What Exactly Is "Hysterical Fear" After Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris and Mali?

The two sources that you used are both biased and left wing. it is what it is.
bias is bad when you're wrong..
so you have no argument

media bias is bad no matter which side it takes. Do you really want a state controlled media?
false bias is only bad when it wrong.

WTF does that mean? Bias is by definition wrong.
only when it's not factual.
example: the Klu Klux clan are racists .
a factual and bias statement .

you don't even know what bias means. There is no bias in calling the KKK racist. Its merely stating a fact, there is no bias in stating facts.

Bias occurs when someone only gives one side of an issue. For example: when Obama said "the Cambridge police acted stupidly". That was a biased statement because he did not give the police side of the story.
The KKK was made up almost exclusively of democrats.


Not anymore.

The Klan was and is exclusively Christian and conservative. Funny how you tards always leave that part out.

Christians do not believe in murder, neither do conservatives. The KKK was neither Christian or conservative. nor was it liberal, but it was made up primarily of democrats.

spin that however you like. David Duke was not a Christian or a conservative. He was, and is, a white racist Nazi. He represents no one but himself and a tiny minority of idiots.
bullshit! if Christians don't believe in murder why the fuck do they do so much of it?
the they are not real Christians ploy will not wash .they are just as Christian from there pov than any other.
stop rationalizing .

Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
Do you know anything about the crusades? Do you know why Christian Europe decided to rid the world of Islam? Do you know how much territory and how many millions the muslims killed before stopped by the crusadrers?

like all libs, you rant and rave from ignorance. you are quite pathetic.

Which of the world wars was waged in the name of Jesus?

When did a murderer ever scream "praise Jesus" before blowing himself up and killing innocents?
rationalize this much over what you had for dinner too?

What I said was true, no rationalization needed.

David Duke lived about two miles from me and worked out at the same health club that I belong to. He was, and is, an asshole. He is as far right as anyone could possibly be.

What I said about the KKK of the past being made up of mostly democrats is true, and it was during that time that the KKK lynched and burned. Today's KKK is a bunch of idiot rednecks who are too stupid to even know how stupid they are.

I know you lefties want to tie the conservative movement to the KKK, but it won't work.
▪ Only 2,200 Syrians have been admitted in the past four years (10,000 are expected over the next year) and 70 percent have been either women or children under age 14.

▪ The situation here is “entirely different” from Europe, where refugees are flooding across borders. Here, they aren’t admitted until they are vetted for at least 18 months.

▪ No terrorist incident has ever been traced to somebody admitted through the American refugee resettlement program.

▪ A plurality of refugees admitted to the U.S. from all destinations are Christian. And while most of the Syrian refugees so far are Muslim, this makes sense because “it’s a mostly Muslim country and most of the victims are Muslim.”

So why pursue a claim that is as false as it is cruel? Perhaps the GOP hopefuls are having trouble differentiating themselves from Obama on Syria. For all the criticism of his approach to the Islamic State, several supposed alternatives have already been tried.

There’s a solid case to be made against Obama’s handling of the Islamic State. His efforts clearly haven’t worked so far, and he continues to struggle to articulate his strategy. At his news conference in Turkey on Monday after the G-20 conference, Obama became defensive. He said his critics “seem to think that if I was just more bellicose in expressing what we’re doing, that that would make a difference.”

Nobody asked about the Republicans’ refugee rhetoric – so Obama brought it up himself. He called it “shameful” and told leaders “not to feed that dark impulse inside of us.”

A worthy opposition would demand more force and clarity from Obama on the Islamic State – not make scapegoats of innocents fleeing for their lives.

Dana Milbank writes for the Washington Post.

Read more here: GOP Syrian refugee rhetoric false, cruel

LOL, from the Washington post and "senior administration officials". and you are so fricken naïve that you believe it. sad, truly sad.
As opposed to someone named Redfish on the internet. I'll take Mr. Milbank, the Post, and Time with an unnamed quote in every instance.

its a free country, you can believe whatever you want. I really don't give a shit what you believe. your opinions have no value or credence, but I support your right to state them.

