What exactly did people think was going to happen?

You are literally too stupid to understand that you are saying people who live in mudhuts are being oppressed. People in mud huts are not oppressed and people living in small houses and shacks when they normally would be living in mud huts are definitely not oppressed.

That is what you are saying but your IQ is too low to register that.

The fact that you do not see that the entire system of apartheid is oppressive. To hold people down and hold them back, no matter what kind of house they live in, is oppression.
If the Bantu had helped the white people build the country then Apartheid wouldn’t have happened, but instead they planned on invading and stealing the country away after not doing anything to build it.

Apartheid was the most humane thing they could have done and what is happening now is one of the most inhumane things to ever happen.

That you think apartheid was humane and that whites in the US are oppressed tells me all I need to know.
That I am far more intelligent than you could ever hope to be.

The people who brag about being so intelligent are typically not. In this case, no you are not. Apartheid was the very definition of oppression. Whining because your race is oppressed when people of your race hold most of the power, the overwhelming majority of the money, out number all other races, and are not oppressed is certainly not a sign of intelligence.

It's a sign of a serious affliction with paranoid delusions.

Maybe they were just racist reactionaries.....

Of the oppresed variety.
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.

Amen! Preach!
The boy has been radicalized.
Maybe they were just racist reactionaries.....

Of the oppresed variety.
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because white people weren't just indiscriminately murdering black people, and again, white people did not take that land from them. Black people always had the option of leaving South Africa for a country that their people actually did build, they were not being forced to stay in South Africa to live under a white government.

It is going to be quite something when fiends like you finally witness the divine punishment that enemies of European people have brought upon themselves. Every single moment of fear and apprehension from every white child will be felt, every scream from every white woman will be heard and every ounce of built up rage from handcuffed white men will be seen.
Of the oppresed variety.
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because
Of the oppresed variety.
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because white people weren't just indiscriminately murdering black people, and again, white people did not take that land from them. Black people always had the option of leaving South Africa for a country that their people actually did build, they were not being forced to stay in South Africa to live under a white government.

It is going to be quite something when fiends like you finally witness the divine punishment that enemies of European people have brought upon themselves. Every single moment of fear and apprehension from every white child will be felt, every scream from every white woman will be heard and every ounce of built up rage from handcuffed white men will be seen.

ROFLMAO! I can't wait to see the "pent up rage', screams, fear and apprehension" that you warn of.

There will obviously be millions of more socially inept message board warriors like you unleashed upon the internet and there will be thousands of more forums like this cesspool sprouting up and polluting cyber space while the sane segment of the population lives life like normal people.

Other than that, the rest of your incoherent rhetoric does not change the fact that what is "happening" in Europe', is in no way comparable to Apartheid.

The white population there has not had their continent invaded, pillaged, raped and plundered by a hostile minority as Africa did.

White Europeans are not living under a system of ruthless exploitation nor are they being marginalized, imprisoned and forced to live like animals by rabid inhumane monsters as was the case with Apartheid.

Maybe YOU would know something about actual history and current events if you ditched the computer, left Kentucky, and got out in the world and learned something besides the Stormfront internet propaganda that you wallow in.

With that, I have no more time to waste.
Last edited:
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because white people weren't just indiscriminately murdering black people, and again, white people did not take that land from them. Black people always had the option of leaving South Africa for a country that their people actually did build, they were not being forced to stay in South Africa to live under a white government.

It is going to be quite something when fiends like you finally witness the divine punishment that enemies of European people have brought upon themselves. Every single moment of fear and apprehension from every white child will be felt, every scream from every white woman will be heard and every ounce of built up rage from handcuffed white men will be seen.

ROFLMAO! I can't wait to see the "pent up rage', screams, fear and apprehension" that you warn of.

There will obviously be millions of more socially inept message board warriors like you unleashed upon the internet and there will be thousands of more forums like this cesspool sprouting up and polluting cyber space while the sane segment of the population lives life like normal people.

Other than that, the rest of your incoherent rhetoric does not change the fact that what is "happening" in Europe', is in no way comparable to Apartheid.

