What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?

What do the wealthy do with their tax cuts???

  • Create more US jobs

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Move more factories and jobs overseas

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Buy more foreign cars and goods

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Travel overseas to exotic places

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Donate more to charity

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Donate to political parties to get more tax loop-holes

    Votes: 15 62.5%
  • Buy more stocks, bonds and commodities (oil, gold, etc.)

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Put more money in the local comminity bank

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Put more money in off-shore tax shelters

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Put more money in Hedge Funds

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Inside every liberal is a busy body tyrant that needs to run everyone else's life.

lol I would hardly call the religous nuts in America liberal.

People of faith use persuasion to convince people to follow them. Not the force of government.

What the defense of marriage and abortion laws they want?
That is not the force of government???
Those folks scare me more than Al Qaeda.
Worst thing that ever happened in Georgia to our conservative Republican movement here were the religous right. Been that way since Pat Robertson and his crowd tries to take over our convention years ago. Bush I won the primary here and those Robertson crooks almost got away with fraud.
All in the name of "family values"

They lie, cheat and do anything to get their way. Not allof them but the ones in power do.
What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?
Anything they want. It's their money.

We had three threads already, a few weeks ago, with this same regurgitated simple minded infantile talking point. It was as easily debunked and shot down then as it is now.

That is an infantile simple-minded post.

The wealthy benefit the most from the protections and opportunities provided to them by the rest of us. The spoiled undeserving cry babies whine because they should pay a few more percent to keep the economy afloat. The coxuckers opt to run off-shore to avoid paying a few percent more to help the social safety net costs like SS & Medicare.
I see now you're just a straight up imbecile. Class warfare is eating you right the fuck up, as intended.

However, I doubt you'll blame Obama for signing the bill to extend the "Booooosh tax cuts" when he could have vetoed it. Remember: They still cannot override his veto yet.

Are you really this stupid?
My position is complex.
No it's not!

It's simple




You stupid fuck! Obama could have vetoed the fucking bill, and Congress could NOT have overridden the veto!

Your OP is a weeks old TALKING POINT we already have at least three threads on. I can't believe anyone else besides truthmatters is this partisan blinded and stupid.
It's not your business because the money belongs to those who earned it in the first place, no matter what any hack politician says.

Even so, the underlying economic assertion is sound....Take a dollar from the productive to pay the bureaucrat (who produces absolutely nothing of increased value for the economy to pay their wages) and you take a dollar out of the hands of those who would most likely (not to be mistaken for always) put it into productive pursuits.

Shit, man...I can't believe this has to be spelled out for you.

What part of they moved 14,000 US factories and about 3m US manufacturing jobs overseas don't you get? I agree that the Feds need to get the Budget down to about $2-trillion instead of the current $3.8-trillion. But to hear the wealthy whine about a few percent increase in taxes.....reminds me of an old saying "I complained because I had no shoes...until I met a man that had no feet".

Now I picture the war vet who has no job prospects because the wealthy moved so many factory jobs overseas, and now they keep their wealth in off-shore tax shelters. I don't care for the whiny millionaires' whines, let them whine.
My position is complex.
No it's not!

It's simple

You stupid fuck! Obama could have vetoed the fucking bill, and Congress could NOT have overridden the veto!

Your OP is a weeks old TALKING POINT we already have at least three threads on. I can't believe anyone else besides truthmatters is this partisan blinded and stupid.

You haven't made one cogent argument why the US should dismantle the Medicare system in order to give millions of dollars in tax breaks to millionaires and Corporations, especially when they dodge taxes (GE for example) and move jobs overseas, see ploo above.

Whining and bluster isn't how to win a debate. Now go fuck yourself.
I sure as fuck didn't get a tax break today down at the accountant's office. I had to pay in an extra $3900.00 and my quarterly payments went up another $860.00. I'm not a wealthy guy. My guess is that people who constantly piss and moan about taxes, especially those like kyzr, don't have a pot to piss in and are a part of that 49% of the population that pay no taxes at all. With that said, it's really none of kyzr's business what people do with their money.
My position is complex.
No it's not!

It's simple

You stupid fuck! Obama could have vetoed the fucking bill, and Congress could NOT have overridden the veto!

Your OP is a weeks old TALKING POINT we already have at least three threads on. I can't believe anyone else besides truthmatters is this partisan blinded and stupid.

