

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
having another vacation, we work tooo hard. so we're going to disney world.

and you get to pay for it..
Why would I assume she was talking about Obama?

I thought willow was taking unemployment checks
Yeah...people are struggling so Disneyworld and Disneland should shut down....may as well close all the Six Flags and all movie theatres, skating rinks and zoos....

What the heck is wrong with the President and the First Family showing the world that despite hard times, we still have good things happening here in the US? Isnt he supposed to be a figurehead of the US for the world?

Jeez....let it go. I hate his poliicies.....but to me, this is a President showing some leadership.....

Or would it be better to have the first family showing the world that they have ripped jeans, holes in their shoes, rotting teeth and dirty underwear?
I think she's talking about Obama, you dumb fuck.

LOL!!! Look who's talking. From the message, who would we think the president was the subject? It reads like a "welfare queen" post and pretty much confirms suspicions! :cool:

Read - in order, posts 1,2, and 3.
If you need it dumbed down more, dumb fuck/can't figure it out, let me know and I'll whip out a crayola and draw you a picture.



Get cracking.
Simple and petty complaints for simple and petty people.

like we didnt know it was coming when the trip was announced?

I actually see it as a good idea. Our travel and tourism industry is struggling severly....and the more the news is about "how hard things are in America" the more people from overseas wont think of the US as a vacation destination.

True or not, we need the world to see that not all is gloomy here in the US.
Obama was eleccted to do a job.

That job came with certain benifits and EVERY president in the past has been given them.


why is it you people dont want THIS president to have teh same benifits others have had?

What about him is different than the other presidents?

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