But....but I thought it was 'fricken naive' to quote unnamed sources. And yet you do it regularly.

What happened to your mantra of 'prove them wrong' when we asked you to back the drivel spewed by some random WordPress blog post you cited?

Sigh......'fricken naive' indeed.

everyone on this silly message board is posting their opinions. Anyone can find a cite to support their opinions, so claiming that one is valid and another is not is bullshit.

And it was citing unnamed sources that you found 'fricken naive'. Yet you do exactly that. And with sources far less credible than the Washington Post: random WordPress blogs.

And yet when asked to back the narrative you presented from the blog with actual evidence, you shriek "prove its wrong!!". Wouldn't that standard apply just as fully to the 'senior administration officials'?

Or do your standards not apply to you?

Not anymore.

The Klan was and is exclusively Christian and conservative. Funny how you tards always leave that part out.

Christians do not believe in murder, neither do conservatives. The KKK was neither Christian or conservative. nor was it liberal, but it was made up primarily of democrats.

spin that however you like. David Duke was not a Christian or a conservative. He was, and is, a white racist Nazi. He represents no one but himself and a tiny minority of idiots.
bullshit! if Christians don't believe in murder why the fuck do they do so much of it?
the they are not real Christians ploy will not wash .they are just as Christian from there pov than any other.
stop rationalizing .

Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
Do you know anything about the crusades? Do you know why Christian Europe decided to rid the world of Islam? Do you know how much territory and how many millions the muslims killed before stopped by the crusadrers?

like all libs, you rant and rave from ignorance. you are quite pathetic.

Which of the world wars was waged in the name of Jesus?

When did a murderer ever scream "praise Jesus" before blowing himself up and killing innocents?
rationalize this much over what you had for dinner too?

What I said was true, no rationalization needed.

David Duke lived about two miles from me and worked out at the same health club that I belong to. He was, and is, an asshole. He is as far right as anyone could possibly be.

What I said about the KKK of the past being made up of mostly democrats is true, and it was during that time that the KKK lynched and burned. Today's KKK is a bunch of idiot rednecks who are too stupid to even know how stupid they are.

I know you lefties want to tie the conservative movement to the KKK, but it won't work.
Klansmen were and are extreme right wing. Always have been, always will be.

A simple fact of life you can't swallow.

Another fact you can't swallow is that the Democratic party once had a lot of right wing conservatives in it. Especially in the South.

In fact, that is exactly why JFK was visiting Dallas on November 22, 1963. The right wing members of the Democratic party were going to cost him the 1964 re-election, and he was there to woo them.
Christianity and the ethics of war
The main Christian view of war ethics is contained in the doctrine of the Just War.

The basic assumption of modern Christians is that war is rarely justified and should be avoided unless the Just War conditions are met.

An individual Christian may believe that the standard of evidence and argument required for them to support a war is higher than the standard of evidence that national leaders may require to go to war.

Christianity is no longer (if it ever was) wholly against war. Some say that modern Christianity has a 'presumption against war', but others say that it has a 'presumption against injustice' - and the bias against war comes from the injustice that war can do.

This view says that the aim of Christianity is to promote a world in which peace and justice flourish everywhere: war may sometimes be the tool needed to do this, and waging war may sometimes be a lesser evil (a lesser injustice) than allowing injustice to persist or tolerating the victimisation of innocent people.

How do Christian chaplains in the armed forces feel about war?

Christians have a long history of refusing to take part in war. Many Christians are pacifists of various types. These range from peace activists to those who need a great deal to convince them that war is justified.

The Christian argument for pacifism is based partly on Jesus's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount and other places, and in the example that Jesus sets Christians through his life.

