"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

No, it does not end with Ishmael. It is a generational prophesy.
Genesis 21:13, 17-18 God also bestows His blessing on Ishmael and his descendants, saying, "For I will make him a great nation."

Not only would Ishmael be an ass, but a nation of asses.
I'll tell you why he is avoiding it because in other threads he's admitted he wants Shariah Law for America. He also believes Muslim men should be able to have 4 wives just like back home. In fact he's told us of Muslim friends he has, who have four wives but are hiding it. SICK.

But like all enemy within fifth columners, he plays the role of a patriotic moderate Muslim American to deceive naive Americans. That's his shtick.

Sunni's played "the role" pretty well. Since he is a war veteran.

Yey!!....So he says, your seeming affection and defense of Sunni Boy is beyond me

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

What happened to Sallow?:scared1:

Its kinda obvious. Even the Russians warned the FBI about the older brother's ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Something the Russians very RARELY DO. And the FBI, true to form, decided to totally ignore them.

One would think they would at least bring the guy in and question him a little, just to make sure. But no, they want to wait until they've slaughtered a whole bunch of people before something is dine. i appears we have not learned our lessons from 9-11.

They need to fire anybody in the FBI associated with the handling of that Russian warning, from top down, because the blood of many innocent people killed and maimed for life is on their hands.

The Russians also warned us of 9/11/2001. Putin himself called Bush on 9/10/2001 & said Al Qaeda they going to attack, something is about to happen.
That's Very interesting. I hadn't heard of that one. Can you link me?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p16WzrihsTg"]Putin about, September 11 attacks 9/11[/ame]

Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

No, it does not end with Ishmael. It is a generational prophesy.
Genesis 21:13, 17-18 God also bestows His blessing on Ishmael and his descendants, saying, "For I will make him a great nation."

Not only would Ishmael be an ass, but a nation of asses.
More lying and scripture twisting by the resident Bible thumper.

Jesus would be soo proud of you Irish Ram. .:cool:
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

No, it does not end with Ishmael. It is a generational prophesy.
Genesis 21:13, 17-18 God also bestows His blessing on Ishmael and his descendants, saying, "For I will make him a great nation."

Not only would Ishmael be an ass, but a nation of asses.
More lying and scripture twisting by the resident Bible thumper.

Jesus would be soo proud of you Irish Ram. .:cool:
So says the Koran Thumper terrorist lover. Mohammad would be proud of you. LOL
Fox News just reported that the boys posted several quotes online from a radical cleric in Chechnya, who is a known jihadist and terrorist supporter.
Its kinda obvious. Even the Russians warned the FBI about the older brother's ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Something the Russians very RARELY DO. And the FBI, true to form, decided to totally ignore them.

One would think they would at least bring the guy in and question him a little, just to make sure. But no, they want to wait until they've slaughtered a whole bunch of people before something is dine. i appears we have not learned our lessons from 9-11.

They need to fire anybody in the FBI associated with the handling of that Russian warning, from top down, because the blood of many innocent people killed and maimed for life is on their hands.

Lovely. Out tax dollars at work.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

True, yet what has become undeniable is the fact that while from one side of your Muslim community's mouth comes rejection of the violence of Islamists, from the other comes the nurturing of those that perpetrate that violence. It seems clear that you and yours are taking advantage of the free and open society America offers to all her inhabitants to plot, plan, preach and teach hate and violence.
I held my breath after the Boston bombing, hoping it would not be another Muslim attack. I do not want my country to have to take extraordinary actions to protect peaceful, productive Americans from rabid Islamic dogs but I do expect and require this country to do so and if that requires extrajudicial action then so be it.
Why do "peaceful, productive Americans" find it necessary to garrison the globe? Only one country has hundreds of military installations outside its homeland, and it doesn't seem coincidental that same country has been the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet for generations.

Why have citizens of this "peaceful, productive" state murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of Muslim civilians since 911? How peaceful or productive are US drone strikes, and would you feel differently if Arab drones were murdering an proportional percentage of Americans every year?

Those getting rich from the War on Muslims will certainly approve of your support for extrajudicial actions; I wonder if you realize they will use those same actions to vaporize your rights as well as Muslim children?

Probably the stupidest post on these pages.
No one is better than killing and persecuting Muslims than Muslims. Countless have died under oppressive Muslim rule, bombed each other in the hatred of separate sects, hide behind their own civilians. Yeah, they are so peace loving.
Still true of Ishmael' s ancestors. Genesis 16:

11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You do realize that often misquoted verse only applies to Ishmael and says nothing about his descendants........ .:cool:

No, it does not end with Ishmael. It is a generational prophesy.
Genesis 21:13, 17-18 God also bestows His blessing on Ishmael and his descendants, saying, "For I will make him a great nation."

