What are you doing, GOP?

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?
My prediction is that when Trump wins the nomination, the vast majority of the Republican establishment will get behind him and pretend nothing but a little bit of desperate politics happened, leaving people such as poor Romney like an idiotic chessman they once used.

I think a whole lot of Republicans will publicly support Trump, but when the curtain closes on election day, they are gonna pull the lever for the Democratic nominee.
"What are you doing, GOP?"

Republicans have no earthly idea.

Correct.......and Democrats do.......

LOL. Start with the easiest & simplest thing.

The difference in debate tactics & tone.

The GOP can't even master that.

Well... The "debate tactics" for the Democrats seems to be... Let Bernie get up there and be Bernie and allow Hillary to appear the sane and sound choice on the stage. Let Bernie be the "escape valve" for the radicals in the party while Hillary hones her more centrist message and cobbles together the usual special interest coalitions. The Super Dels have already picked your candidate and the primary is just a formality for decorum.

On the GOP side, there is literally a war within the party for the heart and soul. Today is a historic moment and could tell us if the GOP will remain a viable party in the future. The people are deciding and we're not going to be the Socialist-Lite party... despite the best efforts of the establishment. If they are hell bent on parachuting in a nominee besides Trump or Cruz. this is the end of the GOP as we know it.
On the GOP side, there is literally a war within the party for the heart and soul. Today is a historic moment and could tell us if the GOP will remain a viable party in the future. The people are deciding and we're not going to be the Socialist-Lite party... despite the best efforts of the establishment. If they are hell bent on parachuting in a nominee besides Trump or Cruz. this is the end of the GOP as we know it.

You know, you have a point here. THere is a battle for the heart and soul. Will the GOP be the party of all Americans or will it be the party of racists and nativists?
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?
Good post
On the GOP side, there is literally a war within the party for the heart and soul. Today is a historic moment and could tell us if the GOP will remain a viable party in the future. The people are deciding and we're not going to be the Socialist-Lite party... despite the best efforts of the establishment. If they are hell bent on parachuting in a nominee besides Trump or Cruz. this is the end of the GOP as we know it.

You know, you have a point here. THere is a battle for the heart and soul. Will the GOP be the party of all Americans or will it be the party of racists and nativists?
That's why the GOP Big Wigs are trying to derail the Trumpeter because the GOP already has enough obstacles trying to attract non- whites to their party
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
And yet, polls indicate she would get more votes than Trump.
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
And yet, polls indicate she would get more votes than Trump.

The polls said she would win MI also, how'd that work out?
Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
And yet, polls indicate she would get more votes than Trump.

The polls said she would win MI also, how'd that work out?
Worked out well for Bernie. And it demonstrates polls are not infallible. But as polling in the other states demonstrated, by far more often than not, polls get it right.
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.

Is that why there's going to be a brokered convention for the "GOP"? Good luck with that :lmao:
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.

Is that why there's going to be a brokered convention for the "GOP"? Good luck with that :lmao:

So all you've got to defend the hildabitch is deflection, GOOD JOB regressive.
Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.

Is that why there's going to be a brokered convention for the "GOP"? Good luck with that :lmao:

So all you've got to defend the hildabitch is deflection, GOOD JOB regressive.

All you give is bloviated opinion. Where are the facts? I am not a Hillary fan, she is too much of a corporate Democrat, but she will kick ass when its time. Trump has ZERO in the way of any policies. Where are the policies?

Trump wants to bring back jobs. He hasn't with his own clothing line. He hires immigrants to fill American jobs. Part of that "wall" will need to be built over private property. Will he try to steal it like he tried to in New Jersey?
You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.

Is that why there's going to be a brokered convention for the "GOP"? Good luck with that :lmao:

So all you've got to defend the hildabitch is deflection, GOOD JOB regressive.

All you give is bloviated opinion. Where are the facts? I am not a Hillary fan, she is too much of a corporate Democrat, but she will kick ass when its time. Trump has ZERO in the way of any policies. Where are the policies?

