we're screwed: Kid Rock announces run for senate!

will he keep the name Kid Rock if he wins? "Senator Kid Rock"?

Same with The Rock.

What kind of parents name their kid "The"?

Another one is the big fat guy they used call "refrigerator" or something like that.

But, don't laugh. If some dumb ass jerk liked trumpery can run and win ...

Scary shit, huh?
Like Debbie Stabacow has been so good for Michigan.

I'd take the Kid but my first choice would be our former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Bob Young who's mulling making a run. He's a black solid conservative so among other things it'd give a nice boost to Oreo cookie sales all over the Detroit area.

which foreign government do we think is secretly supporting Kid Rock?

He is more qualified than obama was. At least Kid Rock has had to manage his career....obama just race baited companies in Chicago.
Aided and abetted of course by the decades-long solidly corrupt Daley machine that had iron fist control over the slating of all dimocrat candidates for state office from Cook County and beyond.

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