What does 2011 hold for the twoofer movement?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Lets see, from 9/11/01 to 12/20/10, the twoof movement has made zero progress. Since logic tells us that evidence can only point in a finite number of directions, in some ways the "movement" (movements usually move somewhere; hence the quotes) has even lost ground over the heady days of Web Tarpley and Hunter S. Thompson weighing in with their scholarship <sarcasm>.

So, as we stand boldly on the threshold of 2011 and the impending ten year commemoration of the worst terrorists attacks in US History, the assessment of the "movement" as a total and complete failure is over. Nobody can point to a single accomplishment of the "movement" so it remains a total failure. As it is, as it was, as it will be. Those are facts and they are not in disupte.

Twoofers, as we all know, hate facts. So it would be good at this point for twoofer and sane person alike to predict what will happen in 2010 to the movement. Forget the last 9 tractionless years. Nothing can be done about it. Boldly predict where the "movement" will be at the end of 2011.

I predict another year of abject pain and humiliation for the "movement". I also predict that at some point in 2011, a "twoofer" will come clean and admit the "movement" is only about making money.
The Truth Movement keeps talking about irrelevant bullshit.

But physicists have spent NINE YEARS making fools of themselves by not demanding to know the distributions of steel and concrete in a couple of skyscrapers. We are supposed to listen people that claim to know physics talk about Black Holes like they know something about gravity when they won't resolve a supposed gravitational collapse of a skyscraper.

Science is supposed to be a truth movement.

9/11 is the Piltdown Man incident of the 21st century.

When this crap dies down as it eventually must even if it takes 80 years the US will be laughed at for the next 1000 years because physics and gravity can never change.

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Lets see, from 9/11/01 to 12/20/10, the twoof movement has made zero progress. Since logic tells us that evidence can only point in a finite number of directions, in some ways the "movement" (movements usually move somewhere; hence the quotes) has even lost ground over the heady days of Web Tarpley and Hunter S. Thompson weighing in with their scholarship <sarcasm>.

So, as we stand boldly on the threshold of 2011 and the impending ten year commemoration of the worst terrorists attacks in US History, the assessment of the "movement" as a total and complete failure is over. Nobody can point to a single accomplishment of the "movement" so it remains a total failure. As it is, as it was, as it will be. Those are facts and they are not in disupte.

Twoofers, as we all know, hate facts. So it would be good at this point for twoofer and sane person alike to predict what will happen in 2010 to the movement. Forget the last 9 tractionless years. Nothing can be done about it. Boldly predict where the "movement" will be at the end of 2011.

I predict another year of abject pain and humiliation for the "movement". I also predict that at some point in 2011, a "twoofer" will come clean and admit the "movement" is only about making money.

says the paid troll....you should worry more of what 2011 holds for your lame ass cuntyqueen.I see another fruitless year of internet trolling for spare change being the hi-lite of your year
BuildingWhat.org just took off this past November, and was on Fox News. They new campaign is starting the beginning of 2011, hopefully that will be the start of the Truth really being told. the guys at AE911Truth.org will continue to educate and tour for guests, hopefully spreading the word around to the point where it all bottle necks in 2011 or by the 2012 election. I can see this being used as a platform for presidency, or being completely ignored by the media until we die. But the power of the INTERNET, YOUTUBE, and these Architects and Engineers has continued to grow ever since the ATROCIOUS NIST report that was released Nov 2008. since then they have gotten 1,400 professional followers, and other websites and groups have contributed to the movement as well. The movement just began in early 2009. It's going to be an avalanche soon enough.
BuildingWhat.org just took off this past November, and was on Fox News. They new campaign is starting the beginning of 2011, hopefully that will be the start of the Truth really being told. the guys at AE911Truth.org will continue to educate and tour for guests, hopefully spreading the word around to the point where it all bottle necks in 2011 or by the 2012 election. I can see this being used as a platform for presidency, or being completely ignored by the media until we die. But the power of the INTERNET, YOUTUBE, and these Architects and Engineers has continued to grow ever since the ATROCIOUS NIST report that was released Nov 2008. since then they have gotten 1,400 professional followers, and other websites and groups have contributed to the movement as well. The movement just began in early 2009. It's going to be an avalanche soon enough.

