WH Tells Trans Kids To 'Fight Back' After Tn Trans Domestic Terrorist Attack / Trans-Violence

Demofks don't care about children. When will you all learn this?

Children, women, African Americans, Latinos, Vets, Christians, lower / middle class 'deplorables', etc...

Elitist, millionaire, Socialist authoritarian Democrats care about 3 things only:


(...and snowflakes / Dem-apologists, you are nothing more than a 'TOOL' for them acquiring, getting more, and keeping, those, to help them grow richer, more powerful, and have more control over every aspect of people's lives. They would not hesitate to sacrifice / dispatch your ass in a heartbeat if you chose to ipose their afenda / failed policies...but keep telling yourself you are the 'favored ones' because you defend / protect them...)
I want them to wait yet that is a personal decision they are free to pursue if the state believes in liberty

No, it isn't because we have established that certain acts by parents can be mitigated by the government acting on the child's behalf.

CPS's have a habit of over-reaching, but this is one area they should be allowed to intervene. This isn't letting your boy wear dresses, or letting a 10 year old go to the park by themselves, this is the addition of medicines for cosmetic reasons into children.

If this was a fad of parents wanting their kids to have stumps instead of feet, we wouldn't be having this conversation, but because it involves sex everyone gets all weird about it.
I'd call it pro woman and pro parents legislation. as well as child protection legislation.

There is no sane reason to pump a 12 year old full of puberty blockers and hormones unless they have early onset puberty or a hormone deficiency.

The teachers unions and Democrats have already demonstrated they believe parents have no rights, that your kids are THEIR children as soon as you enroll them in school, and what you don't know - what teachers convince kids to hide from you / parents - won't hurt THEM (teachers, groomers, politicians).
No one is hunting down trannies. You left wing lunatics are fucking liars.

Just like you lie about cops hunting down black people. They are not. You are just trying to remove our 2A rights,
The post above yours literally disagrees:
There's going to be a reckoning, and a cleansing.....It simply can't go on as it is now.
LGBTQ need to arm up. You Brownshirts are coming for them.
The teachers unions and Democrats have already demonstrated they believe parents have no rights, that your kids are THEIR children as soon as you enroll them in school, and what you don't know - what teachers convince kids to hide from you / parents - won't hurt THEM (teachers, groomers, politicians).

Parents have no rights when they disagree that thier child is trans.
Parents have all the rights when they agree their child is trans.

Perfect example of woke logic in this matter.
Parents have no rights when they disagree that thier child is trans.
Parents have all the rights when they agree their child is trans.

Perfect example of woke logic in this matter.


Parents have the RIGHT to comply with Democrat agenda and policies.

Parents lose all rights and become 'domestic terrorists' and 'threats' when they refuse to accept and comply.
Do you always judge millions of people by the actions of a few, my, my, here you are extolling the virtues of peer pressure, why I bet you are willing to kill off the innocent to get the guilty.
There you go…flipping everything on its head, and twisting the story….

1. it was the tranny that violently attacked the athlete, so, innocent is a severe stretch.

Do yous yous guys not feel like realz menz unless you can bully a kid or a transgender human?

2. it is the trans community doing the bullying these days.
The thing is they don't see the trans button, they just see the word women in both places.

The only thing saving them on this point right now is big name athletes coming out against this for fear of being canceled, fired, and losing everything they have worked for.

If all women would come out against this insanity, it would disappear.
The only thing saving them on this point right now is big name athletes coming out against this for fear of being canceled, fired, and losing everything they have worked for.

If all women would come out against this insanity, it would disappear.

Women have moved down on the SJW Priority Pity/Power pole.

They will have to work to claw their way back up.
The post above yours literally disagrees:

LGBTQ need to arm up. You Brownshirts are coming for them.

If we weren't coming for them before, we sure are now. You think the trans community would have been apologetic after the last three incidents where trans or non-binary mentally-ill individuals committed mass murders. But no, they and you idiot liberals who keep egging them on don't seem to get it. Most sane and normal Americans have had just about enough of this bullshit.

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