What Happened With Prop. 19 in Ca.,....Dude?

The majority of people who are not brain-dead stoners realize that legalization of drugs, including pot, is not a good thing.. plus it would open up the flood gates, setting precedent to having even more dangerous drugs legalized...

For once, people out there got something right

We already have legalized recreational drugs.

More people die every month from the legal ones than have ever died from smoking pot.
The Feds got there way and bullshit about how the government should regulate people's behavior in their home continued.

There coming for your weed.

Then there coming for your guns.

At least Rand Paul won though, and surprisingly pretty early too.
Whose more stupid, a Mexican or an American who is hooked on the Mexican's pot?

You are. Nobody has ever been hooked on pot!

We all loose. From the taxes we pay for the police and prisons, to the violence of the drug cartels, to all the money that leaves the country untaxed.

Physically, no.....mentally, yes :eusa_eh:

People can get mentally hooked on snickers bars. Should I pay to have them thrown in prison?
what's lost in the partisanship is the realization that prohibition is coming to an end. Cali already has decrim as does Coloroda and New Orleans is working on it. Even Sarah Palin say's we have better things to do with our resources than worry about small time pot smokers.
The majority of people who are not brain-dead stoners realize that legalization of drugs, including pot, is not a good thing.. plus it would open up the flood gates, setting precedent to having even more dangerous drugs legalized...

For once, people out there got something right

We already have legalized recreational drugs.

More people die every month from the legal ones than have ever died from smoking pot.

So more dangerous "recreational" drugs are a good thing then?

Go to rehab, stoner
Dave the douche, you paying to jail someone for something less harmful than beer is the problem.
You are. Nobody has ever been hooked on pot!

We all loose. From the taxes we pay for the police and prisons, to the violence of the drug cartels, to all the money that leaves the country untaxed.

Physically, no.....mentally, yes :eusa_eh:

Umm yes, mentally I'm addicted to McDonald's French Fries too.

Which do you think would be easier.....going a month without a McD's french fry, or a month without a joint? Be honest, and YOU will find your answer.
The majority of people who are not brain-dead stoners realize that legalization of drugs, including pot, is not a good thing.. plus it would open up the flood gates, setting precedent to having even more dangerous drugs legalized...

For once, people out there got something right

We already have legalized recreational drugs.

More people die every month from the legal ones than have ever died from smoking pot.

So more dangerous "recreational" drugs are a good thing then?

Go to rehab, stoner

Sorry champ no need for rehab here. Yes it would be a good thing for tax payers not to pay to not lock up people for smoking it. It would be a good thing not to have the tax payer paying for the jails. Marijuana is less dangerous that cigarettes and alcohol.
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Physically, no.....mentally, yes :eusa_eh:

Umm yes, mentally I'm addicted to McDonald's French Fries too.

Which do you think would be easier.....going a month without a McD's french fry, or a month without a joint? Be honest, and YOU will find your answer.

I've gone two years without either with no problem to keep my job and to keep my health in check trying to train to start boxing and in High School I used to smoke my knee caps off every weekend...

and would drive to McDonalds and order four mcdoubles three small fries and a sweet tea. Ahhh... the good old days.
We already have legalized recreational drugs.

More people die every month from the legal ones than have ever died from smoking pot.

So more dangerous "recreational" drugs are a good thing then?

Go to rehab, stoner

Sorry champ no need for rehab here. Yes it would be a good thing for tax payers not to pay to not lock up people for smokinging it. It would be a good thing not to have the tax payer paying for the jails. Marijuana is less dangerous that cigarettes and alcohol.

It is a good thing to have taxpayers funding law enforcement and keeping criminals off the streets... it is a good thing that drugs including meth, pot, cocaine, etc are illegal... I would sooner accept having cigs made illegal than having our current illegal drugs made legal

Pot is indeed also dangerous... and to think it is less so than smoking something else like tobacco shows your lunacy...

And if you can't stop smoking your weed like others cannot stop drinking, I would advise you to see rehab just as I would advise the alcoholic to do the same

I have seen the effects that a perpetual pothead can cause a family... and glad I got my brother's kids away from him, keeping them from that environment.. they are better off with the aunt and uncle than what they were with my stoner brother
They said in Kalifornia around 40 or 50% voted absentee ballot. Some things may change when all ballots are counted.
So more dangerous "recreational" drugs are a good thing then?