Those who argue against this say that Christ's pacifist nature and behaviour were part of his unique role as redeemer of humanity. Christians are not redeemers and so their conduct should follow Christ by seeking to bring peace and justice to the world even if this means not always 'turning the other cheek'.

Christian groups that emphasise pacifism include:

  • Mennonites: a church that grew out of the Protestant Reformation in Europe in the early 1500s. Mennonites believe Christ's injunction to "love your enemies" prevents them from participating in any way in military action against another country.
  • Quakers (or The Religious Society of Friends): a Christian group with a total commitment to non-violence. In 1660 the Quakers declared "...the spirit of Christ which leads us into all Truth will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Christ, nor for the kingdoms of the world."

The Christian view of war has changed throughout the history of the faith.

The early church (the first 300 years) was strongly pacifist. Origen said that Christians "do not go forth as soldiers". Tertullian wrote "only without the sword can the Christian wage war: for the Lord has abolished the sword." Clement of Alexandria wrote "...he who holds the sword must cast it away and that if one of the faithful becomes a soldier he must be rejected by the Church, for he has scorned God."

This changed rapidly in the time of Constantine - the Council of Arles in 314 said that to forbid "the state the right to go to war was to condemn it to extinction", and shortly after that Christian philosophers began to formulate the doctrine of the Just War.

For many centuries Christians believed that it was right and proper to use violence (and thus war) to spread the faith and deal with its opponents. They did not regard violence as an inherently bad thing: whether it was bad or not depended on what it was being used for.

This thinking is covered under holy wars - the main examples of which, for Christians, are the Crusades.

From Constantine onwards Christian writers and preachers have used warlike and soldierly metaphors in their writing about the faith.

The idea that violence is not inherently bad can also be seen in some versions of the Just War doctrine - violence (war) can be a vital tool in restoring justice and peace.

BBC - Religions - Christianity: War
So here's something hysterical. Ted Cruz has just introduced the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act.

It will only allow Christian refugees into America.

So there's that super powerful screening tool you rubes have been looking for: "Are you a Christian or a terrorist Muslim?"

That will foil ISIS for sure! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"Oh, I'm a Jesus hugging, apple pie eating, American flag pin wearing, kind of refugee, brother!"

Goddam, that's some of the dumbest pandering bullshit I have ever seen.
So here's something hysterical. Marco Rubio has just introduced the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act.

It will only allow Christian refugees into America.

So there's that super powerful screening tool you rubes have been looking for. "Are you a Christian or a Muslim?"

That will foil ISIS for sure!

I think that was Cruz. And the bill doesn't explicitly exclude Muslims.
So here's something hysterical. Marco Rubio has just introduced the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act.

It will only allow Christian refugees into America.

So there's that super powerful screening tool you rubes have been looking for. "Are you a Christian or a Muslim?"

That will foil ISIS for sure!

I think that was Cruz. And the bill doesn't explicitly exclude Muslims.
Yes, it was Cruz. I read a very badly rushed article. I have since corrected my post.
So if you are running away from the very worst areas of terrorist activity, you're fucked. Ted Cruz doesn't want to let you in. He wants you to be slaughtered.

Sorry, refugees. We are currently under the throes of nazis and pants shitters.

But don't worry. Jesus loves you. Not.
So if you are running away from the very worst areas of terrorist activity, you're fucked. Ted Cruz doesn't want to let you in. He wants you to be slaughtered.

Sorry, refugees. We are currently under the throes of nazis and pants shitters.

But don't worry. Jesus loves you. Not.
what's worse is it's nothing new
So if you are running away from the very worst areas of terrorist activity, you're fucked. Ted Cruz doesn't want to let you in. He wants you to be slaughtered.

Sorry, refugees. We are currently under the throes of nazis and pants shitters.

But don't worry. Jesus loves you. Not.

We're currently dealing with people motivated by fear. And those willing to exploit that fear for political advantage.
The KKK was made up almost exclusively of democrats.


Not anymore.

The Klan was and is exclusively Christian and conservative. Funny how you tards always leave that part out.

