What Does the Religion of Darwinism actually have faith in?

I'm not aware of any scientific consensus that speciation is caused by random events. Got a link?
Dogmaphobe and Penelope can provide you those links since they attribute evolution to "random" and "chance" events just upthread.

If the mutations required for Darwinian evolution are not random, how are they initiated?
If you have an alternative theory that excludes natural selection and fits what we do know about the development of species, PLEASE detail it. I'm sure most people would be excited to hear an alternative, plausible, theory that fits what we already know.

If you don't have an alternative theory, then attacking people who accept natural selection as a likely explanation of development of life on Earth then you are just a contrarian.

You don't have to "believe" or even accept that natural selection caused the evolution of species on Earth. But, there is no reason and nothing to be gained by casting aspersions on those who do.
I don't have a theory about what happened millions of years ago. No hypothesis about the past can be tested in the present to show that the hypothesis has enough evidence to be a valid theory.

Its all guesswork and "what it's."

I would prefer that the Darwinian faithful and Darwinian non-believers leave each other to their own opinions. No attacks by either side.

But Darwinians have succeeded in using the courts to make their religion the state religion as taught in state run schools. They got a ruling that literally bans encouraging critical thinking about evolution.
But Darwinians have succeeded in using the courts to make their religion the state religion as taught in state run schools. They got a ruling that literally bans encouraging critical thinking about evolution.

Darwinians have provided facts to support their theories, other theories have not
@Dogmaphobe and @Penelope can provide you those links since they attribute evolution to "random" and "chance" events just upthread.
So, you're not aware of evidence for your claims?
It isn't a faith in Darwin as a man, nor faith in "science," meaning the people who claim to practice science and get the media's attention and approval. Their dogmatic approach and exclusion of critical thinking about their religion is how they keep Darwinism propped up, but those things are not what they have faith in.

But, they must have faith in something. How else could they believe (or for many pretend to believe), that all of the design that is so clearly apparent in the universe is actually the result of no design at all? What could allow them to even consider that all the complexity of life on Earth was created by a series of random events? In what do they have faith that could have allowed such an unlikely idea to be true?

The answer is the passage of time. We now know that there is much significance to the passage of time. Our second highest elected leader explained it thusly:

No matter how impossible it seems that a single light-sensitive cell developed (by random mutations) into the sophisticated vision systems that millions of different species possess, Darwinists explain it all by saying WTTE of, "well it took a long time, of course."

That is faith. If faith is to be admired for its own sake, it is an admirable faith, because it requires the believer to exclude so much evidence that is readily available for their observation.

But, they must have faith in something.
I have faith in what I can see for myself.

How else could they believe (or for many pretend to believe), that all of the design that is so clearly apparent in the universe is actually the result of no design at all? What could allow them to even consider that all the complexity of life on Earth was created by a series of random events? In what do they have faith that could have allowed such an unlikely idea to be true?
It would be incredible if that were true but it is exactly the opposite of the reality. The complexity of life on Earth was created, not by a series of random events, but by natural laws. Think of a crystal of salt. In a single crystal every atom sits exactly in the same relationship to every other atom. And there are trillions and trillions of atoms. They don't require any intelligence to arrange them so regularly, only natural laws.
Seymour Flops

Ah yes, the tired old charlatan's cheap parlor trick. Let me sum it up:

You really, really want to put your faith-based horseshit on the same shelf as scientific knowledge.

However, you are unable to elevate your faith based horseshit out of the bottom muck of the intellectual sewer, as you have no good evidence or argument. Only iron aged myths and "because I say so".

As such, the only tactic left for you is to try to drag scientific knowledge down into slime where your faith based horseshit resides.

So, you call scientific theories, "religion".

You aren't the first cheap charlatan to try this.

Spoiler alert: It doesn't and will never work.
I have faith in what I can see for myself.

It would be incredible if that were true but it is exactly the opposite of the reality. The complexity of life on Earth was created, not by a series of random events, but by natural laws. Think of a crystal of salt. In a single crystal every atom sits exactly in the same relationship to every other atom. And there are trillions and trillions of atoms. They don't require any intelligence to arrange them so regularly, only natural laws.
You have done well in explaining how a crystal of salt can form. The redundancy of its structure that you describe, is indeed evidence that it could come about without design, so long as the natural laws you speak of pre-date it.

Can you please offer an equally plausible explanation for a living cell being formed without design?

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