CDZ What difference does it make?

He doesn't seem to be any worse with women than he is with men. Should he treat women better? Probably. Is it sexist to want better behavior for one sex? Yes. IMO, that whole premise falls on its face.
The answer to the OP is no. At least IMO. ESPECIALLY when you consider Hillary is the SAME way, if not worse. "Worse" meaning she is a politician, and would rather lie to your face. At least trump will tell you to your face.
Hillary is the SAME way? What in hell are you on? When is the last time a woman you've never met came up and gave your nuts a squeeze, planted one firmly on the lips whether you liked it or not? And felt completely justified in doing it? Do women talk about doing that to good looking strangers? MMMMM they might talk about what they'd like to do with this one or that one, sure, but not without the guy's consent. Kinda hard to do without the guy's active participation, if you know what I mean.
So you're taking that "let's be fair" thing too far, I think.
I mean the way they treat people. Trump is sexist towards woman. Well, look at the way Hillary has treated women.. Look at the things people say about the way she treats people..
BTW, woman do stuff like that all the time. Because they know the guy wont do shit about it. Women run the sex game. Unless you are a billionaire :D
Wow. Tennessee must be quite the place.
Indeed. No comment about how shitty of a person Hillary is?
Hillary is a bitch, but that is not what this thread is about. You DID address the OP and say in your reality, men and women both act like animals and have no respect for each other. Duly noted. In such a world, I shouldn't expect it to matter if Donald grabs him some pussy.

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