What do you think Romney's biggest problem is getting his message out?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.
That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.
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That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I don't feel talked down to in the least. I just don't feel inspired even when I like what I hear.

Romney dyed his face when he talked to "illegal immigrants" as he referred to them.


Look at that neck. Look just below the hair line. After pointing out his "dye line", someone called him the "Juan Percent".

That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I don't feel talked down to in the least. I just don't feel inspired even when I like what I hear.

In other words it seems like he is just saying what he thinks you want to hear? That's called being patronizing and it is definitely talking down, no one likes it.
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That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I don't feel talked down to in the least. I just don't feel inspired even when I like what I hear.

In other words it seems like he is just saying what he thinks you want to hear? That's called being patronizing and it is definitely talking down, no one likes it.

Honesty is not patronizing. Pandering is. Just like Obama on telemundo today. Not getting immigration done was my biggest mistake.

Really? Even the host called him on it
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

A few possibilities.

First, I agree. He lacks passion. He does not come across as even attempting to make a connection with whatever audience he is speaking with at the time.

Then also, I've noticed he seems to be afflicted with foot in mouth disease. Once he puts his foot in his mouth, he tries to swallow it rather than backing down and admitting maybe he shouldn't have said/done whatever. "Doubles down," I think I've heard it referred to as. This is not an attractive trait in a leader.

I really wanted to like him, but it's just not possible. When he's not coming across as dispassionate, disconnected, or doggedly determined to screw up, he sounds like the stereotypical arrogant rich guy -- while apparently seeing the rest of us as the 47%, perhaps?
As a corporate sales trainer, I'm biased and tend to look at most politicians as just another smooth talking bullshitter...so it takes a lot to impress me on that level, but I'm also good at looking beneath the charisma...Slick Willie and Obama never did impress me much.:D
I don't feel talked down to in the least. I just don't feel inspired even when I like what I hear.

In other words it seems like he is just saying what he thinks you want to hear? That's called being patronizing and it is definitely talking down, no one likes it.

Honesty is not patronizing. Pandering is. Just like Obama on telemundo today. Not getting immigration done was my biggest mistake.

Really? Even the host called him on it

Don't be ashamed to admitt that he does not seem to believe much of what he says, lots of people get that impression.
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

Romney makes me long for the warmth and charisma of Reagan. Romney is more wooden and fake-seeming than Al Gore. Very sad for the Right . . . because with this economy, a ham sandwich could beat Obama.
His lack of a coherent message.

"Message" implies more than just saying things, particularly in the sort of reactive, flailing style that characterizes the Romney campaign. It means having thematic strands that link together your campaigns slogans, communications, positions, etc in a way that gives voters a pithy picture of who you are, what you stand for, and where you're going (and not just that you don't like the incumbent--that's sort of a given).

Romney isn't a confident or competent enough candidate to devise and maintain a real message. That's why 12 months of "repeal Obamacare!" ever so smoothly transitioning to "I'm not getting rid of all of healthcare reform" and "I'm the grandfather of Obamacare!" barely raises an eyebrow: few people actually thought the things he's said in the past were reliable. His words have no meaning. Thus, he's not capable of having a real message.
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

For a man who has been in politics a very long time it seems like he's here for the first time.
He says things that the media just creams over...the Chris Mathews wet in the pants syndrome.

When he said He likes to fire people that don't provide satisfactory service we all know what he meant.The Liberals jumped on that like Lindsey Lohan at an open bar at a wedding.
They are still running that clip....

He just doesn't have that political savvy.
I keep wishing he would start off with his scheduled speech, stop mid-sentence, look up at the people he is talking to --- drop the politician act --- and say "Look folks, if we keep heading down the road we have been on for the past decade things are gonna get pretty scary. We need to stop this spending before it owns us. We need to let the middle east know we are capable of more than just sweet talk and joy stick controlled missles --- AND we need to open up the job markets that my Democratic counterpart keeps wanting to shut down with bureaucratic rules and red tape."
I keep wishing he would start off with his scheduled speech, stop mid-sentence, look up at the people he is talking to --- drop the politician act --- and say "Look folks, if we keep heading down the road we have been on for the past decade things are gonna get pretty scary. We need to stop this spending before it owns us. We need to let the middle east know we are capable of more than just sweet talk and joy stick controlled missles --- AND we need to open up the job markets that my Democratic counterpart keeps wanting to shut down with bureaucratic rules and red tape."

Same-old-same-old. At this point he has no hope of salvaging anything that resembles a coherent message.
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

For a man who has been in politics a very long time it seems like he's here for the first time.
He says things that the media just creams over...the Chris Mathews wet in the pants syndrome.

When he said He likes to fire people that don't provide satisfactory service we all know what he meant.The Liberals jumped on that like Lindsey Lohan at an open bar at a wedding.
They are still running that clip....

He just doesn't have that political savvy.

He's not like us. He's like Nelson Rockefeller.
I keep wishing he would start off with his scheduled speech, stop mid-sentence, look up at the people he is talking to --- drop the politician act --- and say "Look folks, if we keep heading down the road we have been on for the past decade things are gonna get pretty scary. We need to stop this spending before it owns us. We need to let the middle east know we are capable of more than just sweet talk and joy stick controlled missles --- AND we need to open up the job markets that my Democratic counterpart keeps wanting to shut down with bureaucratic rules and red tape."

LOL scary? The people want a positive message stupid.

go away

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