...Lenin. Coincidence?

For me, the most significant aspect of the 'celebration' is that it reveals the extent of the world-wide global governance conspiracy....what has been called the 'Watermelon Movement'- green on the outside, red on the inside.
How will building a renewable infrastructure that takes out a shit load of middle men to run it = degrowthers???

Building infrastructure
Funding science
educating our youth

None of this is about destroying a damn thing.
Certainly, and you are naive to believe differently.

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