What Does the Religion of Darwinism actually have faith in?

Those who have evolved will survive
Those who haven’t perish
Since every species evolved that's pretty meaningless.

Just another vague generalization like Darwinists present as "evidence."

How does a species initiate a mutation needed for survival?
It isn't a faith in Darwin as a man, nor faith in "science," meaning the people who claim to practice science and get the media's attention and approval. Their dogmatic approach and exclusion of critical thinking about their religion is how they keep Darwinism propped up, but those things are not what they have faith in.

But, they must have faith in something. How else could they believe (or for many pretend to believe), that all of the design that is so clearly apparent in the universe is actually the result of no design at all? What could allow them to even consider that all the complexity of life on Earth was created by a series of random events? In what do they have faith that could have allowed such an unlikely idea to be true?

The answer is the passage of time. We now know that there is much significance to the passage of time. Our second highest elected leader explained it thusly:

No matter how impossible it seems that a single light-sensitive cell developed (by random mutations) into the sophisticated vision systems that millions of different species possess, Darwinists explain it all by saying WTTE of, "well it took a long time, of course."

That is faith. If faith is to be admired for its own sake, it is an admirable faith, because it requires the believer to exclude so much evidence that is readily available for their observation.

It's not a religion.
So, the mutations are deliberate and purposeful?
Mutations are not evolution.


Example # 4,309 of you knowing less than nothing about evolution.

Pretty sad. You really should not even be commenting on this topic, much less starting threads about it.
It isn't a faith in Darwin as a man, nor faith in "science," meaning the people who claim to practice science and get the media's attention and approval. Their dogmatic approach and exclusion of critical thinking about their religion is how they keep Darwinism propped up, but those things are not what they have faith in.

But, they must have faith in something. How else could they believe (or for many pretend to believe), that all of the design that is so clearly apparent in the universe is actually the result of no design at all? What could allow them to even consider that all the complexity of life on Earth was created by a series of random events? In what do they have faith that could have allowed such an unlikely idea to be true?

The answer is the passage of time. We now know that there is much significance to the passage of time. Our second highest elected leader explained it thusly:

No matter how impossible it seems that a single light-sensitive cell developed (by random mutations) into the sophisticated vision systems that millions of different species possess, Darwinists explain it all by saying WTTE of, "well it took a long time, of course."

That is faith. If faith is to be admired for its own sake, it is an admirable faith, because it requires the believer to exclude so much evidence that is readily available for their observation.

Do you believe in the supernatural? Scientists are intelligent enough to hold two thoughts simultaneously. Science is one thing. Religious beliefs are another.
How does a species initiate a mutation needed for survival?
What makes you think a species initiates anything?

A species faces food availability, predators, environment
Major changes in any of them can jeopardize a species. Species best able to survive those changes will go on
What makes you think a species initiates anything?

A species faces food availability, predators, environment
Major changes in any of them can jeopardize a species. Species best able to survive those changes will go on
I get that's the "theory."

I'm asking how you think that It works. You said it isnt random. So how does the mutation needed to survive happen if it isn't random?
Can you please offer an equally plausible explanation for a living cell being formed without design?
You make a common, anti-evolution mistake in assuming a cell was the first form of life. It wasn't, the first life was so simple you probably wouldn't recognize it as life. Cells probably took a billion years to evolve from the first life.
You make a common, anti-evolution mistake in assuming a cell was the first form of life. It wasn't, the first life was so simple you probably wouldn't recognize it as life. Cells probably took a billion years to evolve from the first life.
I didn't say a cell is the simplest form of life.

No one can provide a plausible explanation for the simplest form of life arising without design and most Darwinists admit that much.
Indeed they do! Genetic drift, for example.

Mutations are not evolution. Neither is a hot environment. Evolution is a process that acts on the genotypes of a population.
You don't know your own religion's dogma. It's the changes in genotype that supposedly produce evolution, not the other way around.
It's the changes in genotype that supposedly produce evolution, not the other way around.
100% ass backwards wrong.

The mechanisms of evolution work on individuals and populations to change the genotypic makeup of a population, over time.
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No one can provide a plausible explanation for the simplest form of life arising without design and most Darwinists admit that much.
Then you haven't bothered to look. Atoms can self-assemble into crystals. Molecules can do the same. Imagine a molecule that is a long chain where the ends can self assemble additional 'links'. Growth. Once the chain reaches a certain size it breaks. Reproduction. Molecules that are better at self assembly will take the resources of other molecules. Natural selection. All the ingredients of life.
It isn't a faith in Darwin as a man, nor faith in "science," meaning the people who claim to practice science and get the media's attention and approval. Their dogmatic approach and exclusion of critical thinking about their religion is how they keep Darwinism propped up, but those things are not what they have faith in.

But, they must have faith in something. How else could they believe (or for many pretend to believe), that all of the design that is so clearly apparent in the universe is actually the result of no design at all? What could allow them to even consider that all the complexity of life on Earth was created by a series of random events? In what do they have faith that could have allowed such an unlikely idea to be true?

The answer is the passage of time. We now know that there is much significance to the passage of time. Our second highest elected leader explained it thusly:

No matter how impossible it seems that a single light-sensitive cell developed (by random mutations) into the sophisticated vision systems that millions of different species possess, Darwinists explain it all by saying WTTE of, "well it took a long time, of course."

That is faith. If faith is to be admired for its own sake, it is an admirable faith, because it requires the believer to exclude so much evidence that is readily available for their observation.

It is preposterous. The whole of it. Laughable.
Then you haven't bothered to look. Atoms can self-assemble into crystals. Molecules can do the same. Imagine a molecule that is a long chain where the ends can self assemble additional 'links'. Growth. Once the chain reaches a certain size it breaks. Reproduction. Molecules that are better at self assembly will take the resources of other molecules. Natural selection. All the ingredients of life.
I don't see anything inconsistent with believing in evolution and God. But you are vastly over simplifying "self assembly." Long chains of inanimate organic molecules must fold themselves in precisely the correct sequence. Do you understand the likelihood of that process?

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