What Form Of Government Is Better Than A Constitutional Republic?

Just like the idiots in the US don't like their easy access to firearms and white privilege. Otherwise they'd be much happier.

You mean our rights? Gee reading the books I want to read makes me happy. Being able to defend myself and my wife instead of having to trust a government police force that will take 30 minutes or more to get to my house makes me feel more secure and that makes me happy.

I call these things rights. You gladly give up rights to your government.

See what I mean about subjective and that what makes a little sheep like you happy won't make someone else happy?
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But you've previously said there are no ways of measuring the quality of forms of government.

Not in anything but a subjective way.

There are no objective measures of "feelings" you may or may not get from a particular government.
People are corruptible and thus any form of gov't is corruptible. The best answer is pretty much what we've got, but our problem is that we do not hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. I wouldn't say we are all that immoral or amoral, but we are too easily swayed by what we hear and see on TV/Internet and too lazy to stay well informed.
People are corruptible and thus any form of gov't is corruptible. The best answer is pretty much what we've got, but our problem is that we do not hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. I wouldn't say we are all that immoral or amoral, but we are too easily swayed by what we hear and see on TV/Internet and too lazy to stay well informed.
We have a lot more problems than just that.

We get politicians we deserve. Ignorant selfish people beget ignorant selfish politicians.

Americans really need to start asking themselves, "Is this the best we can really do?"
I believe that's how Trump got elected. A lot of people asked that question: is Hillary and the democrats the best we can do? And the answer was NO.
LOL - and they looked at Trump and thought he was the best we can do???? What in the actual fuck??
I believe that's how Trump got elected. A lot of people asked that question: is Hillary and the democrats the best we can do? And the answer was NO.

Thank you for illustrating my concern.

Really do you think Trump and Hillary represent the best the American people have to offer?
If Trump, Biden and the Clintons really the best we can do, we should just throw in the towel.

Sadly I too have lost hope.

I still vote but I refuse to vote for the corrupt duopoly but I know I am shoveling shit against the tide.
Really do you think Trump and Hillary represent the best the American people have to offer?

No, I sure as hell believe there are better people out there but frankly the only one I can think of right now that I'd enthusiastically support would be Tim Scott, the senator from South Carolina. He ain't running though.
At the time (2016) we didn't know him that well but we did know the Clintons. People wanted a change and they got one.

I guess I can see that. The first time. After that we knew better.

I honestly don't think we'll turn things around until voters break out of the "lesser-of-two-evils" delusion.
You mean our rights? Gee reading the books I want to read makes me happy. Being able to defend myself and my wife instead of having to trust a government police force that will take 30 minutes or more to get to my house makes me feel more secure and that makes me happy.
But less happy than those in the UK, who are less happy on the whole than those with unitary parliamentary governments.

I'd have thought that would make you sad.

Oh well.
But less happy than those in the UK, who are less happy on the whole than those with unitary parliamentary governments.

I'd have thought that would make you sad.

Oh well.

I am happier here than I would be in the UK

I don't want to live in a country where I need the permission of the fucking government to read a book or carry a multitool on by belt

Like I said being treated like a fucking child makes you happy but not me.
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The international ranking institutions show a different reality.

But it is well known that deplorables make their own reality...
The international ranking institutions are bullshit, deplorables around the world do indeed make up their own reality. I maintain that the problems we face with our gov't are not a result of it's form and structure but the people running it. And I would also say that an informed and involved electorate is necessary to any gov'ts proper operation and that lack in this country is the major reason why some people believe our gov't is deplorable. I might add that an impartial and objective media is necessary to keep the populace informed, but we don't have that either.
The international ranking institutions are bullshit, deplorables around the world do indeed make up their own reality.
Yeah, Cato in particular.

Heritage, too.

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