What do you dislike most?

Not to be rude, but why is a Russian asking us about our favorite things and the things we hate and our opinions on this and that?
Comrade Johnson, are you trying to develop dossiers on us?
I think Mr. Putin commissioned him/them (there are other Russians here too) to find out the mood of Americans.

I think they are going to find out that Independents and Republicans love the Russians right about now while Democrats hate them.

This is all about Hillary.

Uncle Vlad saved us from Hillary.

But now it seems everybody is nervous that Donald owes Vlad a big one.

Oh well, let's just give them whatever they want.

As long as they don't want all of Europe like Adolf or Stalin did.

And if it's not really the Russians but the CIA, then it is Trump who wants to know.

Well, he got a lot out of us this morning, about vegetables and all. Hope it helps with the quest for world domination.
Not to be rude, but why is a Russian asking us about our favorite things and the things we hate and our opinions on this and that?
Comrade Johnson, are you trying to develop dossiers on us?
I think Mr. Putin commissioned him/them (there are other Russians here too) to find out the mood of Americans.

I think they are going to find out that Independents and Republicans love the Russians right about now while Democrats hate them.

This is all about Hillary.

Uncle Vlad saved us from Hillary.

But now it seems everybody is nervous that Donald owes Vlad a big one.

Oh well, let's just give them whatever they want.

As long as they don't want all of Europe like Adolf or Stalin did.

And if it's not really the Russians but the CIA, then it is Trump who wants to know.

Well, he got a lot out of us this morning, about vegetables and all. Hope it helps with the quest for world domination.
World domination is old school Bebe.

Stalin started that.

Khrushchev blew it.

Gorbachev gave it up.

Yeltsin turned them into a plutocratic democracy. Same as the USA.
It seems that people are more willing to talk about they hate then they like :)
Gee, and I thought we were being too positive.

Russian names are impossible for me to pronounce even to myself, so I don't read depressing Russian novels. I can't keep the characters straight. Igor XYGZBELSTIF marries Yuri SYCFXYGZ's daughter Anna. They all have at least two nicknames like ZBGKAY and BOXZK to boot. Impossible language.

Since an unfortunate episode with too many Screwdrivers, I don't care for vodka, either.

Wouldn't mind seeing St. Petersburg in the summer, though. I do like to gawk at pretty buildings, and I'd love to see the Faberge eggs. And who doesn't like caviar?
People, things, countries, activities...
A bit provocative, of course, but try to be polite in your answers :)

(Sorry, I misread the title as "What do you like?)
Pre-historic Indo-European etymology. For example, Russian Khleb is related to English "loaf" and Plod is related to "fruit." It is common among the European descendants of that original united language for p to become f, l to become r, and d to become t.

What I dislike is the ignorant and dysfunctional Postmodern grammar that is mumbled by those who think that they are educated. It proves that College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded.
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It seems that people are more willing to talk about they hate then they like :)
I hate the Communists that run California, Massachusetts, and New York.

They won't allow me to bring my 45ACP with me to go there.

So I avoid them like the plague.

Communism is dead everywhere except China, N.Korea, California, Massachusetts, and New York.
Russian names are impossible for me to pronounce even to myself, so I don't read depressing Russian novels. I can't keep the characters straight. Igor XYGZBELSTIF marries Yuri SYCFXYGZ's daughter Anna. They all have at least two nicknames like ZBGKAY and BOXZK to boot. Impossible language.

Its much easier when you read them in Russian :)
Do you like black caviar, guys? :)


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