What Exactly Is "Hysterical Fear" After Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris and Mali?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Now that Muslim terrorists have killed 27 more people, this time in Mali, just days after over 100 people were killed in Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, one wonders how liberals will define "hysterical fear" as they seek to smear Americans who support perfectly sane, reasonable precautions to protect us against Paris-style and Mali-style Muslim terrorist attacks, such as halting the admission of Syrian refugees into the country or at least greatly toughening the screening process.

We know that at least one of the Muslim terrorists involved in the Paris terrorist attacks--indeed, the mastermind behind the attacks--entered France by posing as a Syrian refugee. Just in the last two days, at least 11 Muslims have been caught trying to enter the U.S. with fake passports via the Southern border. The Tsarnaev brothers were refugees (don't bother me with the meaningless technical distinction between "asylee" and "refugee"--to be granted asylum, you must meet the definition of "refugee," even though you are designated an "asylee" because you applied for asylum after you reached the country). The Muslim terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo attack were the children of first-generation immigrants.

Given these and other facts, it is entirely rational and prudent to halt the admission of Syrian refugees into this country--or at the very least to vastly toughen the screening process and to devise a way to monitor them closely after they enter the country.

But it seems questionable that we can screen thousands of Syrian refugees thoroughly enough that no terrorist could sneak in by posing as a refugee. The 600-some detainees who have been released from Gitmo were subjected to a very thorough, prolonged screening process, which included the use of polygraphs, yet 168 of them have returned to terrorism. So if we missed 168 out of 600 detainees at Gitmo, what are the odds that we could detect any and all bad guys among the Syrian refugees? Pretty slim.

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Sadly, even if the USA is hit again and americans are killed, the dem/libs will continue to pretend that radical Islamic terrorism does not exist.

Its a form of insanity that only liberals exhibit. Denial of reality if the reality does not fit their fantasy filled ideology.
Sadly, even if the USA is hit again and americans are killed, the dem/libs will continue to pretend that radical Islamic terrorism does not exist.

Its a form of insanity that only liberals exhibit. Denial of reality if the reality does not fit their fantasy filled ideology.

Sadly, even if the USA is hit again and americans are killed

Bushs fault
Sadly, even if the USA is hit again and americans are killed, the dem/libs will continue to pretend that radical Islamic terrorism does not exist.

Its a form of insanity that only liberals exhibit. Denial of reality if the reality does not fit their fantasy filled ideology.
True. One example is the Boston Marathon bombing which birthed a slogan, "Boston Strong" but very little else.
Who said hysterical?

Several liberals on this board have said this, while others have used terms like "hysteria" and "fear mongering" to describe GOP efforts to block the admission of Syrian refugees.

In fact, one liberal here even posted a thread that used the term "hysterical politics of fear."

Or, go to left-wing sites and you'll see a bunch of articles accusing Republicans of "hysteria," "hysterical fear," "fear mongering," etc.
Who said hysterical?

Several liberals on this board have said this, while others have used terms like "hysteria" and "fear mongering" to describe GOP efforts to block the admission of Syrian refugees.

In fact, one liberal here even posted a thread that used the term "hysterical politics of fear."

Or, go to left-wing sites and you'll see a bunch of articles accusing Republicans of "hysteria," "hysterical fear," "fear mongering," etc.
ah, board posters. Thanks
there ae countless examples of hysteria
[həˈstirēə, həˈsterēə]
frenzy · feverishness · hysterics · fit of madness ·
derangement · mania · delirium · panic · alarm · distress
antonyms: calm
  • psychiatry
    a psychological disorder (not now regarded as a single definite condition) whose symptoms include conversion of psychological stress into physical symptoms (somatization), selective amnesia, shallow volatile emotions, and overdramatic or attention-seeking behavior. The term has a controversial history as it was formerly regarded as a disease specific to women.
on this site alone.

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