Christians do not believe in murder, neither do conservatives. The KKK was neither Christian or conservative. nor was it liberal, but it was made up primarily of democrats.

spin that however you like. David Duke was not a Christian or a conservative. He was, and is, a white racist Nazi. He represents no one but himself and a tiny minority of idiots.
bullshit! if Christians don't believe in murder why the fuck do they do so much of it?
the they are not real Christians ploy will not wash .they are just as Christian from there pov than any other.
stop rationalizing .

Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
Do you know anything about the crusades? Do you know why Christian Europe decided to rid the world of Islam? Do you know how much territory and how many millions the muslims killed before stopped by the crusadrers?

like all libs, you rant and rave from ignorance. you are quite pathetic.

Which of the world wars was waged in the name of Jesus?

When did a murderer ever scream "praise Jesus" before blowing himself up and killing innocents?
Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
How about the 'Coalition Of The Willing'?
The most heavily armed and powerful terrorist organisation in history.
President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.
BBC - Press Office - George Bush on Elusive Peace
ISIS has learned our pants shitters are fucking terrified of them. ISIS has learned they only need to kill a few Westerners and we curl up in the fetal position.

This is pathetic.
Wow. My mind is blown by the ignorance of the pants shittters.

But it explains so much!

"Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?"


Slavery; the Inquisitions; the KKK; the IRA; the Crusades; the Conquistadors; the Thirty Years War; the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries; the sack of Magdeburg; the Croatian extermination camps; the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you tards didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

  • Thanks
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the award for the best steaming pile of melodramatic fearmongering pull up your skirts and run away bullshit gores too.....
Not that it matters, but I didn't think it was that bad. Don't agree with some of what he/she said concerning the president, but I like the moderate tendencies. There is still hope for Redfish.:) Maybe...just read # 278 lol.

Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
Do you know anything about the crusades? Do you know why Christian Europe decided to rid the world of Islam? Do you know how much territory and how many millions the muslims killed before stopped by the crusadrers?

like all libs, you rant and rave from ignorance. you are quite pathetic.

Which of the world wars was waged in the name of Jesus?

When did a murderer ever scream "praise Jesus" before blowing himself up and killing innocents?
There are plenty of bodies to go around. Christians vs. Jews/Muslims. Muslims vs. Christians/Jews/Hindus. Hindus/Buddhists vs. Muslims. Religion in general leads to violence where conflicting views start to overlap. I don't blame Christians for the acts of the Lords Resistance Army anymore than I do Muslims for ISIS. All religions can be perverted.
the award for the best steaming pile of melodramatic fearmongering pull up your skirts and run away bullshit gores too.....
Not that it matters, but I didn't think it was that bad. Don't agree with some of what he/she said concerning the president, but I like the moderate tendencies. There is still hope for Redfish.:) Maybe...just read # 278 lol.

Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
Do you know anything about the crusades? Do you know why Christian Europe decided to rid the world of Islam? Do you know how much territory and how many millions the muslims killed before stopped by the crusadrers?

like all libs, you rant and rave from ignorance. you are quite pathetic.

Which of the world wars was waged in the name of Jesus?

When did a murderer ever scream "praise Jesus" before blowing himself up and killing innocents?
There are plenty of bodies to go around. Christians vs. Jews/Muslims. Muslims vs. Christians/Jews/Hindus. Hindus/Buddhists vs. Muslims. Religion in general leads to violence where conflicting views start to overlap. I don't blame Christians for the acts of the Lords Resistance Army anymore than I do Muslims for ISIS. All religions can be perverted.
My point is going batshit kills as surely as any attack ,watching supposedly adult humans crapping their knickers isn't just silly it's giving the bad guys exactly what they want.
Also these whiny bitches act as if they have more to loose than the rest of us.
Now that Muslim terrorists have killed 27 more people, this time in Mali, just days after over 100 people were killed in Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, one wonders how liberals will define "hysterical fear" as they seek to smear Americans who support perfectly sane, reasonable precautions to protect us against Paris-style and Mali-style Muslim terrorist attacks, such as halting the admission of Syrian refugees into the country or at least greatly toughening the screening process.