You haven't made one cogent argument why the US should dismantle the Medicare system in order to give millions of dollars in tax breaks to millionaires and Corporations, especially when they dodge taxes (GE for example) and move jobs overseas, see ploo above.

Whining and bluster isn't how to win a debate. Now go fuck yourself.

How exactly do they get a tax break if, as you say, they aren't paying to begin with?
What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?
Anything they want. It's their money.

We had three threads already, a few weeks ago, with this same regurgitated simple minded infantile talking point. It was as easily debunked and shot down then as it is now.

That is an infantile simple-minded post.

The wealthy benefit the most from the protections and opportunities provided to them by the rest of us. The spoiled undeserving cry babies whine because they should pay a few more percent to keep the economy afloat. The coxuckers opt to run off-shore to avoid paying a few percent more to help the social safety net costs like SS & Medicare.

What a joke! The wealthy already pay 40% of the taxes while taking in 20% of the income. How much is enough for them to pay? What percentage would you like to see them pay? Not to mention the fact that almost 50% pay NO federal income tax while reaping the benefits from entitlement programs....funded by those evil, filthy rich.

Paying a few percent more??? The US has the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world. Reduce that and watch the jobs come back to the states. You can't continue to punish the job producers and expect them to keep jobs here. Would you do it if you were in their place? (honest answer please).
The unemployment rate for most of the Bush years was at or under 5%.

What motivation do the investors and producers have today to invest and produce, when they don't know what next stupid edict form Boiking threatens to make their efforts futile ?

Yes it was, and in great part it was due to incentives that drove the housing bubble which came crashing down because those jobs were based on a false premise. On top of that, incomes were not growing in real dollars. The only thing that was truly growing were the inflated prices of people's homes, and we saw where that got us.
Anything they want. It's their money.

We had three threads already, a few weeks ago, with this same regurgitated simple minded infantile talking point. It was as easily debunked and shot down then as it is now.

That is an infantile simple-minded post.

The wealthy benefit the most from the protections and opportunities provided to them by the rest of us. The spoiled undeserving cry babies whine because they should pay a few more percent to keep the economy afloat. The coxuckers opt to run off-shore to avoid paying a few percent more to help the social safety net costs like SS & Medicare.

What a joke! The wealthy already pay 40% of the taxes while taking in 20% of the income. How much is enough for them to pay? What percentage would you like to see them pay? Not to mention the fact that almost 50% pay NO federal income tax while reaping the benefits from entitlement programs....funded by those evil, filthy rich.

Paying a few percent more??? The US has the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world. Reduce that and watch the jobs come back to the states. You can't continue to punish the job producers and expect them to keep jobs here. Would you do it if you were in their place? (honest answer please).

I agree that the corporate tax rate is too high. At the same time, the personal income tax rate is too low, as is the capital gains rate.
I'm sure the 'rich' do some of everything on the poll list.

But one thing is for sure, it is not the 'poor' who are funding scholarship funds, hiring people, taking risks to expand, innovate, engage in R & D. It is not the 'poor' who are buying stocks and bonds helping businesses and communities to expand and grow. It is not the 'poor' who are providing the money for new museum exhibits, new zoo habitats, new hospital wings, new opportunities for the performing arts, or new science labs for universities. It is not the 'poor' who are putting large sums of money in banks where it is available for others to borrow.

Make the business environment as tax, regulatory, unrestrictive, and user friendly as is reasonable, and both American and foreign 'rich' will want to do business in the most prosperous, most free, most productive country in the world. Who wouldn't?

But tax, regulate, restrict, litigate, and make life as miserable as you possibly can for the 'rich' and yes, they will invest, risk, spend, and save elsewhere. Who wouldn't?

You simply cannot 'punish' the rich without hurting the poor.
We've had the Bush tax cuts for several years now, and I'm still waiting to see the jobs being created with all those $$billions of lost tax revenue.

The rich must be doing other things with their tax cuts....

With all of the documented financial crap that took place preceding the economic collapse, you blame tax cuts. Amazing! You're lost my friend. You are a useful government tool. Brain washed by the state run media.
What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?
Anything they want. It's their money.

We had three threads already, a few weeks ago, with this same regurgitated simple minded infantile talking point. It was as easily debunked and shot down then as it is now.

That is an infantile simple-minded post.

The wealthy benefit the most from the protections and opportunities provided to them by the rest of us. The spoiled undeserving cry babies whine because they should pay a few more percent to keep the economy afloat. The coxuckers opt to run off-shore to avoid paying a few percent more to help the social safety net costs like SS & Medicare.

