What Book Are You Reading Now?

Abbey Normal said:
100 People Who are Screwing Up America - by my hero, Bernard Goldberg

Outstanding book. I've been planning to post an excerpt here sometime soon.

That one is next on my to read pile... Im anxious to read it but have a new one book at a time policy for myself :)
Bonnie said:
That one is next on my to read pile... Im anxious to read it but have a new one book at a time policy for myself :)
Oh.... you have that problem too? I tried that policy a couple of years ago, and it worked well, but unfortunately, it all ended when my son wanted to go to the local Barnes & Noble, I came home with about 3 or 4 books....

I now have about 6 or 8 books in the queue.... :)
Pheonix and Ashes - Mercedes Lackey
This is a phantasy novel set in WWI England and it is so far very good, but it is Mercedes Lackey, her novels are usually pretty good. Keeping to my regular pattern, two for fun one for learning...

Next in line:
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
Just finished "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman. Excellent book and highly recommended.
Said1 said:
Well is it? :confused:

it is getting flatter.... economically and socially. The book is very interesting and for somebody like you, I seriously suggest you read it.

Friedman is no conservative and in the book he freely takes pop-shots at the Bush administration but overall, he is dead-on right about why the anti-globalization crowd and the protectionists are all wrong.
freeandfun1 said:
it is getting flatter.... economically and socially. The book is very interesting and for somebody like you, I seriously suggest you read it.

Friedman is no conservative and in the book he freely takes pop-shots at the Bush administration but overall, he is dead-on right about why the anti-globalization crowd and the protectionists are all wrong.

Didn't you hear, I"m a Liberal now. keep your neocon propaganda to yourself.


Thanks, will do!
I've been reading on Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Carl Segan and a third run through Robert Heinlein's Stranger In a Strange Land...

I an't say that I agree with the rampant mysogeny in Stranger.... or the cult-like rationalizing of traded sex partners..... but I find what he was saying about dogma fascinating. Robert Heinlein himself was a fascinating author. I think it is interesting that the same man who wrote a book that commune hippies latched onto wrote Starship Troopers rife with militarism.

Kinda like a philosophically deeper, less wordy for the sake of wordiness Tom Wolfe...

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