What Brainless White Would Stay in South Africa?

White's, coloreds and Indians need to join forces and be willing to drive the blacks out of white South Africa. SOMEBODY is going to win. Too many examples teach us what happens when these beasts are allowed to rule.

Well, they have to drop the idea of "coexistence." Black rule means white genocide.

White's could win a civil war if they are willing to WIN and not try to coexist with the enemies among them.
South Africa: Nuke the entire country from orbit--it’s the only way to be sure...
Your family will DIE!

Unless you're prepared to exterminate the black population, that'll be your fate and the fate of your wife and children.

Get the hell out, or prepare to WIN a civil/race war.

White South Africans face genocide, ‘We are cutting the throat of whiteness’
There have been whites in S. Africa for generations..where are they supposed to go?

There is a petition circulating to allow them to come here as refugees
Some think (I am one of them) the blacks are intentionally trying to provoke a civil war so they have an excuse to exterminate the whites. This could backfire on the blacks if the whites are motivated to resist their own genocide.

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