What an arrogant as...hole!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
But Mr. Obama actually did bare his soul unintentionally today (perhaps the Biden disease is catching) with his astonishing characterization of American fighting men and women, whom he referred to as
“those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf.”

‘On My Behalf’ | The Weekly Standard

I would think even you die-hard Obama supporters find that statement so disgusting!
It makes me want to PUKE!

How in the world can this DICK.. this sh..t head who said about our troops..
"air-raiding villages , killing civilians".. and who's words were proven to be used by TERRORISTS to JUSTIFY the killing of little kids just because US troops handed candy to kids carrying bombs!

Truly one of the most disgusting statements made by ANY leader,
including Ghengis Khan, Hitler, Stalin..
" fighting on my behalf"!!!

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