What are you doing, GOP?

The GOP establishment gave us Dole and McCain. Are they stupid enough to find a way to lose this one too?

Establishment GOP and Democrats like each other a whole lot more than they like us. Why? Because they get to give us two choices, take it, or leave it . They win at least 50% of the time.

Now add another choice, and they all band together because 50 or 40%, is better than 33%!
Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.

Is that why there's going to be a brokered convention for the "GOP"? Good luck with that :lmao:

So all you've got to defend the hildabitch is deflection, GOOD JOB regressive.

All you give is bloviated opinion. Where are the facts? I am not a Hillary fan, she is too much of a corporate Democrat, but she will kick ass when its time. Trump has ZERO in the way of any policies. Where are the policies?

Trump wants to bring back jobs. He hasn't with his own clothing line. He hires immigrants to fill American jobs. Part of that "wall" will need to be built over private property. Will he try to steal it like he tried to in New Jersey?

So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

Words People Most Associate With 2016 Candidates

Not just my opinion there sport. I'm not a Trump fan either, didn't vote for him in the primary, but I'd vote for him over the hildabitch in a NY second.


Funny Raphael didn't mind those "New York 'values' & 'bullies' " when they were paying his wife <<coughcoughgoldmansachscoughcough>> .

You're from Texas?
alrighty then........


they were right about john edwards.... :party:
You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
And yet, polls indicate she would get more votes than Trump.

The polls said she would win MI also, how'd that work out?
Worked out well for Bernie. And it demonstrates polls are not infallible. But as polling in the other states demonstrated, by far more often than not, polls get it right.
That's why you keep citing them when they say what you want to here......

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
And yet, polls indicate she would get more votes than Trump.

The polls said she would win MI also, how'd that work out?
Worked out well for Bernie. And it demonstrates polls are not infallible. But as polling in the other states demonstrated, by far more often than not, polls get it right.
That's why you keep citing them when they say what you want to here......

So? Feel free to post any polls (if you can find any) which you find favorable.
It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.

Is that why there's going to be a brokered convention for the "GOP"? Good luck with that :lmao:

So all you've got to defend the hildabitch is deflection, GOOD JOB regressive.

All you give is bloviated opinion. Where are the facts? I am not a Hillary fan, she is too much of a corporate Democrat, but she will kick ass when its time. Trump has ZERO in the way of any policies. Where are the policies?

Trump wants to bring back jobs. He hasn't with his own clothing line. He hires immigrants to fill American jobs. Part of that "wall" will need to be built over private property. Will he try to steal it like he tried to in New Jersey?

So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

Words People Most Associate With 2016 Candidates

Not just my opinion there sport. I'm not a Trump fan either, didn't vote for him in the primary, but I'd vote for him over the hildabitch in a NY second.


Funny Raphael didn't mind those "New York 'values' & 'bullies' " when they were paying his wife <<coughcoughgoldmansachscoughcough>> .

You're from Texas?
alrighty then........


they were right about john edwards.... :party:

I could print the exact same story and substitute the dumps info in it and it'd be just as accurate.
I could print the exact same story and substitute the dumps info in it and it'd be just as accurate.

Isn't it cute that the people who've been throwing shit at the Clintons for 20 years with little of it sticking now want "proof" when their guys are found to be sleazy?

Hey, here's the thing. Neither Trump nor Cruz should be President. Neither one of them deserves the office. Cruz's zombie campaign is shambling about because the establishment is rallying behind him hoping for a brokered convention.

This is what your party devolved into, guy.
I could print the exact same story and substitute the dumps info in it and it'd be just as accurate.

Isn't it cute that the people who've been throwing shit at the Clintons for 20 years with little of it sticking now want "proof" when their guys are found to be sleazy?

Hey, here's the thing. Neither Trump nor Cruz should be President. Neither one of them deserves the office. Cruz's zombie campaign is shambling about because the establishment is rallying behind him hoping for a brokered convention.

This is what your party devolved into, guy.

Of the 4, I'll take Cruz, at least his political principles are grounded in the Constitution, and not in the power of big government.
Of the 4, I'll take Cruz, at least his political principles are grounded in the Constitution, and not in the power of big government.

Oooooohhhh, "Big Government". Maybe you should move to that Libertarian paradise, Somalia.

No thanks, I think I'll stay here and do my best to honor the oath I took to support and defend the Constitution. There are way too many that took that oath and aren't honoring it, my mission now is to call them on it.
No thanks, I think I'll stay here and do my best to honor the oath I took to support and defend the Constitution. There are way too many that took that oath and aren't honoring it, my mission now is to call them on it.

yeah, whatever guy. Clearly the constitution never meant to have a black guy in charge... oh, no, wait, a "mulatto"!!!!