I think you're on to something!

How the rich pay no taxes

For the well-off, this could be the best tax day since the early 1930s: Top tax rates on ordinary income, dividends, estates, and gifts will remain at or near historically low levels for at least the next two years. That's thanks in part to legislation passed in December 2010 by the 111th Congress and signed by President Barack Obama.

"This is clearly far and away the most generous tax situation that's existed," says Gregory D. Singer, a national managing director of the wealth management group at AllianceBernstein (AB) in New York. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

For the 400 U.S. taxpayers with the highest adjusted gross income, the effective federal income tax rate -- what they actually pay -- fell from almost 30 percent in 1995 to just under 17 percent in 2007, according to the IRS. And for the approximately 1.4 million people who make up the top 1 percent of taxpayers, the effective federal income tax rate dropped from 29 percent to 23 percent in 2008. It may seem too fantastic to be true, but the top 400 end up paying a lower rate than the next 1,399,600 or so.

How the rich pay no taxes- MSN Money

Don't you just love it?
It's no ones business what those PEOPLE (Yes, rich people are PEOPLE) do with their money. Only 2 facts matter:

1- It's THEIR money.

2- The government obviously isn't doing much with their $$$ already, so why take more of it?
What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?
Anything they want. It's their money.

We had three threads already, a few weeks ago, with this same regurgitated simple minded infantile talking point. It was as easily debunked and shot down then as it is now.

That is an infantile simple-minded post.

The wealthy benefit the most from the protections and opportunities provided to them by the rest of us. The spoiled undeserving cry babies whine because they should pay a few more percent to keep the economy afloat. The coxuckers opt to run off-shore to avoid paying a few percent more to help the social safety net costs like SS & Medicare.

What cracks me up is that the uber wealthy are not the ones here trying to persuade us that paying a little more in taxes will be the downfall of life as we know it. In fact, most of them agree that they aren't paying enough in taxes. Does that mean they will willingly pay more to the government out of the kindness of their loving hearts? Yea, right. Neither would I.
It drives me crazy that the left thinks they are having money taken out of their pockets because the people that earned that money are being "allowed" to hold on to more of it.
You want more stuff go out and earn it.

Part of the problem is that the wealthy moved 14,000 factories overseas to take advantage of cheaper labor and less regulation. The US manufacturing sector went from 28% of the US economy to 12%. All those jobs are now gone...do you want to try and sell carp or trinkets like Iraqi street vendors and raise a family???

The rich don’t move industry overseas! Market forces do! Consumer demand is price driven and corporate buyers place intense pressure on manufacturers to reduce prices in order to sell their products. This in turn forces manufacturers to cut costs to maintain a plentiful bottom line and ensure an appreciative corporate buyer network. Often, the only way to compete with imported goods is to move the manufacturing base to a more ‘cost-effective’ environment.

Perhaps you need to get over your envy of the wealthy!
We've had the Bush tax cuts for several years now, and I'm still waiting to see the jobs being created with all those $$billions of lost tax revenue.

The rich must be doing other things with their tax cuts....

Why is it any of your fuckin biznez what people do with their own damn money? Why are you so obsessed about other people's possessions? Get a fuckin life.
Anything they want. It's their money.

We had three threads already, a few weeks ago, with this same regurgitated simple minded infantile talking point. It was as easily debunked and shot down then as it is now.

That is an infantile simple-minded post.

The wealthy benefit the most from the protections and opportunities provided to them by the rest of us. The spoiled undeserving cry babies whine because they should pay a few more percent to keep the economy afloat. The coxuckers opt to run off-shore to avoid paying a few percent more to help the social safety net costs like SS & Medicare.

What cracks me up is that the uber wealthy are not the ones here trying to persuade us that paying a little more in taxes will be the downfall of life as we know it. In fact, most of them agree that they aren't paying enough in taxes. Does that mean they will willingly pay more to the government out of the kindness of their loving hearts? Yea, right. Neither would I.

Uber wealthy??? LMFAO WTF is an "uber" wealthy person? Give us an example Genius?! How many "UBER" wealthy people will it take to bring down the deficit??? Hmm? Come on, you know so much- TELL US. How much more money do you and your liberal control freaks want to STEAL from Americans in order to pay for abortions, food stamps for lazyazzes? Give us a figure?!

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