Go to rehab, stoner

Sorry champ no need for rehab here. Yes it would be a good thing for tax payers not to pay to not lock up people for smokinging it. It would be a good thing not to have the tax payer paying for the jails. Marijuana is less dangerous that cigarettes and alcohol.

It is a good thing to have taxpayers funding law enforcement and keeping criminals off the streets... it is a good thing that drugs including meth, pot, cocaine, etc are illegal... I would sooner accept having cigs made illegal than having our current illegal drugs made legal

Pot is indeed also dangerous... and to think it is less so than smoking something else like tobacco shows your lunacy...

And if you can't stop smoking your weed like others cannot stop drinking, I would advise you to see rehab just as I would advise the alcoholic to do the same

I have seen the effects that a perpetual pothead can cause a family... and glad I got my brother's kids away from him, keeping them from that environment.. they are better off with the aunt and uncle than what they were with my stoner brother

It is a good thing to have taxpayers funding law enforcement and keeping criminals off the streets... it is a good thing that drugs including meth, pot, cocaine, etc are illegal... I would sooner accept having cigs made illegal than having our current illegal drugs made legal

Small government? Good job.:clap2:

Sounds like fascism.

What people do with their bodies is none of your business. Seriously the amount of people this nation throws in prison is REDICULOUS as it is. There seriously needs to be a massive prison system reform in this nation. We really shouldn't be throwing as many people in prison as we do.

We need to start decriminalizing drug usage and sale, stop trowing people in prison for stealing and start forcing them to pay heafty fines instead. We also need to start actually using the death penalty. Then for those who do commit crimes and should be imprisoned we should be feeding them bread and water.

Pot is indeed also dangerous... and to think it is less so than smoking something else like tobacco shows your lunacy...

Says you.

Marijuana has medical properties and can be used as a pain killer, and is probably a safer pain killer then some of these rediculously addictive over the counter drugs that exist today from the pharmecuetical industry. Tobacco can hardly claim the same.

I have seen the effects that a perpetual pothead can cause a family... and glad I got my brother's kids away from him, keeping them from that environment.. they are better off with the aunt and uncle than what they were with my stoner brother

It's still none of the government's damn business.
Sorry champ no need for rehab here. Yes it would be a good thing for tax payers not to pay to not lock up people for smokinging it. It would be a good thing not to have the tax payer paying for the jails. Marijuana is less dangerous that cigarettes and alcohol.

It is a good thing to have taxpayers funding law enforcement and keeping criminals off the streets... it is a good thing that drugs including meth, pot, cocaine, etc are illegal... I would sooner accept having cigs made illegal than having our current illegal drugs made legal

Pot is indeed also dangerous... and to think it is less so than smoking something else like tobacco shows your lunacy...

And if you can't stop smoking your weed like others cannot stop drinking, I would advise you to see rehab just as I would advise the alcoholic to do the same

I have seen the effects that a perpetual pothead can cause a family... and glad I got my brother's kids away from him, keeping them from that environment.. they are better off with the aunt and uncle than what they were with my stoner brother

Small government? Good job.:clap2:

Sounds like fascism.

What people do with their bodies is none of your business. Seriously the amount of people this nation throws in prison is REDICULOUS as it is. There seriously needs to be a massive prison system reform in this nation. We really shouldn't be throwing as many people in prison as we do.

We need to start decriminalizing drug usage and sale, stop trowing people in prison for stealing and start forcing them to pay heafty fines instead. We also need to start actually using the death penalty. Then for those who do commit crimes and should be imprisoned we should be feeding them bread and water.

Pot is indeed also dangerous... and to think it is less so than smoking something else like tobacco shows your lunacy...

Says you.

Marijuana has medical properties and can be used as a pain killer, and is probably a safer pain killer then some of these rediculously addictive over the counter drugs that exist today from the pharmecuetical industry. Tobacco can hardly claim the same.

I have seen the effects that a perpetual pothead can cause a family... and glad I got my brother's kids away from him, keeping them from that environment.. they are better off with the aunt and uncle than what they were with my stoner brother

It's still none of the government's damn business.

Idiot.. small government does not mean giving up on criminal law or law enforcement... try having government not in things like giving handouts just because you fucking exist...

You have the medicinal benefits from pot without the stoner buzz.. it's called motherfucking Marinol... but that is not what you want, you just want your high like any other stoner or junkie... get off the weed and learn to write coherently

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