Not only would Ishmael be an ass, but a nation of asses.

ROLMAO! :laugh:
With fighting in Syria at a roiling boil and no end in sight for a conflict that has claimed more than 60,000 lives, the ancient sectarian rivalry between Sunni and Shia Islam is drawing increased attention in Washington.

Evidence for this was on display last week as Middle East analysts at two prestigious think tanks examined the rise in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence and where this religious and political competition may be leading the region.

In Arab countries, there has been renewed anti-Shia violence in Iraq, mostly indiscriminate car bombings aimed at civilians by Sunni insurgents with Al Qaeda links. And in Bahrain, the Sunni-dominated monarchy continues to forcibly repress street protests by the Shia community.

If they don't have Jews and Americans to kill, they kill each other. Yeah...real peace loving people.
With fighting in Syria at a roiling boil and no end in sight for a conflict that has claimed more than 60,000 lives, the ancient sectarian rivalry between Sunni and Shia Islam is drawing increased attention in Washington.

Evidence for this was on display last week as Middle East analysts at two prestigious think tanks examined the rise in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence and where this religious and political competition may be leading the region.

In Arab countries, there has been renewed anti-Shia violence in Iraq, mostly indiscriminate car bombings aimed at civilians by Sunni insurgents with Al Qaeda links. And in Bahrain, the Sunni-dominated monarchy continues to forcibly repress street protests by the Shia community.

If they don't have Jews and Americans to kill, they kill each other. Yeah...real peace loving people.
The Sunni and Shia weren't bombing each other in Iraq until the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet traded Democracy for (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction, remember?
With fighting in Syria at a roiling boil and no end in sight for a conflict that has claimed more than 60,000 lives, the ancient sectarian rivalry between Sunni and Shia Islam is drawing increased attention in Washington.

Evidence for this was on display last week as Middle East analysts at two prestigious think tanks examined the rise in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence and where this religious and political competition may be leading the region.

In Arab countries, there has been renewed anti-Shia violence in Iraq, mostly indiscriminate car bombings aimed at civilians by Sunni insurgents with Al Qaeda links. And in Bahrain, the Sunni-dominated monarchy continues to forcibly repress street protests by the Shia community.

If they don't have Jews and Americans to kill, they kill each other. Yeah...real peace loving people.
The Sunni and Shia weren't bombing each other in Iraq until the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet traded Democracy for (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction, remember?

You are an idiot. It just isn't in Iraq that they murder each other. Apparently you lack comprehension skills. It is a worldwide problem within the Islamic religion.

But please continue to show your ignorance.
Fighters from Hezbollah, the militant Lebanese Shiite movement, cross the frontier to fight for Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, who is Alawite and whose sect dominates the government. Sunni Muslims sneak over to join the opposition. Once back home in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, however, both sides observe an uneasy truce.

“Inside they are slaughtering us, but as soon as we cross into Lebanon there is nothing between us,” said Abdullah, 22, a stocky Sunni farmer who now toils as both a fighter and a smuggler, using only one name to protect his identity. “I would say it is something normal to fight on the other side, given that we are against the regime while they are with it.”


HUH. nothing about Iraq there.
With fighting in Syria at a roiling boil and no end in sight for a conflict that has claimed more than 60,000 lives, the ancient sectarian rivalry between Sunni and Shia Islam is drawing increased attention in Washington.

Evidence for this was on display last week as Middle East analysts at two prestigious think tanks examined the rise in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence and where this religious and political competition may be leading the region.

In Arab countries, there has been renewed anti-Shia violence in Iraq, mostly indiscriminate car bombings aimed at civilians by Sunni insurgents with Al Qaeda links. And in Bahrain, the Sunni-dominated monarchy continues to forcibly repress street protests by the Shia community.

If they don't have Jews and Americans to kill, they kill each other. Yeah...real peace loving people.
The Sunni and Shia weren't bombing each other in Iraq until the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet traded Democracy for (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction, remember?

You are an idiot. It just isn't in Iraq that they murder each other. Apparently you lack comprehension skills. It is a worldwide problem within the Islamic religion.

But please continue to show your ignorance.
You display enough ignorance for both of us.
See if you know the answer to this one:

When was the last time you looked up and saw Sunni or Shia drones buzzing your block?

"Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., recently sent his own letter to Brennan asking several pointed questions on signature (drone) strikes.

“'How do "signature strikes" square with your statement that targeted killing operations are only approved when a targeted individual poses a ‘significant threat to U.S. interests?’ McCain asked, quoting a speech Brennan gave on drone strikes last April.

“'How can the Administration be certain it is not killing civilians in areas, like many parts of Yemen and Pakistan, where virtually all men, including civilians, carry weapons?' the letter continued."

The Drone War Doctrine We Still Know Nothing About - ProPublica

How anyone who pretends to be literate can be ignorant of the number of Muslims maimed, murdered, incarcerated, and displaced by the USA since '91 requires comprehension skills far beyond mine.

But I'm sure you're up to the task.
With fighting in Syria at a roiling boil and no end in sight for a conflict that has claimed more than 60,000 lives, the ancient sectarian rivalry between Sunni and Shia Islam is drawing increased attention in Washington.

Evidence for this was on display last week as Middle East analysts at two prestigious think tanks examined the rise in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence and where this religious and political competition may be leading the region.

In Arab countries, there has been renewed anti-Shia violence in Iraq, mostly indiscriminate car bombings aimed at civilians by Sunni insurgents with Al Qaeda links. And in Bahrain, the Sunni-dominated monarchy continues to forcibly repress street protests by the Shia community.

If they don't have Jews and Americans to kill, they kill each other. Yeah...real peace loving people.

It would help to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood members on Obama's staff and advisory boards. Obama overthrew a regime that had been on peaceful terms with Israel for 30 years, and replaced that truce with radical Muslims calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. He actually fulfilled prophecy when he did that.
And he won't touch Iran.
Fighters from Hezbollah, the militant Lebanese Shiite movement, cross the frontier to fight for Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, who is Alawite and whose sect dominates the government. Sunni Muslims sneak over to join the opposition. Once back home in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, however, both sides observe an uneasy truce.

“Inside they are slaughtering us, but as soon as we cross into Lebanon there is nothing between us,” said Abdullah, 22, a stocky Sunni farmer who now toils as both a fighter and a smuggler, using only one name to protect his identity. “I would say it is something normal to fight on the other side, given that we are against the regime while they are with it.”


HUH. nothing about Iraq there.
"Bekaa residents have long lived off smuggling, moving cherries, cigarettes and auto parts, among other items, so the war provided only the latest wrinkle.

"In a heavily tribal culture, residents avoid confrontations that might ignite an endless cycle of revenge killings, which is one reason the wary truce largely holds, experts said.

“'Smuggling has been the family business there for generations,' Sheik Ghali said. 'It just happens that the most profitable items to smuggle right now are fighters and weapons.'"

You don't see any connection between the bloodshed in Baghdad and Bekaa?
How about Benghazi?

Last edited:
With fighting in Syria at a roiling boil and no end in sight for a conflict that has claimed more than 60,000 lives, the ancient sectarian rivalry between Sunni and Shia Islam is drawing increased attention in Washington.

Evidence for this was on display last week as Middle East analysts at two prestigious think tanks examined the rise in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence and where this religious and political competition may be leading the region.

In Arab countries, there has been renewed anti-Shia violence in Iraq, mostly indiscriminate car bombings aimed at civilians by Sunni insurgents with Al Qaeda links. And in Bahrain, the Sunni-dominated monarchy continues to forcibly repress street protests by the Shia community.

If they don't have Jews and Americans to kill, they kill each other. Yeah...real peace loving people.

Personally I find the idea of Sunni and Shite' s killing each other a win win,less we'll have to deal with in the end.
With fighting in Syria at a roiling boil and no end in sight for a conflict that has claimed more than 60,000 lives, the ancient sectarian rivalry between Sunni and Shia Islam is drawing increased attention in Washington.

Evidence for this was on display last week as Middle East analysts at two prestigious think tanks examined the rise in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence and where this religious and political competition may be leading the region.

In Arab countries, there has been renewed anti-Shia violence in Iraq, mostly indiscriminate car bombings aimed at civilians by Sunni insurgents with Al Qaeda links. And in Bahrain, the Sunni-dominated monarchy continues to forcibly repress street protests by the Shia community.

If they don't have Jews and Americans to kill, they kill each other. Yeah...real peace loving people.

Personally I find the idea of Sunni and Shite' s killing each other a win win,less we'll have to deal with in the end.

I agree, what the blame America first crowd fails to understand is the deep seated sectarian hate has existed long before America and Israel were even countries.

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