What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

The vast majority of Mexican immigrants are here illegally and or on stolen citizenships with illegal lineage.…either way they are present without the peoples consent.
Like all good real Americans with standards and expectations I’m “scared to death” of America becoming a Los Angeles like brown shithole.
If you didn’t hate America you’d feel the same way.
Why can’t you point us to a brown community, city, state or nation that we should want to model America after?
Idiot ^^^. Coward^^^. NOT an American ^^^.
Without owners (investors) and management, workers have no jobs.
Yeah. Socialists always imagine that these roles would just vanish under socialism. But they wouldn't. The decisions made by investors and management still need to happen. All socialism does is replace private owners and managers with government - politicians.

Gee.... No thanks.

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