I'd get used to being ignored CD. You have no credibility. You gave it up when you started using socks here sonny boy.
Lets see, from 9/11/01 to 12/20/10, the twoof movement has made zero progress. Since logic tells us that evidence can only point in a finite number of directions, in some ways the "movement" (movements usually move somewhere; hence the quotes) has even lost ground over the heady days of Web Tarpley and Hunter S. Thompson weighing in with their scholarship <sarcasm>.

So, as we stand boldly on the threshold of 2011 and the impending ten year commemoration of the worst terrorists attacks in US History, the assessment of the "movement" as a total and complete failure is over. Nobody can point to a single accomplishment of the "movement" so it remains a total failure. As it is, as it was, as it will be. Those are facts and they are not in disupte.

Twoofers, as we all know, hate facts. So it would be good at this point for twoofer and sane person alike to predict what will happen in 2010 to the movement. Forget the last 9 tractionless years. Nothing can be done about it. Boldly predict where the "movement" will be at the end of 2011.

I predict another year of abject pain and humiliation for the "movement". I also predict that at some point in 2011, a "twoofer" will come clean and admit the "movement" is only about making money.

says the paid troll....you should worry more of what 2011 holds for your lame ass cuntyqueen.I see another fruitless year of internet trolling for spare change being the hi-lite of your year

one thing is for sure,the troll will keep coming back making a moron out of himself like they pay him to do and keep going to dozens of message boards for his usual constant ass beatings he gets from truthers everyday by people such as yourself.
Lets see, from 9/11/01 to 12/20/10, the twoof movement has made zero progress. Since logic tells us that evidence can only point in a finite number of directions, in some ways the "movement" (movements usually move somewhere; hence the quotes) has even lost ground over the heady days of Web Tarpley and Hunter S. Thompson weighing in with their scholarship <sarcasm>.

So, as we stand boldly on the threshold of 2011 and the impending ten year commemoration of the worst terrorists attacks in US History, the assessment of the "movement" as a total and complete failure is over. Nobody can point to a single accomplishment of the "movement" so it remains a total failure. As it is, as it was, as it will be. Those are facts and they are not in disupte.

Twoofers, as we all know, hate facts. So it would be good at this point for twoofer and sane person alike to predict what will happen in 2010 to the movement. Forget the last 9 tractionless years. Nothing can be done about it. Boldly predict where the "movement" will be at the end of 2011.

I predict another year of abject pain and humiliation for the "movement". I also predict that at some point in 2011, a "twoofer" will come clean and admit the "movement" is only about making money.

says the paid troll....you should worry more of what 2011 holds for your lame ass cuntyqueen.I see another fruitless year of internet trolling for spare change being the hi-lite of your year

one thing is for sure,the troll will keep coming back making a moron out of himself like they pay him to do and keep going to dozens of message boards for his usual constant ass beatings he gets from truthers everyday by people such as yourself.

I have always wanted to be a paid troll. Where do I sign up?
Who do I collect from?

I think I could be someone's personal paid troll as well.
The year 2011 holds further discreditation, scorn, and further shrinkage for the 911 "truth" movement.

There will also be more red badges for the usmb twoofers.

mark my words, those are my predictions, I don't know where it comes from, just a gift I suppose......
Do you people honestly think that any significant number of people are going from believing an inside job to believing the official story? Plenty go every year from believing the official story to believing in an inside job. In my estimation, that's progress.
Do you people honestly think that any significant number of people are going from believing an inside job to believing the official story? Plenty go every year from believing the official story to believing in an inside job. In my estimation, that's progress.

If by "plenty" you mean nobody, you're on to something.
The year 2011 holds further discreditation, scorn, and further shrinkage for the 911 "truth" movement.

There will also be more red badges for the usmb twoofers.

mark my words, those are my predictions, I don't know where it comes from, just a gift I suppose......

Have you seen Fizz?
Do you people honestly think that any significant number of people are going from believing an inside job to believing the official story? Plenty go every year from believing the official story to believing in an inside job. In my estimation, that's progress.
you are wrong, of course
no one is moving towards your stupidity level, but away from it
somehow, the federal government that couldn't get things coordinated for an evac of New Orleans before Katrina hit them, was able to do so on a multi-state level with not only state offices, but county and local ones as well to keep the truth from being exposed, and not ONE of those involved in the cover up has ever stepped forward to confess due to a guilty conscience

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