The white population there has not had their continent invaded, pillaged, raped and plundered by a hostile minority as Africa did.

White Europeans are not living under a system of ruthless exploitation nor are they being marginalized, imprisoned and forced to live like animals by rabid inhumane monsters as was the case with Apartheid.

Maybe YOU would know something about actual history and current events if you ditched the computer, left Kentucky, and got out in the world and learned something besides the Stormfront internet propaganda that you wallow in.

With that, I have no more time to waste.

Look ptbw, if blacks had wanted to exterminate white people in South Africa, it would have been done. About 90 percent of the population there is black. So just shut the fuck up with that stormfront bullshit. Go find you a woman, learn to play board games with her or something. Because you're about a stupid mf.
This is what whites did in South Africa boy.



So excuse me if I tell you to go fuck yourself with all that whining about shit you losers have made up because you thought everything would be handed to you because you're white.
This is what whites did in South Africa boy.



So excuse me if I tell you to go fuck yourself with all that whining about shit you losers have made up because you thought everything would be handed to you because you're white.
Sharpville is not at all representative of what happened in Apartheid and it was not what the government wanted to happen.

They did not just open fire on protesters.
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because
If they were truly oppressed they would be treated like the so called “far right” in Europe(indigenous rights activists).

Oppression is not being able to even criticize the colonization of your country and the continent that your people built entirely without going to jail, or even being able to retaliate against protected minorities who harass or even rape your children.

Oppression is what white South Africans go through every single second of their lives, fearing that at any moment they will be swarmed by racist thugs looking purely to kill white people after being encouraged by their government to do so(something that didn’t even happen during Jim Crow)knowing that the government will let them off without any punishment and knowing that any white person who defends themselves will be punished.

Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because white people weren't just indiscriminately murdering black people, and again, white people did not take that land from them. Black people always had the option of leaving South Africa for a country that their people actually did build, they were not being forced to stay in South Africa to live under a white government.

It is going to be quite something when fiends like you finally witness the divine punishment that enemies of European people have brought upon themselves. Every single moment of fear and apprehension from every white child will be felt, every scream from every white woman will be heard and every ounce of built up rage from handcuffed white men will be seen.

ROFLMAO! I can't wait to see the "pent up rage', screams, fear and apprehension" that you warn of.

There will obviously be millions of more socially inept message board warriors like you unleashed upon the internet and there will be thousands of more forums like this cesspool sprouting up and polluting cyber space while the sane segment of the population lives life like normal people.

Other than that, the rest of your incoherent rhetoric does not change the fact that what is "happening" in Europe', is in no way comparable to Apartheid.

The white population there has not had their continent invaded, pillaged, raped and plundered by a hostile minority as Africa did.

White Europeans are not living under a system of ruthless exploitation nor are they being marginalized, imprisoned and forced to live like animals by rabid inhumane monsters as was the case with Apartheid.

Maybe YOU would know something about actual history and current events if you ditched the computer, left Kentucky, and got out in the world and learned something besides the Stormfront internet propaganda that you wallow in.

With that, I have no more time to waste.
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.
Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because
Are you actually saying that black Africans were able to question the colonization of their country/continent?

You actually believe that Apartheid was humane?

That's outrageous. And is a perfect example of your twisted circular reasoning, which is exactly why I typically will not waste a word engaging you.

Thanks for reminding me.

How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because white people weren't just indiscriminately murdering black people, and again, white people did not take that land from them. Black people always had the option of leaving South Africa for a country that their people actually did build, they were not being forced to stay in South Africa to live under a white government.

It is going to be quite something when fiends like you finally witness the divine punishment that enemies of European people have brought upon themselves. Every single moment of fear and apprehension from every white child will be felt, every scream from every white woman will be heard and every ounce of built up rage from handcuffed white men will be seen.

ROFLMAO! I can't wait to see the "pent up rage', screams, fear and apprehension" that you warn of.

There will obviously be millions of more socially inept message board warriors like you unleashed upon the internet and there will be thousands of more forums like this cesspool sprouting up and polluting cyber space while the sane segment of the population lives life like normal people.

