Whale Wars

Being a kind person, it is very hard for me to endorse anything which involves cruelty. I have to say whaling is one of the most cruel act that we humans practice. I have watched some videos of whaling and it looks very disheartening.

You a vegan?

How exactly would you suggest one harvest an animal the size of a whale?

I also have hard time watching people hunting innocent deer and other wild life.

Innocent? Are chickens, cows, and pigs similarly innocent?

You do understand that if mankind hadn't learned to harvest the protein from the marrow of dead animals, we'd still be swinging from trees with the monkeys, right?

Or perhaps some people would like to eat, just as someday we'll all die and be eaten by other animals.

; heck, there are quite a few people who do not feel compassion for humans either as long as the said humans are of wrong color.

Ah yes, when your argument lacks logic and reason, play the race card. Works every time...:doubt:

I think this lack of compassion towards other living beings is the root cause of widespread violence that we see on this earth.

I don't think you think much at all.

Hmm...crickets. Oh well.

How about you baneco, are you a vegan or something?
The Dalai Lama supports Sea Shepherd

Ah yes, another meat eating hypocrite...

And a bit of a dictator too:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceBCh8EP98Y]Free Tibet: Dalai Lama - Buddhist Dictator and Hypocrite - YouTube[/ame]

So much for your post. Fuck the Dalai Lama.
"US courts" are backing Japan...

US courts are backing law and reason. YOU are indulging in your fear, weakness, and bigotry. You're a pathetic loser.

The law is an ass in many cases.

US court grants Japanese whalers injunction against Sea Shepherd - The Japan Daily Press

In his response, Watson rightly pointed out how complex such a ruling is, seeing as how Sea Shepherd’s fleet is made of ships registered in Australia and the Netherlands. He added that it was surprising a U.S. court could assume jurisdiction over non-U.S. ships when they are in international waters. According to Watson, Japan’s whaling fleet hasn’t yet departed on their hunt yet, instead leaving port and remaining in territorial waters.
The Sea Shepherd captain believes the ships were just waiting for this court order before departing, but the injunction won’t stop the group from standing in the fleet’s way and preventing any whales from being killed.


In my book US court/s have no jurisidiction over Aussie and Dutch ships in international waters.
What are they gonna do, send the US Navy to attack Sea Shepherd?

Attack the Sea Shepherd Aussie icon "Steve Irwin" ship.
That should have an interesting reaction down here.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society :: Sea Shepherd Renames Its Whale Defending Ship the Steve Irwin

Sea Shepherd Renames Its Whale Defending Ship the Steve Irwin

Unveiling of new ship name

Terri Irwin has granted the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society permission to rename its ship currently known as Robert Hunter in honor of her late husband, Steve Irwin. Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of Sea Shepherd and Terri Irwin officially announced the new name for the ship Steve Irwin at a press conference at 12:00 on December 5th at Victoria Docklands in Melbourne, Australia.

Sea Shepherd is proud to partner with Terri Irwin to launch Operation Migaloo as she and Steve have been world renowned for their conservation work. Terri knows that Steve would have been extremely honoured to be acknowledged in this way as he shared Sea Shepherd's passion for saving whales.

Steve Irwin's public memorial service;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee8wUPHwNx8&list=PL73654E8D1ED64BC3]the Steve Irwin Memorial Beerwah Australia Zoo 20-9-2006 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PZOUluzcXM]Bindi Sue speaks at dad Steve Irwin's memorial service - YouTube[/ame]

[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rdyVP95XiE [/ame]
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Former Prime Minister John Howard;

. Huge fan of Steve, Terri, Bindi, and little Robert.
. Mentor of new Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W Bush.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beLagzlhZGg]2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony - Presented by President George W. Bush - YouTube[/ame]

17m 18sec along.
Attack the Sea Shepherd Aussie icon "Steve Irwin" ship.
That should have an interesting reaction down here.

Who gives a shit what the reaction would be 'down there'?

'Washington', I'd say.

Mere courtesy to a harmless little also-ran nation. Nobody really cares what Australia thinks about anything. Just keep your mouths shut and do the "Wee! Look how fun we are! We like barbecue!" thing and the significant nations of the world will make the decisions for you.
Who gives a shit what the reaction would be 'down there'?

'Washington', I'd say.

Mere courtesy to a harmless little also-ran nation. Nobody really cares what Australia thinks about anything. Just keep your mouths shut and do the "Wee! Look how fun we are! We like barbecue!" thing and the significant nations of the world will make the decisions for you.

Nah...no can do...'the convicts' have nothing to lose by fighting! :cool:
'Washington', I'd say.

Mere courtesy to a harmless little also-ran nation. Nobody really cares what Australia thinks about anything. Just keep your mouths shut and do the "Wee! Look how fun we are! We like barbecue!" thing and the significant nations of the world will make the decisions for you.

Nah...no can do...'the convicts' have nothing to lose by fighting! :cool:

"Fighting" :lol: We could send a Boy Scout troop over to conquer your entire nation in an afternoon. "Fighting" :rolleyes:
Mere courtesy to a harmless little also-ran nation. Nobody really cares what Australia thinks about anything. Just keep your mouths shut and do the "Wee! Look how fun we are! We like barbecue!" thing and the significant nations of the world will make the decisions for you.

Nah...no can do...'the convicts' have nothing to lose by fighting! :cool:

"Fighting" :lol: We could send a Boy Scout troop over to conquer your entire nation in an afternoon. "Fighting" :rolleyes:

Our good buddy China might have something to say about that.

Boy scout troup :lol:

You'd need your military, and many would die.

This is exactly why my population should all be armed to the teeth with military weapons, properly trained, a 15 million strong militia.
...and exactly why we should have nuclear weapons.

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