what happens if Paul wins Iowa?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
In the last poll I saw Paul was basically tied with Newt for first and was only behind by one point.

Presuming he pulls off a win what will it mean for the rest of them? Who will drop out? Will Paul be just like Huckabee?
If Paul won the nomination, that would pretty much end the existence of the republican party. It would go the way of the whigs.
If he does win, we'd see the commercial candidates unload on him in a major way. They've been content to ignore him so far, not wanting to alienate the Paul supporters or the libertarian TP members. But they won't let him take over the party.

In fact, I'm expecting to see some of that at tomorrow nights debate.
The media will crap itself. Which will be quite amusing.

As for the race, who the heck knows?
My prediction is all the people that claimed Paul won’t win a single primary state will go on bitching about Paul, not for a second will the Paul haters think “Dang, I was wrong…” They will just say something overly intelligent like “Paul won’t win a single primary state after Iowa!!”

The Media (along with the Paul haters) will find every way to spin his win.

1)Paul supporters are “feverishly” supportive of Paul, that’s why they showed up to the polls. Meaning Paul’s win was unfair because his support you know, supports him… “Feverishly.”

2)Democrats caused this because Paul is really a Liberal!!!!

3)There was an Ice storm and yeah… fuck Ron Paul!!!

4)The weather was great at 3 degrees out, so others went out and did activities so they could enjoy that day while Ron Paul supporters “mobbed the polls.” Because Paul supporters are a mob, but not a big mob, more like an insignificantly small mob…

5)Winning Iowa means nothing unless you are Mitt/Newt/Perry/Bachman…

6)Winning Iowa means nothing because Paul polls 9% nationally and a month ago Newt was polling 2% nationally…. Wait, I mean last week Newt was polling 30% nationally…

Of course we will just have to wait and see what would happen IF Paul won Iowa. However, to claim Paul will win is a bit optimistic IMO, but to claim Paul has no chance while polling this well makes you an obvious fucking political retarded...

Paul might sink in the polls in the nest 2 weeks, or he might gain a lot, we just don't know.
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For the record what I gave as a list was not a joke, if Paul wins I bet in the first day most if not all that list is in the news and on these boards.
Oh I should add to my list… The media will call Newt and Mitt the frontrunners in a two man race… That is, if Paul wins of course…
If Ron Paul wins Iowa (which is certainly possible, though, no, it hasn't happened before), it will earn him some renewed media attention. It will also damage Iowa's prestige, by voting for a weak candidate.

Probably the big winner would be Romney, since it would mean that Gingrich *didn't* win Iowa. If Iowa goes Gingrich, Paul... Romney then Gingrich might become the real favorite. Otherwise, I think Romney will still have an edge.
If Ron Paul wins Iowa (which is certainly possible, though, no, it hasn't happened before), it will earn him some renewed media attention. It will also damage Iowa's prestige, by voting for a weak candidate.

Probably the big winner would be Romney, since it would mean that Gingrich *didn't* win Iowa. If Iowa goes Gingrich, Paul... Romney then Gingrich might become the real favorite. Otherwise, I think Romney will still have an edge.

I'm oddly ok with all of that... I don't like Mitt but Newt is bat shit crazy and has a record to prove it.
I think the problem for the GOP is going to be if Paul steps down and runs as an Independent. I think Paul will rob votes from whoever the GOP nominee is.

Me being a Dem... I'm fine with that... but it has to be kind of disconcerting to our Conservative Brethren.
I think the problem for the GOP is going to be if Paul steps down and runs as an Independent. I think Paul will rob votes from whoever the GOP nominee is.

Me being a Dem... I'm fine with that... but it has to be kind of disconcerting to our Conservative Brethren.

At this point would you vote Obama or Paul? Or would it be a hard choice? Serious question, I know it's the internet and means almost nothing but most Dems I know consider Paul the only Rep they would vote for and more than that they have claimed there is a very good chance they would if it were Obama VS Paul... Mainly because the "believe what he says..." Very odd to me, just what I have been told over and over, and I don't push Paul on anyone I know in real life.

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