We know that at least one of the Muslim terrorists involved in the Paris terrorist attacks--indeed, the mastermind behind the attacks--entered France by posing as a Syrian refugee. Just in the last two days, at least 11 Muslims have been caught trying to enter the U.S. with fake passports via the Southern border. The Tsarnaev brothers were refugees (don't bother me with the meaningless technical distinction between "asylee" and "refugee"--to be granted asylum, you must meet the definition of "refugee," even though you are designated an "asylee" because you applied for asylum after you reached the country). The Muslim terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo attack were the children of first-generation immigrants.

Given these and other facts, it is entirely rational and prudent to halt the admission of Syrian refugees into this country--or at the very least to vastly toughen the screening process and to devise a way to monitor them closely after they enter the country.

But it seems questionable that we can screen thousands of Syrian refugees thoroughly enough that no terrorist could sneak in by posing as a refugee. The 600-some detainees who have been released from Gitmo were subjected to a very thorough, prolonged screening process, which included the use of polygraphs, yet 168 of them have returned to terrorism. So if we missed 168 out of 600 detainees at Gitmo, what are the odds that we could detect any and all bad guys among the Syrian refugees? Pretty slim.

Percent Of Detainees Who Return To Terrorism After Release Edges Up

Dozens feared dead as hostage situation in Mali hotel ends

At least two Paris attackers 'took migrant route into Europe'


Syrians Detained Trying to Cross Texas Border: Report
Here are the leading causes of death in the US:

ISIS didn't make the list.

Neither did Muslims.

Neither did Ebola.

Neither did Obama.

In fact, you are way, way, way more likely to be shot to death by someone you know than to be killed by ISIS.

So...yeah. Hysterical fear. Yes. Definitely.

So should we just open our borders and let in every radical who has declared Jihad on the USA?

Nope. But we should let in the refugees who are seeking protection from those radical jihadists.

Why does this not penetrate your thick skull?


The people who died on 9/11 and in Paris might take issue with your attitude, if they were still here.

Only if they were as retarded as you are. I think most of them would know there is a huge difference between a jihadist and a refugee, unlike you.

the problem is that no one can tell them apart. BTW, where are the women and children and old people in the so-called refugees? Why are the vast majority of them men in their 20s and 30s?
The vast majority are children under the age of 14, women, and older men. A male, 20 - 30 years of age, is an obvious red flag in the screening process and most have not made it through.

You're obviously an idiot because 62% of the so-called "refugees" are males of military age.
the award for the best steaming pile of melodramatic fearmongering pull up your skirts and run away bullshit gores too.....
Not that it matters, but I didn't think it was that bad. Don't agree with some of what he/she said concerning the president, but I like the moderate tendencies. There is still hope for Redfish.:) Maybe...just read # 278 lol.

Other than the crusades, when have Christians killed in the name of Christianity?
Do you know anything about the crusades? Do you know why Christian Europe decided to rid the world of Islam? Do you know how much territory and how many millions the muslims killed before stopped by the crusadrers?

like all libs, you rant and rave from ignorance. you are quite pathetic.

Which of the world wars was waged in the name of Jesus?

When did a murderer ever scream "praise Jesus" before blowing himself up and killing innocents?
There are plenty of bodies to go around. Christians vs. Jews/Muslims. Muslims vs. Christians/Jews/Hindus. Hindus/Buddhists vs. Muslims. Religion in general leads to violence where conflicting views start to overlap. I don't blame Christians for the acts of the Lords Resistance Army anymore than I do Muslims for ISIS. All religions can be perverted.

Notice the common element in all your match-ups: Muslims.

Unfortunately, you're too stupid to get a clue from your own post.

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