What are the odd quirks of your pet?

Here is a picture of my bunny. I don't have any more recent ones that I have access to right now, but he still looks the same. :D He's part angora, so he looks a lot bigger than he actually is. I gave him a bath once, and I kept his head dry, and he looked SO funny, like a lollipop! His head was HUGE and his body was tiny. He is probably 50% fur.

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One of my friends had a bunny that was litter box-trained. I'd never seen anything like it.

My bunny is trained. Well, he goes on a trash bag that I lay out for him when he is out of his room. In his room, he has a litter box but it has wood chips instead of litter.

That's awesome. I had some friends who had a bunny when I was a kid, but they just left the bunny in its cage most of the time, and it just pooped everywhere.

Didn't know that you could train bunnies with litter boxes (my friend uses wood chips rather than cat litter, too).

Although now that I think of it, if you can train a chinchilla to poop in a litter box, you can definitely train a bunny - and I've seen litter box trained chinchillas before.
Here is a picture of my bunny. I don't have any more recent ones that I have access to right now, but he still looks the same. :D He's part angora, so he looks a lot bigger than he actually is. I gave him a bath once, and I kept his head dry, and he looked SO funny, like a lollipop! His head was HUGE and his body was tiny. He is probably 50% fur.

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One of my friends had a bunny that was litter box-trained. I'd never seen anything like it.

My bunny is trained. Well, he goes on a trash bag that I lay out for him when he is out of his room. In his room, he has a litter box but it has wood chips instead of litter.

That's awesome. I had some friends who had a bunny when I was a kid, but they just left the bunny in its cage most of the time, and it just pooped everywhere.

Didn't know that you could train bunnies with litter boxes (my friend uses wood chips rather than cat litter, too).

Although now that I think of it, if you can train a chinchilla to poop in a litter box, you can definitely train a bunny - and I've seen litter box trained chinchillas before.

I didn't even train my bunny. I found him wandering around outside my house one night and I adopted him. He just knew, so he must have been trained by someone, or it is just instinct for him to keep going in the same spot. Bunnies are pretty good pets. He is very gentle and pretty mellow for what you would expect from a rabbit. He does hate cats though. Lol.
Female cat bitching every single morning.
It sounds like the "whoah" part in "Gloom, despair, and agony, Oh me"
So sometimes I sing it and she fills in right on cue.
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I bought some comic books online and they sent them in a square bubble mailer envelope. I left it on the floor, and despite my cat having plenty of places to lay on... she chose to make that envelope into her bed.

I just noticed this today.... My dog either has a strange reverence or fear of guitars.
He has an obsession with fetch and return of the ball, normally I do not allow the ball inside the house because if it rolls under a sofa or cabinet he will make short work of it in trying to get to the ball, he would chew through a 4x4 to get to his ball. Not pretty.

today a mistake was made and the ball was allowed inside the house, though luckily it didn't roll under any furniture .... instead it rolled up against an acoustic guitar that was leaning up against the wall. It was brought to my attention when working outside, I heard the dog barking Non- stop and loud.... I go in the house and the ball is sitting right there for the taking, just touching the guitar but he wont get it with even his paw... ( mind you, this is the dog who knows how to open the sliding glass door) but he's sitting back 3 feet away mesmerized and barking. I tested it out and sure enough, when I move the guitar towards him he backs away...
course, it could be just his way of telling me I've been playing out of key..

Any one else have pets with strange behavior?
My cat seems perfectly normal to me for a mammal, for a carnivore, for a predator, and for a person.

I am humbled by how humanlike he actually seems.

It worries me not for the sake of the cat but if indeed this humanness is also true of the other mammals that we are eating -- rabbits, squirrels, lambs, sheep, calves, steers, pigs, bison, and deer.
We have 2 cats, Stormcloud and Lightning. Got Stormcloud when he showed up one day in the rain, starving and looking like he wasn't long for this world. Then, a neighbor had a kitten she wanted a home for, so I got Lightning to teach Stormcloud how to have fun again.

Well..................Lightning is the one who has the quirk. Because he's still a kitten, he likes to investigate anything he hasn't see before, or that smells new.

EVERYTIME that I go to the bathroom to urinate, Lightning follows me to the bathroom and then jumps onto the tub side and watches me take a whiz. Sometimes he puts his head into the toilet bowl. I'm scared that one day he might fall in.
Mine likes to get into the shower with Me or My wife. Since it has been so cold, we don't let him. (Who has a half hour in the morning to blow dry a cat?). So, we keep him out of the shower but he'll just climb into the sink next to the shower and wait for you to come out.

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I really need to get around to fixing that bathroom door.....:eusa_shifty:

its a BEAST, is that a Mane Coon?
It is. He's not even a year old yet. I keep misremembering how old he is though. I rescued him in early June and I was told he was six or seven weeks old then. So I went with two months to high ball it. So that makes him...uhh....8 months old? Maybe 9. They grow for 5 years I'm told.
My cat is 4 years old and still growing.

He is almost 15 lbs.

He may get up to 20 lbs.
We have 2 cats, Stormcloud and Lightning. Got Stormcloud when he showed up one day in the rain, starving and looking like he wasn't long for this world. Then, a neighbor had a kitten she wanted a home for, so I got Lightning to teach Stormcloud how to have fun again.