Trump wants to bring back jobs. He hasn't with his own clothing line. He hires immigrants to fill American jobs. Part of that "wall" will need to be built over private property. Will he try to steal it like he tried to in New Jersey?

So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

Words People Most Associate With 2016 Candidates

Not just my opinion there sport. I'm not a Trump fan either, didn't vote for him in the primary, but I'd vote for him over the hildabitch in a NY second.
So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

So what? Hey, guy, people know politicians are liars. If we valued honesty in politicians, we'd have elected Walter Mondale in 1984.

We don't want honesty, we want politicians who tell us what we want to hear.

God, you are one stupid redneck. Must be something in the water down there in Texas.
So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

So what? Hey, guy, people know politicians are liars. If we valued honesty in politicians, we'd have elected Walter Mondale in 1984.

We don't want honesty, we want politicians who tell us what we want to hear.

God, you are one stupid redneck. Must be something in the water down there in Texas.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW, poooooooooor baby, all that Alinskyite attitude, did I hewrt yo wittle feeewings?
Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
And yet, polls indicate she would get more votes than Trump.

The polls said she would win MI also, how'd that work out?

The problem with the GOP is-------->not that they can't run away with this election, but rather, the two people they have the establishment doesn't want to support.

I don't think the outcome of this election is in the Democrat's hands if their nominee is either Hillary or Bernie. I believe by everything the polls say on issues, it is in the hands of the GOP, deciding if they will back their nominee, or try to pull a fast one, and bypass the top 2 people if it actually goes to a brokered convention.

I also believe that while they wish for Kasich, they will take Trump over Cruz if they had their druthers. A Trump Presidency; besides illegal aliens, would be more about consensus. A Cruz Presidency would be about enforcing the constitution, and neither establishment wing of either party wants that. Democrats, because it screws them, and Republicans, because it makes them do their jobs.

It is now up to the establishment to force a brokered convention. Can they do it? Maybe, maybe not! But what Trump and Cruz supporters need to be aware of is----------->that if it is brokered, more than likely, neither of your guys gets the nod! And so, you better win outright, or all of those people go home feeling they got the shaft, and you end up with Hilly V.............insert establishment Republican here.
You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Is that why Obama won by astounding numbers in '08 due to Gidget being McCain's VP pick & Romney lost by even bigger numbers? What color is the sky in your world tiger dude?

It ain't red like it appears to be in yours. The hildabitch has all the charisma of Rodney Dangerfield with a much smaller grasp of reality. She couldn't motivate a great white shark to eat a baby seal. Most folks can't bear to listen to her screech more than a couple of seconds and when the first word people think of concerning her is liar, she has big trouble.
And yet, polls indicate she would get more votes than Trump.

The polls said she would win MI also, how'd that work out?

The problem with the GOP is-------->not that they can't run away with this election, but rather, the two people they have the establishment doesn't want to support.

I don't think the outcome of this election is in the Democrat's hands if their nominee is either Hillary or Bernie. I believe by everything the polls say on issues, it is in the hands of the GOP, deciding if they will back their nominee, or try to pull a fast one, and bypass the top 2 people if it actually goes to a brokered convention.

I also believe that while they wish for Kasich, they will take Trump over Cruz if they had their druthers. A Trump Presidency; besides illegal aliens, would be more about consensus. A Cruz Presidency would be about enforcing the constitution, and neither establishment wing of either party wants that. Democrats, because it screws them, and Republicans, because it makes them do their jobs.

It is now up to the establishment to force a brokered convention. Can they do it? Maybe, maybe not! But what Trump and Cruz supporters need to be aware of is----------->that if it is brokered, more than likely, neither of your guys gets the nod! And so, you better win outright, or all of those people go home feeling they got the shaft, and you end up with Hilly V.............insert establishment Republican here.

What most people fail to understand is the people who will attend the convention are the establishment, they're all party loyalist. If the nominee isn't settled on the first ballot, there's no telling what will happen.

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