What Are Your Pet Peeves?

I hate when you're having a heated discussion w/ someone who has done something wrong and the person says

something a 5 year old already knows, something like: I'm not perfect.

geez, talk about a non-answer. And it's usually just a way to deflect from how incompetent (or whatever) the person is

and it's like: "Gee... Maybe you figured that we thought you were?!"

Now when you say that, we are shocked, utterly shocked, to find out you really are not perfect! Who knew?
another one: people who drive WAY too fast for their skill level (and they let you know what that level is right away) :eek:
Three times this last summer during heavy rush hour traffic doing about twenty had idiots pass on the left shoulder at 80-90 mph blowing past dozens of cars. Scared the shit out of me as the idiot came out of nowhere.

Too bad there wasn't a spare tire or deer carcass for the moron to hit.
"Oxymoron" Is the Worst Case of Something Actually Meaning the Opposite of the Media-Influenced Way It Is Being Used

Something similar is "I could care less." Logically, it means "I care too much," just like "I could post less" means "I post too much" or "I could cut down on my posting."

Also, "I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't" meaning the opposite: "I expect that he won't."

I'm with you. Any sort of bad grammar drives me crazy.
Derps who complain about everything just because the other party does it, but don't mind ANYTHING their party does at all no matter how bad, even make excuses for it, then accuse others of doing the very things they do WHILE they are doing it.

I second this.

I've got a weird one. People who play or listen to this song on a different day of the week.

Oh my gosh, that has been one of my own pet peeves FOREVER! As well as playing/singing/humming Christmas songs when it's not Christmas or Christmas in July and people who interrupt before I finish my sentence.
Waiting in the checkout line in a store when some asshole continuously sighs with dramatic exaggeration because two ladies in front of him/her are talking to each other in any language other than English. The real "peeve" part comes when he/she tries to make eye contact with me expecting affirmation because I'm a white guy. They tend to look away when they get the "mind your own fucking business" look they were not expecting.
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I second this.

Oh my gosh, that has been one of my own pet peeves FOREVER! As well as playing/singing/humming Christmas songs when it's not Christmas or Christmas in July and people who interrupt before I finish my sentence.

A store where I used to work had that song on the playlist, and it was if it would play on every day of the week except the one mentioned in the song, and you can imagine how truly irritating that got after a while to hear it on a Wednesday or a Friday or any other day. It actually got to the point where on those rare times I did get to hear it on a Monday, I found myself thoroughly enjoying listening to it because it was actually being played on the right day for once, haha.

As for Christmas music outside of Christmas, I really don't like to hear it after the day itself is over. Playing the music should come to a full stop on 12:01 AM on December 26.
Oh yeah and for cartons in the fridge to be front facing.. actually I think that's more of a quirk I have then a pet peeve.
The annoying person at the social event has said goodbye and is finally moving towards the door.

Someone always walks up to them and gets them talking for another 5 minutes.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. 30 minutes later, they're still there, annoying everyone who has to hear their insanely loud voice.

Me, on the inside:
The annoying person at the social event has said goodbye and is finally moving towards the door.

Someone always walks up to them and gets them talking for another 5 minutes.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. 30 minutes later, they're still there, annoying everyone who has to hear their insanely loud voice.

Me, on the inside:
I prefer the Irish Goodbye.
What are those little things that people do that just get under your skin or make you mumble under your breath?

For me ... a huge pet peeve is coworkers taking a tool from point A and leaving it at point B (which could be anywhere in the warehouse). It totally pisses me off when I go to get a tool from its place on the bench, and it isn't there. I then have to spend 30 minutes searching for it. Pure sloth and disregard for others.
Things that tend to really piss me off:

Any kind of pettiness
Bragging about how much money you make
Rude behavior
Not flushing the toilet
Selfishness and inconsideration of others
Sitting in someone else's seat, throwing their belongings on the floor
Taking something that's not yours
Cutting in line/ rude in line
Those who are mean to the disabled and mentally handicapped
Smoking a cigarette in front of someone who is a non-smoker
Hoarding food, someone's time, a gym, a pool
Those who talk incessantly and don't know how to shut up
Those who talk down to others less fortunate than them
Those who act like they are better than everyone else
Being mean and unkind to the homeless

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