Well..................Lightning is the one who has the quirk. Because he's still a kitten, he likes to investigate anything he hasn't see before, or that smells new.

EVERYTIME that I go to the bathroom to urinate, Lightning follows me to the bathroom and then jumps onto the tub side and watches me take a whiz. Sometimes he puts his head into the toilet bowl. I'm scared that one day he might fall in.
Mine likes to get into the shower with Me or My wife. Since it has been so cold, we don't let him. (Who has a half hour in the morning to blow dry a cat?). So, we keep him out of the shower but he'll just climb into the sink next to the shower and wait for you to come out.

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I really need to get around to fixing that bathroom door.....:eusa_shifty:

its a BEAST, is that a Mane Coon?
My cat is 25% Maine Coon. His grandfather was a Coon and probably weighed 25 to 30 lbs.
We have 2 cats, Stormcloud and Lightning. Got Stormcloud when he showed up one day in the rain, starving and looking like he wasn't long for this world. Then, a neighbor had a kitten she wanted a home for, so I got Lightning to teach Stormcloud how to have fun again.

Well..................Lightning is the one who has the quirk. Because he's still a kitten, he likes to investigate anything he hasn't see before, or that smells new.

EVERYTIME that I go to the bathroom to urinate, Lightning follows me to the bathroom and then jumps onto the tub side and watches me take a whiz. Sometimes he puts his head into the toilet bowl. I'm scared that one day he might fall in.
Mine likes to get into the shower with Me or My wife. Since it has been so cold, we don't let him. (Who has a half hour in the morning to blow dry a cat?). So, we keep him out of the shower but he'll just climb into the sink next to the shower and wait for you to come out.

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I really need to get around to fixing that bathroom door.....:eusa_shifty:
This is hilarious !!!
If it's a little cold in the apartment, my cat has a tendency to tuck himself in under the covers on our bed.
My cat and I hot-bunk (share) the bed.

I get it at night, when he sleeps on top of the covers at my feet.

He gets it during the day, when he climbs under the quilt into the total darkness of the thick covering.
We have 2 cats, Stormcloud and Lightning. Got Stormcloud when he showed up one day in the rain, starving and looking like he wasn't long for this world. Then, a neighbor had a kitten she wanted a home for, so I got Lightning to teach Stormcloud how to have fun again.

Well..................Lightning is the one who has the quirk. Because he's still a kitten, he likes to investigate anything he hasn't see before, or that smells new.

EVERYTIME that I go to the bathroom to urinate, Lightning follows me to the bathroom and then jumps onto the tub side and watches me take a whiz. Sometimes he puts his head into the toilet bowl. I'm scared that one day he might fall in.
Mine likes to get into the shower with Me or My wife. Since it has been so cold, we don't let him. (Who has a half hour in the morning to blow dry a cat?). So, we keep him out of the shower but he'll just climb into the sink next to the shower and wait for you to come out.

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I really need to get around to fixing that bathroom door.....:eusa_shifty:
This is hilarious !!!

Yeah, Maine Coons love water and he is quite the character at times. He likes to play with the soap bubbles when its My turn to do the dishes. He gets his nose right into them! I don't have any pics of that, yet.
If it's a little cold in the apartment, my cat has a tendency to tuck himself in under the covers on our bed.
My cat and I hot-bunk (share) the bed.

I get it at night, when he sleeps on top of the covers at my feet.

He gets it during the day, when he climbs under the quilt into the total darkness of the thick covering.



He just developed this habit - we lived in California for 7 years, and just moved to the DC area. He's only started to do it since it's gotten cold.
It's one of these. In fact, it is exactly like this one. He loves it so much. He will run around me in circles with it in his mouth and stop and swing it around. So funny. That bunny makes me smile and laugh. That is the good thing about pets. They make you happy.


Honestly, I didn't know rabbits would have that sort of personality,.... outside of the cartoons that is! It's very eye opening
We have 2 cats, Stormcloud and Lightning. Got Stormcloud when he showed up one day in the rain, starving and looking like he wasn't long for this world. Then, a neighbor had a kitten she wanted a home for, so I got Lightning to teach Stormcloud how to have fun again.

Well..................Lightning is the one who has the quirk. Because he's still a kitten, he likes to investigate anything he hasn't see before, or that smells new.

EVERYTIME that I go to the bathroom to urinate, Lightning follows me to the bathroom and then jumps onto the tub side and watches me take a whiz. Sometimes he puts his head into the toilet bowl. I'm scared that one day he might fall in.
Mine likes to get into the shower with Me or My wife. Since it has been so cold, we don't let him. (Who has a half hour in the morning to blow dry a cat?). So, we keep him out of the shower but he'll just climb into the sink next to the shower and wait for you to come out.

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I really need to get around to fixing that bathroom door.....:eusa_shifty:

its a BEAST, is that a Mane Coon?
It is. He's not even a year old yet. I keep misremembering how old he is though. I rescued him in early June and I was told he was six or seven weeks old then. So I went with two months to high ball it. So that makes him...uhh....8 months old? Maybe 9. They grow for 5 years I'm told.

Well, I heard that they like water, so now it's confirmed.
Maine Coons are my favorite cats, as much as I'd ever pick a cat by breed. To the extent that I'm "morally opposed" to anything, it's "buying" cats, and pure-breeds are never as healthy as mutt street cats, but Maine Coons are cool as shit.

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