What happens if Trump is convicted?

Trumps dollar general lawyers have a bad habit of going on TV and admitting Trump did what he is accused of doing.
It's not a bad habit. It's there only shot in a lot of ways. They hope to speak often and hope that at least one of the jurors only watches Fox who won't really push back. This to overcome what they'll hear in court. It's what is called poisoning the jury pool and it might work.
Did you vote for the retard, treasonous, former vice president Biden? Just curious. Random selection. Not that affects your ability to post or present worth while information.
I voted for Biden. Did you vote for that soon to be prisoner?
All of that is what will lead to states seceding. It will take years, but it seems like an eventuality.
When civil breakdown becomes that severe, states might get together to reassert authority. In effect, forming a new government. That's not secession as it was in the civil war.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.
The left is tearing this country apart. They were so devastated by Shrillary’s loss that they will do anything to get revenge.
If only you were capable of presenting the truth. I dont think ive ever seen you make an honest post. You dont present thoughtful arguments, you just troll.
Sounds like a true intellectual argument. Tell me more about your plans to commit mass violence!
His three pillars. It's free-speech, Trump believed what he said, he did things because lawyers said he could.

You know what's conspicuously absent? He didn't do what is being alleged.

No dude, "he has freedom of speech" is a fraction of what they intend to do, and he was cut off before he could even get those words out of his mouth. Your media hides all bad news from you guys.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

The same as when the J6 attackers were tried and sentenced.

Anger and resentment that their ilk would be held to any accountability or subject to the law.

Followed by pouting, threats, and the occasional act of domestic terrorism. Most likely directed at cops.
You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.

Lets follow your logic. Your 'storm' comes....and then what? You start attacking all the undesirable in righteous anger, start rioting, start burning down houses......and then what?

In your fantasy, the police JOIN you as you start to attack the targets of ire in your own little purge? The military joins you in trying to overthrow the US Constitution? They join you when you try to blow up federal buildings or murder FBI agents with nail guns?

Remember......the ACTUAL civil war was lead by the States. And not a single one is behind your 'storm'. What you're calling for....is generic domestic terrorism.

Ask Tim McVeigh how that worked out.

If you ever start your little purge, the cops will show up to stop you. If you want to continue, you'll have to murder police officers. And then soldiers. And then civilians.

Are you willing to do that for a fucking game show host? If so, step up. You'll get the Ricky Shiffer treatment in short order.
No dude, "he has freedom of speech" is a fraction of what they intend to do, and he was cut off before he could even get those words out of his mouth. Your media hides all bad news from you guys.
Lol find me a Trump lawyer denying what is being alleged they speak plenty on right wing media.
You are wrong. And, why would you want to be wrong? See, it isn't about Trump. Only in the minds of Democrats is this about Trump. Read his words again and you will see this is not about Trump.
Let me help here with your pathetic lack of understanding. Democrats actually started this over a hundred years ago when they began to push the "Progressive" agendas. It has taken a long time but here we are with what the real agenda has been all along. The Democrat agenda has been to divide this nation so it will fall. Then, to rebuild again but with those who want anything but a capitalist constitutional republic. You hope that most states will go along with you as you have infiltrated the large cities in all states including Republican controlled states. But, this will not happen. Civil war is very ugly and the amount of carnage that will occur will be terrible. In the end, you will see that the vast majority of the military are Republicans who support our capitalist constitutional republic and they will fight for the Republicans. There will be few Democrats left including those who flee to Canada or Mexico as the Republicans will hunt you all down chasing you all into the hills to hide.
The rest of the world will also be thrown into a final war because America will not be able to help defend those who love liberty and freedom. Christians call this the end of days war before the 2nd Coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. The wicked will be wiped off the face of the earth and most at their own hands.
Start drinking. Your grasp of history is as feeble as your love and support of the Savior is...and quite pathetic to boot.

This is about Trump. And only Trump. Not some fucking grand conspiracy. He did this all to himself.

But I really like the fact you just can't give him up. What is it again that you think this man will deliver to you? :)
The same as when the J6 attackers were tried and sentenced.

Anger and resentment that their ilk would be held to any accountability or subject to the law.

Followed by pouting, threats, and the occasional act of domestic terrorism. Most likely directed at cops.

Lets follow your logic. Your 'storm' comes....and then what? You start attacking all the undesirable in righteous anger, start rioting, start burning down houses......and then what?

In your fantasy, the police JOIN you as you start to attack the targets of ire in your own little purge? The military joins you in trying to overthrow the US Constitution? They join you when you try to blow up federal buildings or murder FBI agents with nail guns?

Remember......the ACTUAL civil war was lead by the States. And not a single one is behind your 'storm'. What you're calling for....is generic domestic terrorism.

Ask Tim McVeigh how that worked out.

If you ever start your little purge, the cops will show up to stop you. If you want to continue, you'll have to murder police officers. And then soldiers. And then civilians.

Are you willing to do that for a fucking game show host? If so, step up. You'll get the Ricky Shiffer treatment in short order.
What in the holy fuck are you babbling about? Riots, civil wars, burning homes? Where did you come up with THAT? Why do democrats always think violence is the solution? :cuckoo:

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