What are the odd quirks of your pet?


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
I just noticed this today.... My dog either has a strange reverence or fear of guitars.
He has an obsession with fetch and return of the ball, normally I do not allow the ball inside the house because if it rolls under a sofa or cabinet he will make short work of it in trying to get to the ball, he would chew through a 4x4 to get to his ball. Not pretty.

today a mistake was made and the ball was allowed inside the house, though luckily it didn't roll under any furniture .... instead it rolled up against an acoustic guitar that was leaning up against the wall. It was brought to my attention when working outside, I heard the dog barking Non- stop and loud.... I go in the house and the ball is sitting right there for the taking, just touching the guitar but he wont get it with even his paw... ( mind you, this is the dog who knows how to open the sliding glass door) but he's sitting back 3 feet away mesmerized and barking. I tested it out and sure enough, when I move the guitar towards him he backs away...
course, it could be just his way of telling me I've been playing out of key..

Any one else have pets with strange behavior?
We have 2 cats, Stormcloud and Lightning. Got Stormcloud when he showed up one day in the rain, starving and looking like he wasn't long for this world. Then, a neighbor had a kitten she wanted a home for, so I got Lightning to teach Stormcloud how to have fun again.

Well..................Lightning is the one who has the quirk. Because he's still a kitten, he likes to investigate anything he hasn't see before, or that smells new.

EVERYTIME that I go to the bathroom to urinate, Lightning follows me to the bathroom and then jumps onto the tub side and watches me take a whiz. Sometimes he puts his head into the toilet bowl. I'm scared that one day he might fall in.
My dog bites his nails.

He also likes to stuff his head into (his) people's sleeves.

And if he wants to sit on the chair he just climbs up on top of me and situates himself along the side. He's about 75 lbs maybe more.
When we get home, our dog absolutely has to have something in her mouth to greet us with. We assume it's kind of a "welcome home" gift, so she frantically races around the room, looking for something. Doggie snack, Chapstick, whatever. Cracks us up.

She's a giver! lol
My dog bites his nails.

He also likes to stuff his head into (his) people's sleeves.

And if he wants to sit on the chair he just climbs up on top of me and situates himself along the side. He's about 75 lbs maybe more.

You got a big one... mines only about 58
My dog will watch TV for hours

You know, one time my roomie wanted to watch a documentary on cats and how people came to have them, and I swear, the oldest cat Stormcloud sat down and actually watched the WHOLE HOUR. He liked watching the other cats apparently.

And................yet another quirk that my cat Lightning has is that he thinks he's half dog. He will climb into the laundry and grab something small he can carry in his mouth, and parade around the house with it. He also is a cat that will chase his own tail like a dog, and on occasion, he suckles on the end of his tail like its a pacifier when he's laying down.

Yeah.................I have some weird cats.
My dog will watch TV for hours

You know, one time my roomie wanted to watch a documentary on cats and how people came to have them, and I swear, the oldest cat Stormcloud sat down and actually watched the WHOLE HOUR. He liked watching the other cats apparently.

And................yet another quirk that my cat Lightning has is that he thinks he's half dog. He will climb into the laundry and grab something small he can carry in his mouth, and parade around the house with it. He also is a cat that will chase his own tail like a dog, and on occasion, he suckles on the end of his tail like its a pacifier when he's laying down.

Yeah.................I have some weird cats.

Only cat I ever had was a Burmese. It's my favorite breed because they don't meow very much if at all, or so I found it to be true with that one.
My dog will watch TV for hours

You know, one time my roomie wanted to watch a documentary on cats and how people came to have them, and I swear, the oldest cat Stormcloud sat down and actually watched the WHOLE HOUR. He liked watching the other cats apparently.

And................yet another quirk that my cat Lightning has is that he thinks he's half dog. He will climb into the laundry and grab something small he can carry in his mouth, and parade around the house with it. He also is a cat that will chase his own tail like a dog, and on occasion, he suckles on the end of his tail like its a pacifier when he's laying down.

Yeah.................I have some weird cats.

Only cat I ever had was a Burmese. It's my favorite breed because they don't meow very much if at all, or so I found it to be true with that one.

Well, Stormcloud was apparently born somewhere in our alley out back, and apparently, when he got teeth, his mother would no longer nurse him and when we got him, he was damn near starved to death. My roomie saw him one day, walking with his head and tail down in the rain, not even caring that he was wet. He almost walked into her because he was so out of it, so she got some cat food and we put it out for him. Then, he started to trust me enough to let me pet him, and the day he found out that there was actual cat food IN the house, he became our cat. I think that because of his rough start in life that is why he doesn't meow very loud at all. The only time he is ever loud is if his tail gets in the way and we step on it, which happens once in a while during the evenings because he's hard to see in the dark.

My other cat Lightning? If he wants something, he will start in a normal meow, but will get steadily louder the longer he's ignored. I swear that cat gets louder every day and is taking voice lessons to learn how to be loud.
My dog beats me at checkers...

And does he look like this?

My rabbit loves those puff ball keychains. He will walk on his two hind legs if I dangle it in front of him to get it, and when I give it to him, he runs around with it in his mouth like a little puppy, all proud of himself. :p It is SO cute. I call him "puppy bunny" now.
My dog will watch TV for hours

anything in particular?

She likes commercials for some reason. Other than that Lassie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Santa paws or anything with animals in it

I often wonder if they can really differentiate objects on the screen. Mine doesn't pay much attention to the tv for some reason though.

It's probably certain sounds that attracts their attention.

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