Other than that, the rest of your incoherent rhetoric does not change the fact that what is "happening" in Europe', is in no way comparable to Apartheid.

The white population there has not had their continent invaded, pillaged, raped and plundered by a hostile minority as Africa did.

White Europeans are not living under a system of ruthless exploitation nor are they being marginalized, imprisoned and forced to live like animals by rabid inhumane monsters as was the case with Apartheid.

Maybe YOU would know something about actual history and current events if you ditched the computer, left Kentucky, and got out in the world and learned something besides the Stormfront internet propaganda that you wallow in.

With that, I have no more time to waste.
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.

Instead of making predictions about "my life", why not do something to improve your own?

You would likely experience a remarkable improvement in the quality of your fragile mental health.
How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because
How the fuck do black Africans own every square inch of Africa when they didn’t even arrive in southern Africa until years later? How the fuck is South Africa their country when white people built it from nothing?

How can you say this stupid shit when Europe is being stolen from white people after they actually did build EVERYTHING in Europe?

How the fuck can YOU be stupid enough to even compare an oppresive system like Apartheid to what you CLAIM is happening in Europe?

Europe is predominantly white, and governed by whites, and economically controlled by whites, you dumbass.

You may as well just come out and say that the blacks in South Africa were subhuman and deserved to be treated like animals. Because that is what you are attempting to imply.

You are the kind of uneducated, ignorant excuse for a person that will end up being a subservient grunt to a younger generation of far more intelligent people of all races who oppose your white supremacist views.

And I hope I live to see it transpire.

*There IS NO black minority that has instituted laws regarding land ownership in Europe which redistributes 80% of the land to non whites(blacks).

*There is no non white(black)ruling class that has pillaged the continent of Europes natural resources or imposed restrictions that limit white Europeans politically, socially or in ANY fucking way, and you know it.

As opposed to posting all of this retarded, made up bullshit that you have imagined, try posting some tangible documented proof from a CREDIBLE source that supports what you claim.....because YOU are NOT credible in the least.

Until you do, I have nothing more to comment on regarding your psychotic conspiracy theories, persecution psychosis and warped, rsvised versions of actual history and even current events.

There were no sane black Africans who were "happy" existing under Apartheid.

*I've been to South Africa three times, dating back to 1974....long before YOU were even a drop in a prophylactic and spoken to numerous elders who were actually there during the Defiance Campaign, who saw their own people shot down like dogs in the fucking street.

I've also been all over Europe, and there were ZERO white people ANYWHERE that I saw there that had to walk around with papers to keep from being arrested or even shot on sight by government thugs for just being in certain areas, as was the case with black Africans being exploited and treated like animals by a hostile minority under Apartheid.

Read a fucking history book and stop making up stupid shit.

What you are stating is illogical, insane nonsense.

You appear to be nuts.
You don't know shit about Europe, sit the fuck down clown.

THIS is what is actually happening in Europe:
Video: The European Union Actually Wants to Criminalize Criticism of its Migration Policies | Al Bawaba

Just like in every other place where white people live the left in Europe is solely dedicated to oppressing and attacking white people while pushing as many non-white colonists into as many cities and towns as they can without any regard for the culture and the peaceful state of these areas solely for political power. The indigenous people with the absolute moral authority are the ones who are jailed by the combined tyranny of the hostile minority and their white lackeys. Unlike the defiance league the people of the so called "far right" are the descendants of the people who actually built the country they grew up in and they have an absolute right to jail or even execute every single leftist traitor who has used colonization and imperialism from the Middle East and increasingly from Africa to gain power over the sane rightful owners of the continent.