Frankly, you nuts who talk about "the constitution" are laughable. If you supported the "constitution", you wouldn't be acting like a bunch of shitheads towards this president.
I could print the exact same story and substitute the dumps info in it and it'd be just as accurate.

Isn't it cute that the people who've been throwing shit at the Clintons for 20 years with little of it sticking now want "proof" when their guys are found to be sleazy?

Hey, here's the thing. Neither Trump nor Cruz should be President. Neither one of them deserves the office. Cruz's zombie campaign is shambling about because the establishment is rallying behind him hoping for a brokered convention.

This is what your party devolved into, guy.

Of the 4, I'll take Cruz, at least his political principles are grounded in the Constitution, and not in the power of big government.

His so called Christianity trumps any 'political' principles he's got & THAT is the antithesis of Constitutional principles.
What are you doing, GOP?

getting their ass handed to them.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

This race is already over, Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. Trump and the Trumpkins have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at.

Mitt Romney swallowed the poison pill by endorsing Ted Cruz who won't win the White House in an effort to save the Senate and all the down ballot races across this country. With Trump, Republicans lose it all.

That's why you're seeing this now.
What are you doing, GOP?

getting their ass handed to them.

They are? How?

the sleaziest bickering between the candidates. the pledge given. the pledge tanking. a brokered convention is seeming to become reality. meetings behind closed doors to strategize against your party's frontrunner....

no, no reason to think anything is wrong...

And compared to what, super delegates that will guarantee Hillary a win no matter how many states Sanders might take????

Sure seems like both sides have the same problem, but only one is coming apart at the seams and having their ass handed to them?
I could print the exact same story and substitute the dumps info in it and it'd be just as accurate.

Isn't it cute that the people who've been throwing shit at the Clintons for 20 years with little of it sticking now want "proof" when their guys are found to be sleazy?

Hey, here's the thing. Neither Trump nor Cruz should be President. Neither one of them deserves the office. Cruz's zombie campaign is shambling about because the establishment is rallying behind him hoping for a brokered convention.

This is what your party devolved into, guy.

Of the 4, I'll take Cruz, at least his political principles are grounded in the Constitution, and not in the power of big government.

His so called Christianity trumps any 'political' principles he's got & THAT is the antithesis of Constitutional principles.

Says the constitutional Neanderthal. LMAO See the 1st Amendment.
What are you doing, GOP?

getting their ass handed to them.

They are? How?

the sleaziest bickering between the candidates. the pledge given. the pledge tanking. a brokered convention is seeming to become reality. meetings behind closed doors to strategize against your party's frontrunner....

no, no reason to think anything is wrong...

And compared to what, super delegates that will guarantee Hillary a win no matter how many states Sanders might take????

Sure seems like both sides have the same problem, but only one is coming apart at the seams and having their ass handed to them?

ya, that super delegate 'rule' is stupid... but if Hillary wins, Bernie won't contest it & visey versey. the (D)s are a unified party for the most part & even the silly Bernie bros who claim they won't vote for Hillary... will. just like in 2008, when the Hillary supporters called 'pumas' said they wouldn't vote for Obama... even when Hillary dropped out & supported Obama; but they did vote for him & he won by resounding numbers.

BTW- now there is talk that the GOP might change its own rule- by eliminating the required minimum amount of states a candidate can win in delegates... from 7(or 8) to less than that, thus allowing a nomination other than Trump.

hehehe... now....what were you saying?
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I could print the exact same story and substitute the dumps info in it and it'd be just as accurate.

Isn't it cute that the people who've been throwing shit at the Clintons for 20 years with little of it sticking now want "proof" when their guys are found to be sleazy?

Hey, here's the thing. Neither Trump nor Cruz should be President. Neither one of them deserves the office. Cruz's zombie campaign is shambling about because the establishment is rallying behind him hoping for a brokered convention.

This is what your party devolved into, guy.

Of the 4, I'll take Cruz, at least his political principles are grounded in the Constitution, and not in the power of big government.

His so called Christianity trumps any 'political' principles he's got & THAT is the antithesis of Constitutional principles.

Says the constitutional Neanderthal. LMAO See the 1st Amendment.

There is no state sanctioned established religion per the 1st amendment; but Ted who is a supposed 'devout' Christian will always put his faith ahead of the Constitution, base his decisions on his beliefs & says this is a Christian nation. He will not be able to separate the two.

Remember how he sided with Kim Davis- the government worker, working as a government employee, working on Federal property & being paid by the government?

LOL. See the 1st amendment.

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