White people built South Africa, not blacks. They didn't steal land from black people, they didn't steal infrastructure from black people. The fact that you think that it is perfectly ok for a murderous nomadic tribe to run into a civilized society that is completely self sustaining and demand ownership of it proves how stupid and insane YOU are. The fact that you think Apartheid was worse than allowing a murderous nomadic tribe to take over the country and probably kill off all of the white people is mindblowing. Unlike the identitarians in Europe that have every single right to be violent but aren't, the defiance league was not just carrying around signs protesting the government, they were committing murder and terrorism simply because they didn't have what the white people who made the country had. They had no moral authority because white people weren't just indiscriminately murdering black people, and again, white people did not take that land from them. Black people always had the option of leaving South Africa for a country that their people actually did build, they were not being forced to stay in South Africa to live under a white government.

It is going to be quite something when fiends like you finally witness the divine punishment that enemies of European people have brought upon themselves. Every single moment of fear and apprehension from every white child will be felt, every scream from every white woman will be heard and every ounce of built up rage from handcuffed white men will be seen.

ROFLMAO! I can't wait to see the "pent up rage', screams, fear and apprehension" that you warn of.

There will obviously be millions of more socially inept message board warriors like you unleashed upon the internet and there will be thousands of more forums like this cesspool sprouting up and polluting cyber space while the sane segment of the population lives life like normal people.

Other than that, the rest of your incoherent rhetoric does not change the fact that what is "happening" in Europe', is in no way comparable to Apartheid.

The white population there has not had their continent invaded, pillaged, raped and plundered by a hostile minority as Africa did.

White Europeans are not living under a system of ruthless exploitation nor are they being marginalized, imprisoned and forced to live like animals by rabid inhumane monsters as was the case with Apartheid.

Maybe YOU would know something about actual history and current events if you ditched the computer, left Kentucky, and got out in the world and learned something besides the Stormfront internet propaganda that you wallow in.

With that, I have no more time to waste.
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.

Instead of making predictions about "my life", why not do something to improve your own?

You would likely experience a remarkable improvement in the quality of your fragile mental health.

He wishes he could get what you throw away katsteve.
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.

No it's not. What's going to eventually happen is those like you will be eliminated from existence and the world will live without your racism.
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.

No it's not. What's going to eventually happen is those like you will be eliminated from existence and the world will live without your racism.
You can’t fight actual progress. You have had your fun attacking and destroying innocent white people who didn’t even know they were targets, but now you are going pay the piper along with all your buddies.

This system won’t protect you from me for much longer.
When the systematic attempt at eliminating white people in America and around the world was finally figured out by white people who can't find work because of all the "legal invaders" the government has allowed in,can't go to college because their spots were taken by a dumber nonwhite to fill a affirmative action spot...etc etc? Did you think we would just go quietly into the night and watch as we were eliminated? Baffling..

I would expect ANY people to fight back via ANY means necessary if this was happening to them....why act so shocked? The government created this problem and this is our answer.
Only really stupid people believe that white people are being eliminated. Not just stupid but incredibly paranoid. This is what happens when you refuse to work for any education. These ignorant white people want things handed to them. Like all those white people that live in Appalachia, they just want handouts and free stuff.
It’s really quite pitiful and quite sad
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.

No it's not. What's going to eventually happen is those like you will be eliminated from existence and the world will live without your racism.
You can’t fight actual progress. You have had your fun attacking and destroying innocent white people who didn’t even know they were targets, but now you are going pay the piper along with all your buddies.

This system won’t protect you from me for much longer.

What you gonna do tough guy? Caps lock him? You big old floppy pussy.
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.

No it's not. What's going to eventually happen is those like you will be eliminated from existence and the world will live without your racism.
You can’t fight actual progress. You have had your fun attacking and destroying innocent white people who didn’t even know they were targets, but now you are going pay the piper along with all your buddies.

This system won’t protect you from me for much longer.

Oh my. You're so scary. LMAO.
Your world is going to change so much more than you ever thought possible at a much faster rate than you ever thought possible.

No it's not. What's going to eventually happen is those like you will be eliminated from existence and the world will live without your racism.
You can’t fight actual progress. You have had your fun attacking and destroying innocent white people who didn’t even know they were targets, but now you are going pay the piper along with all your buddies.

This system won’t protect you from me for much longer.

You can't fight what is written boy. God will return to earth, people like you will be eliminated and the world will live without your racism.

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